I'm due the 25th and feeling lots of BH contractions, lower back pain, hip and groin paid and utter exhaustion. Doc says I'm 2 cm and 50%, same as last week... Really hoping I make some progress quickly. Set an induction date for 1/29 if LO doesn't show on his own before then....
DS #1 born 8/3/06, DS #2 born 10/2/08
TTC since 8/13 BFP 11/27/13, EDD: 8/3/14
US 12/9 found 2 Gestational Sacs, MC 12/10/13 6w3d
BFP #4 5/15/14, EDD: 1/25/14, HB 6/4/14 Movement 8/13/14
I'm due the 24th also and feel the exact same as you. Have had no Braxton hicks that I know of. Lower back pain, but that could be from just working all day. I was only checked once, the day after Christmas and I was dilated 1cm and partially effaced. I'm thinking he'll come when he's ready - hopefully between 39 and 41 weeks!
I'm due the 21st. Plenty of BH contractions which have been getting stronger, lots of lower back pain, and crotch pain is unbearable. I was just checked at the drs yesterday and I'm a fingertip dialated. I've been prying everyday for him to come, I'm so uncomfortable.
He plays a game with me too. I'll have some strong regular contractions and then just when I get to the point where I almost think I'm actually in labor he's like "haha mom just kidding" and they stop.
But it is true that you can go from nothing to labor like that. With my first child I was 1 cm at 34 weeks, put on limited activity and stayed at 1 cm until I delivered her two days before my due date. Second child I wasn't dialated at all until I delivered her again two days before my due date. So anything is possible!
I had two gnarly contractions on the 5th, but nothing but BH that feel like period cramps since then. But this little girl keeps head butting my cervix! I am so hoping she'll be here next week, I am due the 23rd.
Guess date is Jan 24 here too. I've been having increasingly frequent and string BH contractions, but other than that I feel pretty normal. I had spontaneous labor with baby #1 at 40w3d, so I'm fully prepared to go 41w+ with this little one, although sometime closer to 40w w would be preferable!
I haven't had any cervical checks and don't want any. My body will do what it's going to in it's own time. I never had any dilation checks with my son until I was 9 cm and almost out of transition.
Good luck ladies! We're almost there :-)
Bethechange you wishtoseeintheworld. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
I'm due January 20th and no dilation, no BH, nothing at all other than the constant back pain I've had throughout my first trimester. Sigh. That celebratory martini feels SO far away...
Due the 24th also, not sure how I am feeling at this point. Monday I am pretty sure I lost my plug. Later that night I had a gush of clear fluid. That later became pink discharge. Got checked out and it was not my water breaking. Was told maybe 1 or 2 cm dilated. Last night I woke up with intense contractions/cramping. Still going on for now, but after the last false alarm I am trying to wait it out and see how it goes. The
I'm due the 22nd, not feeling anything. Baby super high, not dilated. Trying to stay positive but really don't want to go beyond my due date, that would stress me out again, induction was a long process for me last time despite my water breaking... We are alllllmost there....
I'm due 1/25 and I don't feel like she is coming anytime soon I've slowly been loosing my mucus plug. I've been having Braxton hicks for months and lately bad meanstral cramping on and off. She is way low the pressure is uncomfortable and I have soar inner thighs like I've put in a hard work out (which I haven't) and on and off back and hip pain. My hospital does not do cervical checks so I have no clue what's going on. My first was born on her due date and my second was 2 weeks early. I was hoping this one would be early but I'm not thinking that's going to happen. I'm trying so hard to be patient I know they come in their own time but the closer I get the harder it is to keep that patience up. This is the part I hate the most. Everything is set and just waiting and waiting. Hang in there ladies!!
Getting more anxious by the day. I admit the not knowing is honestly the hardest part. I actually really appreciate this thread because it seems like the other ones are all filled with moms with outside babies. Which I love! But am also finding it hard to relate. I feel like I'm constantly getting trolled by LO. I think I'm having contractions. .... nope false alarm, maybe my mucus plug came out..... or maybe its just from cervix exam. ... it's my water leaking or have I lost all control of my bladder and just constantly peeing myself? #FTMPregnancyIssues
Due 1/29 here and feel like I'm 5 mos pregnant. He's still sitting high in my ribs. I have no clue what a BH feels like and I'm certain I'll be pregnant forever. I know everything can change in a moments time and I'm excited by the surprise, but that moment couldn't possibly be soon!
Due jan 21 with babe #4. First two were a few days late, third was six days early. Now due date is creeping up and I'm trying not to stress. I am so anxious though. Just want labour to start!! The not knowing part is the worst.
Getting more anxious by the day. I admit the not knowing is honestly the hardest part. I actually really appreciate this thread because it seems like the other ones are all filled with moms with outside babies. Which I love! But am also finding it hard to relate. I feel like I'm constantly getting trolled by LO. I think I'm having contractions. .... nope false alarm, maybe my mucus plug came out..... or maybe its just from cervix exam. ... it's my water leaking or have I lost all control of my bladder and just constantly peeing myself? #FTMPregnancyIssues
Im an idiot and apparently water broke. Currently admitted and in labor room
Getting more anxious by the day. I admit the not knowing is honestly the hardest part. I actually really appreciate this thread because it seems like the other ones are all filled with moms with outside babies. Which I love! But am also finding it hard to relate. I feel like I'm constantly getting trolled by LO. I think I'm having contractions. .... nope false alarm, maybe my mucus plug came out..... or maybe its just from cervix exam. ... it's my water leaking or have I lost all control of my bladder and just constantly peeing myself? #FTMPregnancyIssues
Im an idiot and apparently water broke. Currently admitted and in labor room
How were you able to end up telling? I've been wondering if mine is leaking recently but I'm so unsure and don't want to go to labor and delivery if it's just pee.
"As long as I live you will live. As long as I live you will be loved."
In my lmp, im due on the 25th. In ultrasound, due on the 19th its tomoro. I'm troubled thinking my baby will be overdue. No signs of labor yet bt i experience back pain and pressure down there. I cant sleep..
If you think your water broke, sit or lay for a bit and get up... If you feel a rush, even small.... Chances are it broke. When mine did it was a very small leak but I was definitely not peeing.
Im due Jan. 26.. Other than sore hips and the occasional foot to my rib cage, I haven't felt or experienced anything close to contractions nor BH (not that I would know, #ftmproblems). I'm also 0/0 on dilation/effacement. Therefore I've just been trying to relax and enjoy the quiet time I have left
This is a great thread to hear other people going through the same things at the same time. I'm due 1/25 and didn't think I was having any BH contractions, but I guess I have- I had fetal monitoring a few days ago which showed I was having contractions and didn't even know it. My doctor also said the menstrual-like cramps I've been feeling can be contractions, too. On Friday I was 1cm 75% effaced; I go back tomorrow and am hoping there was some progress! Hang in there everyone.
Just noticed Tuesday is a full moon....maybe that's the day?? Lol fingers crossed
You mean new moon. The full moon was on the 5th and the next one will be 2/4. That could definitely be the day for some of us here! But I have also been wondering if the new moon will be the day. It would be cool.
dayj11 how are you feeling? 1/25 is a good day : )
what is everyone doing to keep busy and not just super anxious about when baby is coming?! i was ordered modified bed rest, so i won't have work to keep me occupied this week. already getting stir crazy and very very anxious about when everything will happen.
I'm due Jan 23rd and definitely feeling very anxious too! Praying for peace as we wait for our first baby to show up. Glad to see I'm not the only one going cray cray with anxiety!!
@marvan5 yes new moon thank you @rosascol I'm feeling over done right now. I get up at least 5 times each night to pee along with tossing and turning all night trying to get comfortable. I'm trying to take it easy but the waiting is driving me crazy. This is #3 so I'm over being pregnant and just want to hold my little girl already. I'm passing the time by painting rooms in my house and wrapping up my last class for my bachelors degree ahead of time. How are you holding up?
dayj11 how are you feeling? 1/25 is a good day : )
what is everyone doing to keep busy and not just super anxious about when baby is coming?! i was ordered modified bed rest, so i won't have work to keep me occupied this week. already getting stir crazy and very very anxious about when everything will happen.
Dishes & cooking. For some reason any type of cleaning relaxes me lately..
It's the nesting and it's a distraction. At least in getting things done that I haven't made the time far on the painting. That's been nice. Side note I went to a pizza place known for their Prego pizza it was actually really delicious. Anything helps right? Not holding my breath that it will in fact work...
@rosascol I've been working on the nursery (was sick for 4 weeks and had holiday/family birthday events before that for 4 weeks... fell behind!) and keeping up with house work. Oh and sleeping like 10 hours at least when I can
@dayj11 What is on that pizza? My DH works at an amazing pizza restaurant, I'll try and copy it
Due Jan. 25th. Feeling no BH, sitting high, no more heartburn, sleeping better and no signs whatsoever. I feel like he's not going to come out anytime soon! 5 more days to go!
@marvan5 (Our world-famous labor-inducing masterpiece... It really works!!) Salami, Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Olives, Bell Peppers, Extra Onions, Sausage, Ground Beef, Linguisa, Extra Garlic, Parmesan and Oregano
I'm due today and have no labour symptoms whatsoever. I had what appeared to be mucus plug released over the weekend but haven't had any BH contractions throughout my pregnancy. Getting super anxious and just want the baby out!
@dayj11 i was being watch and finally diagnosed with gestational hypertension so they had me come in yesterday to start induction. so far, very slowwwwwwwwww process and they just keep telling me to be patient. trying to stay offline reading people's negative stories with induction but it's hard!
Re: Due Jan 24th
He plays a game with me too. I'll have some strong regular contractions and then just when I get to the point where I almost think I'm actually in labor he's like "haha mom just kidding" and they stop.
But it is true that you can go from nothing to labor like that. With my first child I was 1 cm at 34 weeks, put on limited activity and stayed at 1 cm until I delivered her two days before my due date. Second child I wasn't dialated at all until I delivered her again two days before my due date. So anything is possible!
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
I haven't had any cervical checks and don't want any. My body will do what it's going to in it's own time. I never had any dilation checks with my son until I was 9 cm and almost out of transition.
Good luck ladies! We're almost there :-)
I've slowly been loosing my mucus plug. I've been having Braxton hicks for months and lately bad meanstral cramping on and off. She is way low the pressure is uncomfortable and I have soar inner thighs like I've put in a hard work out (which I haven't) and on and off back and hip pain. My hospital does not do cervical checks so I have no clue what's going on. My first was born on her due date and my second was 2 weeks early. I was hoping this one would be early but I'm not thinking that's going to happen. I'm trying so hard to be patient I know they come in their own time but the closer I get the harder it is to keep that patience up. This is the part I hate the most. Everything is set and just waiting and waiting. Hang in there ladies!!
"As long as I live you will live. As long as I live you will be loved."
BFP#1 3/31/12 EDD 12/1/12,No HB 6/6/12 (14 weeks 4 days), D&C 6/11/12 (15 weeks 2 days)*Arabella Ann*
BFP#2 5/21/14 EDD 1/27/15 *GROW BABY GROW*
Good luck tomorrow. I'm due 1/25 also. My dr didn't make me a 39 week appointment only a 40 to which she said she didn't expect to see me.
@rosascol I'm feeling over done right now. I get up at least 5 times each night to pee along with tossing and turning all night trying to get comfortable. I'm trying to take it easy but the waiting is driving me crazy. This is #3 so I'm over being pregnant and just want to hold my little girl already. I'm passing the time by painting rooms in my house and wrapping up my last class for my bachelors degree ahead of time. How are you holding up?
Side note I went to a pizza place known for their Prego pizza it was actually really delicious. Anything helps right? Not holding my breath that it will in fact work...
(Our world-famous labor-inducing masterpiece... It really works!!) Salami, Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Olives, Bell Peppers, Extra Onions, Sausage, Ground Beef, Linguisa, Extra Garlic, Parmesan and Oregano