January 2015 Moms

Let's talk postpartum vags

Mine hurts, how about yours?

No really, it hurts worse on Day 5 than any day previously. And the burning skin while peeing seems to be getting worse.

I will be calling my doc in the AM, but would love to know how others are faring with recovery. I want to go for a short walk so badly, but it just hurts down there.
************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

Me: 29      DH:  32
Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
Unexplained Infertility
BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


Re: Let's talk postpartum vags

  • The first time I put real jeans on, the pressure on my lady bits was horrible. Then I had a BM last week that made my butt hole hurt worse than my vagina. No joke. Now, that whole area is sick of having pads constantly pressed against it.
  • My bladder is sticking out of my vagina but apparently it's normal. So there's that.
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  • I made hubs look down there when I first discovered the droopy bladder, i feel like I may have scarred him for life!
  • Starting on day 3 I felt pretty much back to normal.

    Dec '12 & Jan '15
    I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love.
  • Mine's just itchy, and a little sore
  • I'm about 40 hours PP, and it's sore and swollen but not too bad. I just had a first degree tear this time (last time was second).

    Last time was definitely worse, and DH said that things were kind of different down there afterwards (sorry if TMI, but I guess he got a closer look at it than I did). Still good, but things just kind of changed and moved around.
  • I'm 5 days removed and feeling well. Not 100% but better.
    Stephanie Ella ~ 6/15/2012
  • If it burns while you pee, try slowly running water (from your spray bottle, or just a regular water bottle) over your vulva while peeing. 
    You can also spread some salve on (I use the EMAB Mama Bottom Balm, coconut oil or the like would work too), make sure you keep it clean.
    Kegels can increase blood flow and decrease the falling out feeling.
    If it just feels like the skin is itchy/tender all the time, it might be hormonal and you can ask your OB about it. I think it can be due to an estrogen imbalance ?
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
  • Almost 2 months here, so no pain. But I did have a bunch in the first two weeks. I'd say that's how long mine lasted. The first week being pretty bad. I had a few stitches and everything burned, itched and was swollen.  But once 2 weeks hit, it got MUCH better for me. 
    (Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
  • Almost a week. Still lots of pressure, though I can almost wipe normally. Most of the bleeding is done, though I noticed after I did some physical activity yesterday (took the dog for a walk), I had more.
  • I forgot to mention padsicles!
    Pour about a tablespoon of water (or witch hazel & aloe vera if you have it) along the center of a pad and freeze. Feels great on a sore vag.
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
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  • Mine hurt worse after 4 or 5 days, too! In fact, the first few days barely hurt at all unless I sat on it. My midwife took a look and said everything was healing well and it was prob a combination of two things: 1) endorphins fading (I had an unmedicated birth) and 2) as the swelling begins to go down, some of the sore places get bumped more easily.

  • Thanks for sharing, everyone! I'm overdue and will be induced next week at latest, so I'm taking notes :) I'm curious about the droopy bladder -- is that a prolapsed bladder, and does it correct itself??
  • So this week, I was lucky enough to discover that I also have a droopy (prolapsed) bladder. My midwife reassured me that a lot of women go back to normal by 6 weeks postpartum. She thinks it's probably related to pushing for so long (3h) with my first and now the added weight and relaxation hormones of pregnancy. Fun times all around.
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 3-4 days out And I feel pretty.good.down there. I didn't have stitches this time. And my.swelling.was.gone by day 2. But at night if I sleep on my side I wake up and have to ice my vag I remember this from last.time. Bleh.
  • I had H check it out yesterday because I was curious how far the stitches extend. His face was priceless. The stitches extend from the vag to the butt hole...

    He went to the store last night to grab a few things and came home with preparation H for me. What a trooper.
  • With the exception of the raging hemorrhoid I have, the skin around my vag is fine! I didn't have stitches this time just a small tear that my midwives said would heal itself, but my pubic bones hurt if I put pressure on them. They almost feel bruised (which I'm sure they are) and it's likely from being shifted to make way for LO's exit! As for Herm the Hemorrhoid, he is being "taken care of" with Witch Hazel and I can't wait for his final departure!!
  • My OB said the droopy/prolapsed bladder is more common in STMs or more because it kind of stretches or relaxes more with each pregnancy/delivery so it's more visible. I only pushed for 20-25 minutes so I'm not sure there's a correlation between labor length and also mine didn't "show up" until maybe a week pp.
  • I used medi honey it soothes and heals the irritating skin worked wonders
  • I finally went back to the OB due to serious pain while urinating. It seems, "You tore a bit, let me put in a few stitches" was code for, "Your vag has a half dozen tiny tears and one slightly bigger tear that I will stitch."

    I was given more pain killers and an estrogen gel to apply to bring more blood flow to the area. I was instructed to do 3x per day sitz baths with Epsom salts and stay off my feet until it heals.

    Owwwwwwwwwwwie I want my vag healed!
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


  • emmyg65 said:

    lexirolle said:

    Trek3 said:

    I forgot to mention padsicles!

    Pour about a tablespoon of water (or witch hazel & aloe vera if you have it) along the center of a pad and freeze. Feels great on a sore vag.
    I would do this but I'm sure my husband would never use the freezer anymore lol

    Your husband wouldn't use the freezer because you put a piece of plastic and paper with water on it in there? That's pretty silly.

    He has this 'thing' about pads, not really sure why but he's never been comfortable with them
  • It has been two weeks and still very painful, Tylenol and ibuprofen atc, I had second degree tears and lots of stitches. I have a sitz bath but like no time to do it lol

    30, DH: 32
    My hx:  uterus/hormones normal Dx: low AMH 0.5 = poor ovarian reserve
    hubby hx: low sperm count, poor motility, started on clomid, retest in May showed no improvement, will be on clomid another 3 months, another retest scheduled for August

    Started IVF #1:  ~BFP Mentioned~
    • ER (Thursday April 17th, 3 precious eggs).
    • April 18th: Received news 2 out of 3 eggs fertilized!
    •  Planned 3dt: Easter day, transferred two 8B embryos and received pictures :)
    • BFP starting 8dp3dt 5/1 Beta #1: 87, 5/3 Beta #2 206 
    • 5/19 Heartbeat 123bpm
    • EDD 1/8/15

  • 4 days PP - I felt my vag in the shower this morning as I was washing myself, and it's kind of scary how swollen it is around the place where I got stitches. I remember this when I had DS, and I know the swelling will go down, but yikes!
  • Anyone else with experience with 4th degree tears? I think my body is healing pretty well for what it's gone through, but Google searching any information is the scariest thing ever.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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