Top was taken at 6w5d and the bottom is 12w but babe measured 12w1d. I am SO happy. Little bugger had an awesome NT measurement of 1.0mm and now we're anxiously awaiting the bloodwork.
Me: 24 years old
2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
May 2014: blood work, all good
June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p
July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
Feb 2015: It's a boy!
EDD: July 30, 2015
Re: AW: NT Scan.. I just have to..
BFP: 04/03/2014 EDD: 12/15/2014 HB: 04/30/14 (75bpm) MC: 5/2/2014 (natural)
Had mine today too and the little munchkin had the hiccups, which was cute to watch. Here's my LO at stretched out just relaxing