July 2015 Moms

AW: NT Scan.. I just have to..

Top was taken at 6w5d and the bottom is 12w but babe measured 12w1d. I am SO happy. Little bugger had an awesome NT measurement of 1.0mm and now we're anxiously awaiting the bloodwork. 
Me: 24 years old
2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
May 2014: blood work, all good
June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p 
July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
Feb 2015: It's a boy!
EDD: July 30, 2015

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: AW: NT Scan.. I just have to..

  • Congrats! That's exciting :)
                              Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicphoto r0614p_zpsojhlssmw.gif
                            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • Yay fun!  Congrats!!
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
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  • Congrats! It's crazy how fast baby grows!
  • Yay! Congrats!
    1/19/15 - Officially Team Blue! 
    "Victory is paid for in sweat, courage, and preparation!"
  • Congrats!

    BFP: 04/03/2014  EDD: 12/15/2014  HB: 04/30/14 (75bpm) MC: 5/2/2014 (natural)


    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Nice! My NT scan is tomorrow morning, to say I am nervous is an understatement!
  • @katechristine18 I probably spent the last 24 hours crying I was SO nervous for today. And unfortunately there's nothing that's going to be as reassuring as seeing that little heart flutter on the screen. Best wishes for tomorrow!
    Me: 24 years old
    2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
    2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
    Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
    April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
    May 2014: blood work, all good
    June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p 
    July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
    Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
    Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
    Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
    Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
    Feb 2015: It's a boy!
    EDD: July 30, 2015

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Aw! Great shot :) so exciting to see them moving around in there, isn't it?
    Had mine today too and the little munchkin had the hiccups, which was cute to watch. Here's my LO at stretched out just relaxing :smile:
  • Little nuggets with their faces and hands and stuff. I don't think I was prepared for it to look so much like a baby so quickly. Crazy.
  • Congrats!!! I have my scan tomorrow. So happy it went well for you!
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