January 2015 Moms

Birth bloopers

I don't know if a thread like this has been shared, but maybe there will be more as more of us have our babies -

Share funny or embarrassing stories that happened during labor!

For me, there were a bunch of nurses in the room, and I am pretty particular about people touching me and especially touching my butt. I don't like it. I was laying on my side and pushing, and I could feel a nurse kind of pushing/pulling on my butt area. I was minutes from giving birth and being kind of rude (sorry, nurses!), and I said, "What are you doing, and could you stop please?" and she said, "Well, you pooped, so I'm trying to hold the poop so it won't get on you." She said she also cleaned me up and pushed the hemorrhoids back in a little. Bless her!

Any funny moments from your L&D experience?

Re: Birth bloopers

  • Hi I'm lurking form F15 trying to get an idea of what to expect and this post is truly terrifying !!! LOL
    This was my worst fear during labour but the midwife at birth class told me it happens to the majority of women during the pushing stage and that we won't know about it!
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  • Baby #1: He peed on me as the doctor was handing him up to me to hold for the first time.  Then my placenta was not coming out, so doc reached his hand up in and yanked.  Blood splashed EVERYWHERE, all over husband's clothes, ceiling, everything!

    Baby #2: My water broke as I swung my leg over the bed to sit up and get my epidural.  The nurse didn't even notice at first, I had to warn her so she didn't slip in the puddle!
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  • With DD1, my water broke while I was laboring in the tub at the hospital. It was like a geyser exploded in there. Sorry, housekeeping!
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Lurking from F15 and these stories are awesome! 


    TTC 10+ | Stage 4 Endometriosis

    3 Laparscopy's

    BFP - 06.15.2014

    EDD - 02.16.2015

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  • I had a RCS. After the spinal block and all the meds....I started to feel really nauseous when they started stitching me up again. So i warned whoever would listen that I was going to vomit. They brought me a little vomit bowl type thing and put it next to my face. Cool. Except they has just destroyed my stomach muscles with the spinal and surgery, so I could not actually build up the pressure to hurl. Awesome. Eventually a nurse had to start putting pressure on my abdomen to help me clear my gut of all its contents. While the whole room full of people stood watching.

    Such a dignified experience. I find it funny now but at the time - not so much!
  • During my c section I got meds to help with nausea. Went back got my spinal and they laid me down. I said I'm going to throw up. The anastesiologist? had a bowl near my head as he was putting more fluids and meds into my ivs. He needed 3 bowls as I kept vomiting.
    It's weird to throw up when you don't have control of your body.
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