I'm about to be 14 weeks pregnant and started my pregnancy very underweight (100 lbs ) I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and chronic migraines. Due to my meds it caused me to from 140 to 100 lbs in a year. We stopped the meds causing me to loose drastic weight as soon as we found out I was pregnant. However, I am struggling to eat. I have been diagnosed with hypermesis and when I am hungry I eat but more often then not it comes back up.
Has anyone had any luck supplementing with a small protein type shake in between "meals"? I am nervous about gaining an excess of "fat" and want to gain healthy weight. I was thinking this may be a safe bet.
Ideas, tips, opinions?
Thanks ladies
Re: Zero Appetite
Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
Elsie - 07/08/2015
I think that's what I'll do, keep some ensure or something around. From 5 am to 11 am is the worst and anything quick but efficient will help!
Thank you