July 2015 Moms

Wednesday Wishes

If you had one wish what would it be?
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Wednesday Wishes

  • I wish I felt like getting out of bed. This is day 2 of a debilitating headache and I'm thinking it stems from an ear infection.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I wish that the hostility between members would fade a little bit. I know there is a lot going on, and I'm still new around here... But it makes me sad seeing a lot of people argue like they have been.

    I wish they would schedule my next u/s soon! I'm so excited to know the gender of the baby!

    I really hope your headache goes away, they are the worst.

    photo Studio_Ghibli_Banner_by_Tony1722.jpg

    CafeMom Tickers
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  • @kalix87‌ Thanks! Me too.

    Hopefully you'll get your appt scheduled! I can't wait either.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I wish like the above poster does that people would argue less and quit trying to make a mountain out of every mole hill. I wish the people who jump at the chance to stir the pot in every conversation, would just leave the board. I've never been hostile on here and regardless, those few find a way to twist and read into everything in a negative way! BE NICE PEOPLE! Sheesh!!

    I also wish that I had more energy to exercise! Had so much fatigue this pregnancy. Probably because I'm nearly ten years older from my last pregnancy :)



    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

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