Not terribly experienced, only got a week of nursing under my belt, but I gave DD a pacifier from the start. I don't think it's causing any confusing (I could be wrong) because she spits pretty much everything out if she doesn't want it. I have a very particular girl!
like the correlation of pacifier use and reduced risk of SIDS although I believe that breastfeeding is also a reduced risk of SIDS. But you can't reduce the risk too much, right?
We also had a discussion about this about a week ago and there were lots of really good responses. It was kind of hard to find so I linked for you below.
We gave our son a paci from the start and I also had to supplement. So he had breast, bottle, and paci. Never had any problems whatsoever. But he could have just been a laid back baby?
This LO will also get a paci from the get go as well. I'm having an RCS Friday so I can let you know how it goes with this one pretty soon.
Breastfed both my girls. We gave them a pacifier within the first week. It did not interfere at all with nursing. Both of them nursed until close to a year. Reason we weaned was because I was still working and could not keep up with the pump and their milk consumption. It gave me a break because I was not going to be a human pacifier especially in those early days when all they seemed to want to do was nurse or suck. I still made sure they were getting feedings every 2-3 hours, but if they were fussy in between we would offer the pacifier.
We gave it to DS1 from the beginning, and it never interfered at all. DS2 refused the paci, and we really tried to get him to take it when he was a few weeks old! (Same kiddo who never took a bottle. Ever.) We haven't offered DD paci yet, and I don't know yet if we will.
My son got a paci when he was a few days old because he was in the NICU and they gave it to him. We had many issues with nursing, but I don't think the paci caused any of our problems. I ended up nursing him until 13 months.
I was curious about this for my new LO so asked the pedi the other day at her appt. (Our pedi is also a lactation consultant and basically breastfeeding guru). Anyway, she said it was fine to go ahead and introduce one now. She just recommends only using the Soothies brand ones. She doesn't want me using any other kind.
My daughter never took a pacifier, and we don't plan on this one taking one either. She just was not interested in it. Only wanted the "boob" haha
This exactly with ds, he would just spit it out. Believe me I would have loved to have a break but it just wasn't meant to be. It will be interesting to see how it goes with this baby. Ds nursed until I weaned him at 2.5 because I was concerned about current baby and breastfeeding in the third trimester.
We offered the pacifier when LO came home from the hospital. Not she can't sleep without it and wakes when it falls out of her mouth. I think today I'm going to try to restrict it in hopes she will get used to sleeping without it. Thoughts? Wish me luck!
Gave all 4 of my babies paci's the first night in the hospital. Nursed all of them until 1yr (DD is only 20 days old, but the plan is the same for her). Never had an issue with BF'ing.
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With my older daughter we gave it the day we left the hospital. The hospital actually gave it to us because she was screaming her head off when we put her in the car seat. I don't think it caused any confusion, she nursed for a good 10 months. We have the soothie pacifiers provided by the hospital and that is the only kind she ever liked...
I'm still in the hospital, today he's 3 days old and my lactation consultant introduced the paci today because he's using me as a paci and my nipples r splitting... I was told always try n nurse first, if it seems like he's just sucking, not eating, transfer to the paci. He'll let me know if thats not what he wants. He also only keeps it for a few minutes before he spits it out n falls asleep (at least so far).. hope that helps :-) GL
My son wouldn't nurse when he was first born and ended up in the NICU for respitory distress. They gave him a soothie brand paci there and I was very upset. Being first time mom I was panicked that he would never nurse. Long story short, he wasn't interested in the paci and successfully nursed once his health was better. I weaned him at 18 months and he is still boob obsessed at 25 months.
Re: Experienced nursing Moms.. When did you offer pacifier?
like the correlation of pacifier use and reduced risk of SIDS although I believe that breastfeeding is also a reduced risk of SIDS. But you can't reduce the risk too much, right?
We use a gumdrop but have tried a MAM.
This LO will also get a paci from the get go as well. I'm having an RCS Friday so I can let you know how it goes with this one pretty soon.
BFP #2 7/13/2011 ~ EDD 3/16/2012 ~Aubree Olivia (9lbs 1oz, 21 inches) 3/15/2012 VBAC (39w6d)
BFP #3 5/15/2014 ~ EDD 1/16/2015~Addison Isabelle (9lbs, 0oz, 21 inches) 1/25/2015 2VBAC (41w2d)
BFP #4 7/20/2016 ~ EDD 3/25/2017 ~ Malachi Mathew (10lbs 0oz, 22 inches) 4/4/2017 emergency csection (41w3d)
We haven't offered DD paci yet, and I don't know yet if we will.
I was curious about this for my new LO so asked the pedi the other day at her appt. (Our pedi is also a lactation consultant and basically breastfeeding guru). Anyway, she said it was fine to go ahead and introduce one now. She just recommends only using the Soothies brand ones. She doesn't want me using any other kind.
"Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12
"Nole" stopped growing at 7w3d D&E 2/11/13
Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor V Leiden on 4/3/13
Due with RAINBOW GIRL 2/10/15