They changed the guidelines for what is proper to post here and it has upset some people (though they claim to only be upset because some people were banned without the board's permission). Anyway, the new guidelines now pretty much say you cannot personally insult someone directly OR indirectly. As this board is notorious for making fun of people; the new guidelines are hitting them hard. Also, they are trying to help me end constipation.
Ummm, interesting what people are willing to take a stand on it when it has to do completely with their self. People need to be more like this for things that actually matter in the world, to help people who are in need instead of ourselves.
Well i personally think its funny that everyone had to post their own thread yet if someone accidentally post a thread that happened to have already beem started, they get flamed. Good for the new rules!
Ha. Im glad that made sense to you. The other day I posted (my first and probably my last) and got flamed. Kinda annoyed me but oh well! it just made me laugh when i came on to see all the same posts.
At the end of the day, The Bump is a for-profit business, and it made a smart business decision to strengthen and enforce its community guidelines due to the negative feedback it was getting in app stores and on similar/competitors' forums. The same can be expected of any business when it encounters a group of customers whose behavior damages its reputation. You cannot go into a restaurant and harass the staff or behave loudly and rudely on the premises without being asked to leave (and potentially banned). This is no different. I cannot wrap my mind around how any of this is worthy of complaint.
I'm glad I found this post because I've been gone for a few weeks and was so damn confused when I came back ! So is it any post that contained 'rudeness' that got blocked ? Because I'm not able to view like any of the boards for some reason. Who all got banned ?? If someone can maybe PM me so it doesn't get anyone else in trouble I would love to hear what the heck has been going on. I'm so lost now
Re: What is going on?
Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
Elsie - 07/08/2015