July 2015 Moms

24 hours of support

not silence , you all complain that the boards are filled with repeat questions and similar discussions but all of you post the same thing? This can't be that big of a deal to you guys I mean really ..? Your all grown women ? Act like it . It's protection from online bullying it doesn't mean people can't still have opinions and disagreements .

Re: 24 hours of support

  • It's treating us like kids, and not adults.  It's banning people for having opinions, and not banning those that blatantly violate their new "guidelines".  Adults don't just sit back and let people change the things the love, they do something about it. 
  • It's banning people for using innaproprite launage and innaproprite gif's directed towards people in a hateful manor .
  • Loading the player...
  • And we can still use gifs
                              Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicphoto r0614p_zpsojhlssmw.gif
                            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • @ahsile10‌, you're killing me!!

    imagePregnancy Ticker

  • I thought bullying was only for children. I didn't know adults could get bullied I guess you learn something new everyday.
  • I could have used the one with the full lyric, but I decided to go easy on it today. It's Friday...

    image  image image

  • I wish everyone can just get over it! Sounds like this whole episode influenced users more than it should.
  • MackalackMackalack member
    edited January 2015
    It's banning people for using innaproprite launage and innaproprite gif's directed towards people in a hateful manor .
    Ok, I'll play.

    No, it's not for that.  It's for banning people without warning who were NOT using inappropriate language or inappropriate gifts.  People who give great advice, are shoulders to cry on as needed, and are the ones next to you throwing confetti as the great things happen.  

    If your friends that you see on a daily/weekly basis were being wrongfully accused of something, would you sit back and not stand up for them?  I bet you would do whatever you could to show solidarity.
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
    image image
    Pregnancy Ticker


  • The Bump decided we have new rules and because we feel your OLD behavior doesn't follow NEW rules you are banned without giving examples. Instead they should have said new rules clean slate and given warnings and then banned. It's fine if they want to change rules it's their site, but they need to follow their own rules.
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