July 2015 Moms

Feeling baby move...

I'm 16 weeks today. I've heard a mix of people say they felt their baby at 16 weeks. Anyone else? I haven't felt my baby move, yet. Can't wait! Just wanting to live through others joys. :)

Re: Feeling baby move...

  • With my first I think it was around 16 weeks and this time I felt some movement at 12. Everyone is different and it can depend on where the placenta is. A friend had the placenta at the front and didn't feel much until later in pregnancy.
  • They say you start to feel around 18-22 weeks, but everyone is different. I am 15 weeks on Friday and haven't felt anything (still way too early for me). BUT the good news is your baby can hear you at 16 weeks! :)
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  • This is my second pregnancy and I've been feeling baby pretty regularly for about a week now, I'll be 16 weeks Friday. They say you notice the movement earlier with subsequent pregnancies because you know what to look for and your stomach muscles aren't what they used to be. Should be any time for you now Op! It feels like a little fish flopping around, it's a pretty neat feeling :)
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