and zero reaction. MIL smiled and said "that's nice", and that's all we got. Happened 3 days ago and hasn't been brought up since.
I'm not super close with them, but we get along really well and we make a point to take vacation w them yearly--they live in Asia, so we meet them halfway. I brought it up with my husband, and he was surprised and disappointed at their reaction as well.
It's their first grandchild, so we thought they would be ecstatic. Now I just feel awkward, and we have an entire wk here. Any one else get this kind of reaction? Any clue why they would be acting like this?
Re: On vaca w the inlaws & announced.....
My SILs parents had a similar type reaction and they are Chinese.
If you're looking around wondering where everyone is, PM me.
Kade Wayne born July 23, 2015
MC in February 2017
MC in November 2017
Oliver Dean (Ollie) due December 17, 2018
This was my first thought.
Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015
Sorry that they didn't have the reaction you were expecting. I'd be a little bummed too.
Are they typically low-key people? Some people just don't display emotion or excitement outwardly.
I bet it is a cultural thing, as PPs have mentioned. Not that they're not excited, but more about not showing emotions as much....hopefully they'll show more soon and at least talk about it and ask questions!
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
Glad you can call your parents for a boost! I'd need it too
EDD 7/13/2015
Ultra Sound 12/2 @ 8+1 measuring 8+4
By the way if it makes you feel any better when I told my mom I was pregnant with my first she told me to get an abortion. I was 24 and married, so that was not the response I anticipated either.
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
Hopefully with time they realize what a blessing you two have been given and how amazing a baby will be for all of your family.
EDD 7/13/2015
Ultra Sound 12/2 @ 8+1 measuring 8+4
Then with our second they didn't understand why we had them so close - which wasn't even close!! 2.5 yrs apart!!
Now with this one we called each of them seperately because they weren't both home and they BOTH asked "oh was this planned".
Like HELLO.....could you for once just say "yay congratulations!!!" ??????
My in laws and I don't really get along though. They try to control things still since my husband is their only child and I am not ok with that!!
I going to be that mil??? How does that happen???