July 2015 Moms

Techy help

I so not good at tech stuff. I'm trying to add my new ticker and I'm just lost. Any advice would be helpful, all I have is my iPad or iPhone though. TIA
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Techy help

  • I'm guessing you want a ticker for your pregnancy?

    I used this one:


    Once you click "generate code" copy the html one. Then up near the top right of the page you'll see a little person icon (if you hover over it, it says "account preferences"). Click on that, and then on the left you'll have options like "notification preferences" "ignore list", etc. Choose "Signature Settings."

    In bold you'll see "Signature code" and a text box. To the top right, there will be an icon that looks like a white piece of paper with this symbol <> (in red). Click that and paste the code there. Clicking that icon again will let you preview it, and move it around if you need to. Then click save.

    I've only done this on computer though, so I don't know how it's different.

    Me: 33  DH: 32
    Married: 5/19/2006
    Hashimoto's Disease dx 9/2013
    BFP#1: 5/23/14 EDD: 1/16/15 pPROM: 7/31/14 (15w6d) D&C: 8/10/14 (17w2d - possible IC)
    BFP#2: 11/8/14 EDD: 7/17/15

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersBabyFruit Ticker  Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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