July 2015 Moms

Movement then no movement?

This is my second pregnancy, but with my first I felt nothing until about 21-22 weeks. I'm 14 weeks now and for at least 10 days I've been feeling only a few movements a day, very very light but definitely baby... I know it is not just gas. But now for a couple days I haven't felt anything. Ive heard that's normal, but it still freaks me out. Any other moms have the same experience? Or at least heard that it's normal to not feel anything for a few days when it's this early?

Re: Movement then no movement?

  • Use the search bar. There's been lots of posts about this, I'm sure you'll find your answers there :)
    But yes I've heard it is very normal especially this early on. Don't freak out too much.
  • I just read about this in my pregnancy book. It said it was totally normal.
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  • Ok thanks! I actually just found the search bar after posting this! But thank you again!
  • babyE2015babyE2015 member
    edited January 2015
    It is completely normal! I first felt baby move around 13 weeks (this is my second pregnancy), and haven't felt baby in about a week. I was at the dr for my headaches and they listened- still a heartbeat in there!! I hope that helps relieve a little anxiety!
  • It does!! Thank you! :)
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