July 2015 Moms

Help! Negative Verifi but unclear ultrasound...

Hi everyone, 

So we had the Verifi test done at 10 weeks to test for birth defects amongst other things. That test thankfully came back negative which we were so excited about. I went in today for my nuchal translucency scan at 13 weeks 2 days and they saw that it was slightly thickened (measuring 3.0), but the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck which can cause a false reading. They said the measurements around the cord were normal, but they couldn't be sure. I am absolutely freaking out although I know I should try to stay positive. Has anyone else had this happen? They want me to come back at 16 weeks so they can do a further scan of the heart. Any insight would be so appreciated. We are just so sad to have this outcome after such a happy blood test...
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Re: Help! Negative Verifi but unclear ultrasound...

  • According to my doctor, in our practice an "unclear" or "worrisome" NT scan would be followed up by a Verifi screening (or Panorama or something similar) before moving onto Amnio or CVS. So I take that to mean that the blood panel is more accurate than the NT scan. I'd trust the Verifi, but obviously talk more with your doctor about what this means.

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  • Additionally, it is my understanding that 13+ weeks would be on the later side to have an NT scan. My doctor wanted me to come in right at 12 weeks. It could be slightly larger just because the baby is bigger. According to a study in "what to expect" week 11 scans are the most accurate. I would trust the blood test and try not to worry - the scan has so many factors that can produce unclear results or a false positive.
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  • I would rely more on the Verify results than the u/s.  Blood tests are much more accurate than u/s are, and u/s have much higher false positive rates.  If the cord was around the neck, I would discount the u/s results because that would be adding a measurement there that isn't an actual measurement.
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  • I would give more weight to the Verify results.  I know it is hard, but try not to worry.  As PP have said, the cord and the fact that you are 13 weeks could have impacted to measurements. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Personally I think there is no reason to panic. It could totally be a cord. I would stick with the first exam for now, which had definite positive results, than a secon exam which was basically inconclusive.
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  • Thank you guys for the reassuring words. I do feel like I shouldn't panic, especially because of the cord. Now I'm a little upset that they even took that reading. Everything I have been looking at today said that they should not consider a reading when a nuchal cord is involved. They also saw a strong nasal bridge and lots of opening and closing of the hands which I guess is a good sign. It says that the Verifi test is 99.8% accurate, so does that mean with a negative result that the baby definitely doesn't have these disorders? The doctors seemed more concerned about heart defects and other birth defects because of that negative test...
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • FWIW, the specialists doing my NT said a bad measurement was 3.5mm or more. I would put your faith in the blood test, especially since you did the NT at the later end of the testing window. And no, the blood test is a screening test, not diagnostic, so the 99.5% accuracy means it will detect 99.5% of Trisomy 21 or whatever else it tested for. At least that's what my genetic counselor kept stressing, it's not a guarantee but it will catch the vast majority of cases.
  • They do the blood test because the scan often gives false positives. Trust the blood work.
  • I don't think that your measurement is too concerning, but the blood test is looking at chromosomal abnormalities and sometimes a thicker NT result can also indicate a heart issue that a blood test can't detect. Most likely everything is ok and the the chord messed with the measurement, and I'm crossing my fingers that's the case for you, but it's good they are following up with the heart too.

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