Either I'm weird, or I didn't find anything on this because it's early. So maybe this is because I know some seriously hippie people, but my boss's wife said that eating the placenta after you give birth can help prevent (or lessen) things like postpartum depression - which I happen to be at high risk. While SHE has done the whole "cool, put it in the freezer for now and we'll make lasagna with it later!" I know you can also get pills.
The idea super grosses me out, but if she's right I'm thinking it might be worth it? I'm going to ask OB, but this might be a little too nontraditional for a Southern woman. Has anyone heard anything about this or know anyone who's done it? Does it belong among crystals and essences or is this a hippie thing that works but hasn't been accepted because most people (including myself) get a bit skeeved out at the idea?
Hopefully none of you have a "Crying Game" moment after reading this post
Re: Yummy placenta? (Yup this is kinda gross)
Eta: I doubt your ob would have any information on this, look for midwives or doulas in your area though who might
I think I'll look into it. @mamamads Is this something that you can opt for no matter where you give birth?
Don't think I need to do any more research! I think I might need to go have that moment myself....if only I could find that Boy George song...
Also anyone who is doing the capsules its recommended to not do the Chinese method were they mix it with herbs because if you react badly to the herbs your whole batch is basically garbage. You want them as pure as possible, most offer two different methods.
Edited to clarify