Looking for a baby girl name to go with her sister, Carolyn Marie (both family names). Really needing help with a first/middle name combinations. I would like to avoid highly popular names as first name. Last name starts with L.
Bonus if can use family names or variations of them. Family names include Flora, Joye, June, Arleen, Dawn, Clarinda, Janice, Dian, Charlotte, Olive, Mary, Jessie, and Katherine.
Thank you!
ETA - I would really love to use Arleen or Janice in some way as they have the most meaning but really struggling to incorporate them.
Re: Baby Girl Name
Charlene (Arleen and Charlotte)
Maureen (Mary and Arleen)
I also just really like Charlotte Joye (not big on the "e" at the end though)
Diana Mary
Diana Marie
Diana Jane
Diana Joy
Diana June
Fiona joy.
Ariana Kate.
Carlene Janice.
Ida Faye.
Janice Arleen?
Call her Janie. People like different names... what one finds unattractive, someone might love.
If you don't want either for a first name...
Flora Janice
Katherine Arleen