July 2015 Moms

Sunday Symptoms

Let's hear it, ladies....

Re: Sunday Symptoms

  • Today just nausea and headaches. Slowly approaching Week 14 and I'm hoping this nausea disappears. I'm also very exhausted and less hungry.
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  • Feeling pretty good at 13 weeks. Just know I'm going to be tired because I've been awake since 5:30 :(

    I also finally went poop and it HURT! Ouch!
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  • @SlurpeeLove‌ I liked your post only because I'm in the exact same boat, but add a sick 3 year old and a head cold myself to the mix. Between the coughing, stuffiness, headache, peeing, DH snoring I feel like I will never catch up on sleep!! Miserable and just want my energy back! At 14 weeks 4 days I'm wondering when that will finally happen!
    Married DH 6.6.09
    BFP#1 6.12.10 EDD 2.20.11 MMC 8.10.10 D&C 8.11.10
    BFP#2 7.17.11 EDD 3.11.12 DS Born 3.17.12
    BFP#3 10.30.14 EDD 7.10.14 

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  • 12 wks today and sore, swollen boobs came back with a vengeance. I couldn't even roll out of bed they hurt so bad. Guess I shouldn't have worried that they weren't hurting. Beyond tired and hoping I'll be okay to get my workout in which I've neglected since Christmas. DH made plans to go visit friends without discussing it with me and all I want to do is stay in bed and do nothing. So irritable and moody the past few days. NT scan is tomorrow and I know that it's adding to the stress/anxiety. Hope you all feel better and have a good Sunday.
  • I up, got sick while getting my self a glass of ice water. Came back to bed trying to lay down and sleep and between my DH snoring, so is one of our cats!!! DH snores then the cat and it keeps going :/
  • Headache again and stuffy, colds are no fun when pregnant. Feeling pretty good lately: less nausea, hungry, less soreness in boobs, and my face seems to be clearing up.
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  • Choked on mucus and vomitted. Woo fun way to start the day. At least I feel better now!
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  • The congestion every night is so obnoxious. I can't sleep through the night because I can't breathe through my nose. My mouth gets all dried out and I wake up. If it is this bad over the winter, I'm scared about what the spring allergies will bring.
    Our last sunset in Hawaii... Honeymoon 2010
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    Michelle & Michael

    Married - August '10
    TTC - Since September 2011
    IUI - 10/29/2014, BFP! EDD: 7/22/2015
  • I went to sleep with a headache and still had it when I woke up. I've never been thirstier in my life even though I drink a hundred cups of water a day. And this 3 am nausea has got to go!
  • Stupid insomnia every night from 3-5am. And then DS wakes us up at 7. Sigh...
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  • The nightmares are starting to get to me :/ I've always had really vivid dreams while PG, but this time around it's full out nightmares where I wake up screaming. I had 2 last night and after one of them I really had to get up to pee but was so freaked out I had to force myself to get out of bed. Not cool!
    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • Dreams are my biggest issue right now. I sat straight up in bed last night because I swore someone was walking in the hallway. Once I finally got back to sleep I woke up yelling JUST LEAVE because someone was stalking me in my dream.

    The night before I was a detective dressed as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. Complete with ruby red sparkly nail polish to match my shoes.

    I'm also getting the night time congestion. It's so annoying.
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  • Rose0825Rose0825 member
    edited January 2015
    Stretch out and aching is how my lower abdomen feels. Hungry always and I still love sleep. I can actually push pass threw fatigue and get things done now though. My face is breaking out thought I lucked out this time around guess not. :-<
  • So hungry it should not be legal. Last night at a party I felt like a pig devouring everything around me, and even flat out asking the hostess to get me something sweet, like a chocolate etc lol. My UTI seeps to be getting better, although I still have some symptoms. I am super exhausted, and can't wait for a nap already, even though I just woke up two hours ago. I fart so badly. DH wakes up daily now, claiming there has to be something wrong with our plumbing system, and I just keep reminding him, that it is my plumbing system that has farting issues lol.
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                Our Rainbow Baby 
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          Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
    TTC ---> since the wedding night
    Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
    Clomid and trigger shot regimen
    BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
    IVF - 2 day6 frozen embryos transferred 11/5/14, 9 frozen babies
    BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015

  • So thirsty and so tired. Boobs feel bigger and more sore. I still almost always have an upset stomach. Just blah.. oh and more emotional. I was playing a Beauty and the Beast song for DD earlier and I teared up. So strange...
  • Hit 11 weeks Thursday and was starting to feel a lot better so I skipped my ms pills last night. Big mistake. Been throwing up all day. Luckily it's Sunday and I'm curled up in bed, hoping to sleep it off then off to my parents for homemade turkey soup. Hope my stomach settles enough by then.

    Also I was relieved to be reading thirsty as a symptom, I have been SO thirsty lately but I was worried it was because I was lacking something. Good to know but the having to pee every hour is driving me nuts. It feels like LO is right on my bladder.
    Me: 24 years old
    2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
    2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
    Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
    April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
    May 2014: blood work, all good
    June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p 
    July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
    Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
    Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
    Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
    Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
    Feb 2015: It's a boy!
    EDD: July 30, 2015

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  • caligirl2015caligirl2015 member
    edited January 2015
    Peeing all the time, always hungry and tired :/
  • Nausea, sore boobs, insomnia, and nighttime congestion.
  • Heartburn sore boobs and a little sore head and I'll be 12 weeks on Tuesday
  • 14 weeks today, same here with the congestion. I thought I was getting a cold two weeks ago but no other symptoms of a cold so I guess it's just a symptom. Blowing my nose and almost every time there is a little bit of blood. Anyone else have this? Super tired and thirsty as well. I can feel my stomache getting harder very low ! It's such a cool feeling!
  • It feels like a fucking roller coaster. Part of the day I feel fine, have decent energy and mood, then something happens.

    I've been having stomach pains and I don't know what it is. Could be bloating, indigestion, round ligament whatever. They come and go but sometimes last for hours and are quite uncomfortable.

    Had some minor spotting yesterday after DH and I had sex, 1st time it's made me spot. Then randomly this morning my chest started hurting and I had to lay down. I feel useless bc all I do is sleep in the weekends. Have very little time feeling good.
    Me: 27 DH: 33
    Married 5/2012
    BFP 11/17/2014


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  • Insomnia, night congestion, so so thirsty and I think my nausea is starting to come back after a solid week and a half without it ! Ugh. 12 weeks on weds !
  • chrissy21825chrissy21825 member
    edited January 2015
    Ugh heartburn, bad heartburn :(
  • Super emotional!
  • Ugh. Vomiting. The only food I can keep down is goldfish crackers.
  • I still have all day morning sickness. I have had a head ache everyday for the last 2 weeks. I need to get my eyes checked but no eye Dr will see me til 3 months after baby comes. :(
  • Felt pretty good today... Thank goodness other than a slight head ache, even went out for dinner for the first time in months and ate LOL.... However I sneezed as we were walking into our house and peed LOL... Oh the joys of motherhood LOL
  • Definitely started spotting today and it's scaring the crap out of me. It's nothing major, but I'm still worried.
  • Im having nosebleeds too! I thought i was crazy 8-}
  • I feel like my symptoms are getting stronger. I'm always nauseous and exhausted and Omg the constipation! I'm just about 12 weeks so I'm hoping just a couple more weeks. Also woke up with a uti. Yay me
  • Some morning sickness today and another migraine tonight. I went from having one or two a year before I was pregnant to now my third one in three weeks. My OB is having me see a specialist to see what I can do while pregnant. I'm just praying that they don't continue like this through the rest of pregnancy. My migraines are severe (speech problems, arm numbness, vision issues, light and sound sensitivity) so it's annoying and scary to have them so often now.
  • I am such a lazy human being .... and do not care. I am typically 100 miles a minuet. I feel so far from myself! I have no energy, dry mouth, back pain, killer headaches and nausea. I just want to cry. I can't stand being so slowed down. So much to get done .... No energy to do it!
  • Lots of lower back pain!  An a dull head ache all day :( 
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