January 2015 Moms

She's Here! Can't believe it :)

Team green was so worth the wait in that delivery room!!

Baby Lucie arrived at 39w1d on January 6th weighing 7lbs1oz :) FTM and all I can say regarding delivery is thank goodness for epidurals haha.

She is such a joy and the emotions I feel are so immense. I have experienced a bit of anxiety since we've been home, but nothing more than the usual new mommy worries.

I haven't been too active on the bump in the later months but this page has been a godsent for earlier in my pregnancy as I'm sure it will continue to be in my new journey in motherhood, y'all are awesome :)

Here's my beauty!! (As always just as my hdbd photos, please rotate)
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: She's Here! Can't believe it :)

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