July 2015 Moms

Belly support / belly band

I'm 12 weeks but I feel like I would really benefit from extra support, especially during activity. Does anyone have a recommendation on brand?

Re: Belly support / belly band

  • I bought the one from target and I believe I paid $16 for it and I love it. Works great especially when I want to wear jeans!
  • I have the same one as @082993‌ but I had target price match it to their online prices which was $11
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  • I bought one online. It's a promotion for 2 belly bands for free (plus s&h). I have seen it in Pinterest forever. Here's the link to the code:


    I bought a white and black one. I wouldn't say they are the best, if I wear a tight shirt you can totally tell I'm wearing a band, but it works for my work pants (which I am trying not to buy maternity pants for) but we will see
  • I got the Bella Band from Amazon and it is mind-blowingly awesome. Stays put, plenty of support (I fold it in half at this point), comfortable to wear all day. I think it was in the $20-$30 range.
  • CoachTsWifeCoachTsWife member
    edited January 2015
    I've seen these bands referenced quite a bit. Are they more for support or more for allowing you to wear your regular pants longer? I'd lost some weight prior, and still have all my bigger jeans, so I'm wondering how long I can go without buying maternity pants. Although everyone says maternity pants are so comfortable, it might be worth buying some.
  • I like my Bella band...same as PP found on Amazon for ~$25-30. And my SIL gave me hers as well, so they must be durable, since I can still wear it!

    Also, DON'T put DH on it to get you as a gift! Mine purchased one two sizes bigger "so it would fit my belly later". Thanks, hun...they take that into account already.
  • Thanks for the responses! Really I'm wanting one for support, not just to wear my regular clothes longer, I'm rather anxious to wear maternity clothes actually :) I just want something I can wear that will provide support to my ever expanding belly. I'll probably check out the Bella band it sounds like a good deal! Thanks!
  • Yeah the one I mentioned is more for just expanding your pants so probably wouldn't be useful to you. Good luck!
  • I got 2 Bella bands on Amazon as well. I'm hoping to not get maternity pants til warmer weather. Don't want to have to buy for 2 seasons...
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