ok, let's be real, who doesn't hate this waiting game in the last trimester? If someone asks me one more time why I'm still working though.....they may get the evil glare of death.
Oh...buddy..if I get one more person to come into the office see me sitting here and say "No baby yet?" "Your still here?" "She still in there?" I think I will stab someone. REALLY...you wouldn't be seeing my freaking face if she was here..now would you. PLEASE stop reminding me that I am still waiting for her.
I think my looks are getting less friendly..cause some people do stop and go, oh sorry I should probably stop saying that. I may be giving the "die" look.
I totally agree with you. I am a teacher and everyone keeps asking me WHY I am back from Xmas break (my due date is Jan 19). And I'm like, "Because I am already using all my sick and personal days when she gets here to take maternity leave!" Which brings me to another topic I am REALLY bitter about lately...NO PAID MATERNITY LEAVE!!!
I am getting the "when are you due?" questions almost daily now. Since I am due Monday (Sunday by my date, Monday by my OB), I don't think anyone is expecting me to be here next week. I could very well still be working through next Friday, and I am sure they will only get worse. I would love to go into labor this weekend though.
I feel like everyone I come into contact with these days has to ask when I'm due and then make they're own prediction...." Oh your due the 27th, she'll definitely be here early/ late/ the Monday or Sunday night/ oh you water will break at work/ it'll break tonight at 2am/ get comfy she won't b here till February"..... Blah blah blah. I had no idea they're are so many psychics out there! They even started a birthdate betting pool at work!
Hahaha!! Ditto to all! Friday was my last day at work I took 2 weeks off before because my last was early and I'm getting really uncomfortable sitting at the desk. This is baby 3. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I'm done! I want this baby to come now. I hate the last month of oregnancy I feel like it's torture because you don't ever really know how much longer and everyone is asking you when like you are supposed to know. I'm cleaning and being physical in hopes it will do something....so far it's just making me tired
Same. At the end of the school year last year I was soooo suck (now I know why) and used a lot of sick days. Now, I only have 6 (wooo!) for maternity leave and the rest is FMLA unpaid. I asked HR the other day if I could return to work on day 7, if I wanted (which I don't), so I didn't have any unpaid leave. Her response: "honey, no doctor is going to clear you to come back that early."
EXACTLY!! So you're punishing me financially for being pregnant. I'm not asking for a whole year like in Canada, albeit that'd be nice. But something to help make ends meet!
THANK GOODNESS I am not working anymore, but whenever I step foot into the restaurant (where I worked, where DH works and his family owns the establishment) I am getting more and more "she's not here YET?!" And the texts from my Dad more and more often... I am SO PROUD of myself for being super patient but it's everyone else that is going to drive me NUTS. I am so okay with her getting here when she wants! No need to rub it in people or remind me that yes, I am indeed, still waiting... more so than you are!! Ugh!!
Re: Hating this waiting
EXACTLY!! So you're punishing me financially for being pregnant. I'm not asking for a whole year like in Canada, albeit that'd be nice. But something to help make ends meet!
End rant.