July 2015 Moms

First time mom and a little confused about ultrasounds?

When I first found out I was pregnant, I went to a local pregnancy support clinic in my city. When they gave my my ultrasound, I was 8 weeks, they said based on the size of baby I was closer to 7 weeks. How long should I have to wait until the next ultrasound? I have a followup with my obgyn on the 20th (I will be 15w 3d ) and the Dr. said that the week after that they will possibly give me an ultrasound. Does that sound right?
I suppose I am just worried as I am a first time mother. I am due July 11th.
How many ultrasounds have you mothers had this far?
I am 21, and I am a plus-sized woman if that makes any difference.
Thank you for any help ladies!

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Re: First time mom and a little confused about ultrasounds?

  • My obgyn does 2 ultrasounds, one at first appointment for dating (I was 8w6d for that) and the anatomy scan (I'll be 20 weeks for that one).
  • I've had two actual ultrasounds so far, but I also have a history of early pregnancy loss.

    My OB office uses awesome mini ultrasound machines in place of a doppler at every visit though, so I get lots of peeks at baby during routine appts.
    Married 6/2013, TTC 9/2013.
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    BFP #4 10/26/2014; Theo born 07/2015
    BFP #5 06/17/2017, EDD 02/28/18

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  • My only ultrasound will be my anatomy scan assuming that there are no issues. :)
  • Ive only had one so far, for dating (9w 1d at the time) and my next one will be in february to determine the sex (ill be 20/21 weeks depending on when it is scheduled). Other than that ive had the doppler at each appointment.
  • At my OB, you get 2 ultrasounds as long as there are no complications or concerns. One to confirm gestational age around 8 weeks and the anatomy scan between 18-20 weeks.
    First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09
    Then came a miscarriage March '11
    Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12

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  • I've had 6, one to confirm my pregnancy but I was maybe 5 weeks then went back 2 weeks later... Saw we had twins... Then an ER follow up one.... Then 2 with my regular OB. And my NT scan. Because I have twins I get one every month to monitor for any complications and previous conditions. Im now 13 weeks 3 days.
  • I had one US when I was 8 weeks to estimate due date & find heartbeat. Then, I had one at 12 weeks for the genetic testing along with bloodwork (I'm 32). Next, I'll have one at 16 weeks for gender scan (not standard, I'm paying extra for that). I believe the next one is the 20 week anatomy scan. I think US's vary from doctor to doctor depending on their practice.
  • Yes, I think all clinics are a bit different. I think they all pretty much at least do one around 18 - 20 weeks for an anatomy/gender scan. My pregnancy is high risk, but so far I've only had 2 ultrasounds at 13 weeks now.

    My OB said I'd start getting them weekly at 32 weeks because of my high risk issues. I don't think I'll have any others between now and then except for the anatomy scan and at my clinic that is at 20 weeks.

    Good luck!

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • It's very common to only have 1 or 2 for a healthy pregnancy. My OB typically only does the 20 week anatomy scan, however I get an early (about 8 weeks) dating ultrasound b/c I have longer cycles.

    Started TTC Nov. 2011 

    1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d

  • I had one to date super early at 5 wks, one again at 6 wks, another at 10 wks, one planned for 20 wks anatomy and gender, and then a final at 36 wks for growth. That's if all goes as planned I'll have a total of 5. Every clinic is different.
  • With my first, I had 4 - an early dating ultrasound, my first tri screen (elective to test for genetic abnormalities), my anatomy scan at 20 weeks, and a growth scan at 34 weeks due to GD
    TTC since October 22, 2012
    BFP January 11, 2013
    Kellan James Patrick was born September 28, 2013
  • katdesear said:

    With my first, I had 4 - an early dating ultrasound, my first tri screen (elective to test for genetic abnormalities), my anatomy scan at 20 weeks, and a growth scan at 34 weeks due to GD

    This except the growth scan at 34 weeks is standard for everyone at my practice.
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  • I've had one so far. I was 6 weeks, I knew I was pregnant and asked for it. The next one will be at my 18-20 week appointment, in depth anatomy US. We might go to one of the clinics that provide(for a nice fee of course) the 4D. DH never had that with older kids so it might be fun with this one.
  • I have had only one, on the doctors office, US at 7 weeks because I was having bleeding. I don't have an actual ultrasound until 20 weeks and I have twins! So it varies, try not to worry yourself too much :-)
  • I had a dating scan when I found out I was pregnant (6wk2d) then am booked in for a 19/20wk scan. Only getting the nuchal scan by request. First baby, kind of a long wait just hanging out hoping everything is progressing along well between ultrasounds :(
  • My regular OB doesn't like to do an ultrasound until 18 weeks. But I am high risk so I had one at 9 weeks 4 days and I have one tomorrow at 12 weeks 5 days. From what I've heard/read, every woman and Dr is different.
  • I'll have 2, how far along and fund out the sex unless I have complications
  • I am 11 weeks and I haven't had an ultrasound yet. My first, and hopefully only will be at 20 weeks. I am low risk and am confident about my dates so I didn't need one earlier on
  • amtrout09 said:

    I'll have 2, how far along and fund out the sex unless I have complications

    Just FTR the anatomy scan is for much more than finding out the sex; that's just a perk of it. They are checking baby's development, organs, spine, etc for possible problems. Some people find out that their baby has congenital defects or other health problems at this scan.

    OP as others have said it varies by Dr and pregnancy, but standard care for a healthy pregnancy is only 1-2, on schedule with what you have. I didn't even get an official dating one this time, just a peek on the portable machine, and then I'll have my anatomy scan. My mom works at a hospital so the u/s girls there are sneaking me in while I'm home next week, or else my first real one wouldn't be til 18-20 weeks.
  • My only ultrasound will be my anatomy scan assuming that there are no issues. :)

    This. It's so hard waiting! But there really is no need for any others for me because I am certain of my dates, and opted against genetic screening.

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  • It varies. I have had three so far, but I was only supposed to have two- The first time I was too early to see much of anything. My doctor has you come in for one at 8 weeks to date how far along you are, and then another one two weeks later to make sure baby is progressing appropriately. Unfortunately I won't be having another one until the anatomy scan at 18-19 weeks. But she does let you listen to the heartbeat at the appointments in between.
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  • My only ultrasound will be my anatomy scan assuming that there are no issues. :)


    I am being referred to MFM for having an elevated blood pressure so I am getting an ultrasound next week for the first time because of that! Sounds like you're good!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    TTC #1 Since 9/2013
    BFP: 11/14/14
    EDD: 7/25/14
    Found out we're having twins: 1/14/15
  • I've had one so far. I'm a FTM too. I have no idea when my next ultrasound will be.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Just the one for me at 20 weeks! It's a long wait, but I'm thankful to be considered low-risk.

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  • I've had three thus far and Im 11+ 4 today. Mine was ER for bleeding, follow up, and 8 week dating. I have my first tri screening the 20th, my anatomy scan in early march, and so far that's all I have been told for u/s. It definitely sucks waiting in between appointments to see Weeble, but I'm glad I don't fall into a practice that only does one scan. That would worry me!
    BFP 11-20-14 EDD 7-27-15 Late Miscarriage at 14w5d

    Forever in our hearts, Gabriel Alexander
  • 2 is pretty normal from my experience (this is my 3rd).  I have actually had 2 already.  I'm going to a very small office with a single OB this time.  She didn't get the heartbeat on Doppler so I got an extra ultrasound at 10 weeks 2 days.   I will have another around 20 weeks for the anatomy scan. 

    I also had extras with my first because of preterm labor.  With my 2nd, I had a dating ultrasound and an anatomy ultrasound and that was it.  
  • I think there is quite a bit of variation! I went in at 8 weeks for pregnancy confirmation us and also dating, then again at 13 weeks for NT scan (elective for checking chromosomal issues), and next will be at 20 weeks for anatomy scan :)
  • They will check the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler every time. If they have a hard time finding it they may do an ultrasound to make sure everything is mormal
  • I get a quick one at my first appointment (around 10w) to confirm placement and number of babies. We're doing genetic testing and the NT scan at 13w and then the anatomy scan at 22 weeks. My previous 2 pregnancies I had one extra for each: one was due to low placenta and they wanted to make sure it moved up and the other was because they couldn't get all the pictures of the heart that they needed during the anatomy scan.
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  • My doc has set me up for 4 scans. I'm a FTM with no history of loss. I guess that's just the norm for him. 
  • I had/will have 1 with babies #1&3 as long as no complications arise. #2 had unexplained bleeding and a threatened miscarriage and I was put on bed rest at 9w so I had about 7+ with him.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

  • My midwife said I didn't have to get one if I didn't want. I had the Doppler at my 11 week appointment and am waiting for the 18 week for my ultrasound and will hopefully only get one. I have read some unpleasant things about them and want to limit my exposure but have a friend who had placenta previa and I will have one just to be safe.
  • I've had 3 so far (I am 11 weeks 2 days) but 2 were unscheduled due to some complications. Normally my OB does one at 8 weeks, 20 weeks, and 35 weeks.
  • This is my 5th pregnancy, my 4 "normal pregnancies" I had two ultra sounds. One for dating and the anatomy scan. This time I have had 6 so far because of being high risk and I
    15 weeks.
  • I'm also due July 11th! :-) I've had one for dating, and I have my next one scheduled for the anatomy scan at 20 weeks!
  • I'm dur July 12th. I had one on my first visit to estimate due date and number of babies. Had some spotting a few weeks after that so I had another to make sure everything was OK. I had another thus week for the NT scan, which was voluntary. And I know I have one more in three weeks when we find out the sex! I think it really depends on your health care provider. I have friends who didn't have one until they were 20 weeks or more.
  • I've had 5 U.S. so far at 11.5 weeks. Partially because I was seeing a RE, but also got 2 from my OB.

    My last pregnancy, I lost count how many I had. By the end, I was having two per week. I'm high risk, so that's why I've had so many.
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  • I have had one at 8 weeks, one at 11 weeks and am having NT scan at 12 weeks.
  • At 12w 5d, I haven't had anything yet. I haven't even heard a heartbeat. We will have a scan next Tuesday for the NT screening because I'm AMA. Other than that, I'll have one around 20 weeks. I'm thankful to be considered low risk even with AMA, but it's hard to be patient. Livin' on faith!
  • I've only had one, and that was at my first appointment when I was 6 weeks. I won't have another until my feb appointment (18 weeks) or March (22 weeks). Typically women get the gender check at 20 weeks, but because of where my appointments fall I'm not sure when they will do one.
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