July 2015 Moms

CD Check Ins?

I'm attempting to CD Baby #3 & I've just started gathering a stash. I know there's a CD board, but I thought it'd be fun/helpful to have weekly CD check ins within our own group. We can ask questions, share pics of our fluff mail, offer advice, mention deals etc. Anyone that's CDing interested?

Re: CD Check Ins?

  • Did you register for CDs? What kind are you going with?
  • We have everything already from DS so no more buying for me! I'm hoping to have the toddler completely potty trained by then, otherwise I may buy a few more (even though I have enough to diaper 4 babies already).
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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  • But I would be interested :) I like to see how others are doing it and offer advice/tips.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • edited January 2015
    I cd and love it! I got advice to use disposables until my dd was about 10 pounds. This worked out amazing! Less laundry for a recovering mama with newborns who pee every 20 seconds. ;)

    It's a good idea to register for a couple CD so people know that's the route you're going.
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  • I bought a ton of CDs with DS1, but I was still working and sold them all. I'm a SAHM now & feel like I can actually conquer it. I joined a few cloth diaper FB groups that seem very helpful. I'm going to use covers and GMD fitted workhorses for the first couple months. I have some BG 4.0s, BG Freetimes, RaR covers, Econobums, & EZPZ AIOs on the way. Just a few of each, though.
  • I like the idea of a CD checkin here too.
    I have some thirsties duo wrap size 2 that I used on DS for a few months. I used them with FST from Target.
    On Black Friday I got some rumparooz newborn covers, planet wise size 1 cover, 2 diaper safari covers.
    Also have some Rumparooz pockets that I got for $11 each so couldn't pass on the price.
    Planning on using newborn size covers and Nickis prefold diapers to start.
    image   Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Count me in! I have diapers saved from DS but they're all one-size or larger, so I'll be needing some fluff for newborns and smaller babies. I am so excited!

    I actually have already picked up a few things. I bought 2 Flip covers, 6 newborn prefolds and 6 infant prefolds with 2 snappis for $25 from a local mom! They're all in excellent condition, too. I also picked up a pack of flour sack towels to use as flats when they were on sale at Target last week. I'm pretty sure we'll do mostly prefolds with a handful of fitteds. I'm looking at GMD workhorses for the fitteds, and maybe some bamboo fitteds for overnight.

    With DS we started CDing at 8 days old. With this baby, we plan to start at birth in the hospital.
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • Oh and see if you have a Real Diaper Circle in your area if you're just in the researching phase. They're really, really helpful! (And tend to have swap/resale groups, too, if you don't mind buying used.) https://www.realdiaperassociation.org/directory/
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • I like the idea of a CD checkin here too.
    I have some thirsties duo wrap size 2 that I used on DS for a few months. I used them with FST from Target.
    On Black Friday I got some rumparooz newborn covers, planet wise size 1 cover, 2 diaper safari covers.
    Also have some Rumparooz pockets that I got for $11 each so couldn't pass on the price.
    Planning on using newborn size covers and Nickis prefold diapers to start.

    Your GIF made me LOL !
  • I'm going to CD. I will use Bumgenius newborns & one size diapers. I'm almost done building my stash - I need to order a more newborns and I'd like some other colors of one sizes, even though I really dont need them.
  • I'm going to CD. I will use Bumgenius newborns & one size diapers. I'm almost done building my stash - I need to order a more newborns and I'd like some other colors of one sizes, even though I really dont need them.

    Have you seen the EZPZ Fluff prints? Sooooo cute.
  • I cd and love it! I got advice to use disposables until my dd was about 10 pounds. This worked out amazing! Less laundry for a recovering mama with newborns who pee every 20 seconds. ;) It's a good idea to register for a couple CD so people know that's the route you're going.
    I'm probably going to do disposable for the first few weeks as well, since I expect people will give them to us even if we're registered for CD. Kelly's Closet also has print outs that have your registry information on them for invites (I think registry inserts are okay for baby showers, right?).

    Every shower I've been invited to has some sort of mention of a registry.
  • I have mostly Kawaii Pockets for my son, which I love. Great, quality, diapers for an affordable price. For newborns though I prefer a separate stash of prefolds and covers.
    BabyFetus Ticker Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I did pockets with my DS and will use them again- have started a NB stash as well- mostly THX NB AIO. With my first I bought 24 Charlie Bananas to start with from Target with gift cards from my shower- 10% off for finishing registry plus I worked there at the time so 10% employee discount too!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I CD #2 so #3 is all ready to go unless it's a girl then girly diapers will be needed. My only girl will not be wearing anything but pinks, purples and glitter lol.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

  • I CD'd DD from the day we brought her home.
    I've been busy buying new prints I love, and matching nb/os diapers for adorable photo ops.
    Nb I do mostly prefolds and covers, but I have a few lil joeys that are too effing cute.


  • I'd definitely be in for a weekly check-in.  Happy to help the new mamas, and I still have questions myself from time to time.  Have CD'd DD since the day we got home from the hospital.  We have always used prefolds and covers at home (and she's now 2 years old), and we send pockets to daycare.  My favs for pockets now are BG 4.0 and Blueberry's.  We've only used GMD prefolds so I can't compare with anything else, but we love them.  When she was a newborn, our best covers were RaR lil joeys and Bummis super brites.  Now we mostly use Thirsties size 2 and Blueberry coveralls.
  • I'm interested. We only ever cloth diapered p/t with the first 2 but I'm planning on going f/t CD with #4. We used Fuzzibunz pockets and Bummis covers with some prefolds.

    I have to rebuild my stash and I'm so overwhelmed by all of the options. Listening to how crazy people are about their "wash routine" also blows my mind.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I HATED prefolds and covers for a newborn. It was way too difficult to coordinate it all when he was so tiny. AIO or pockets were definitely the way to go for us.

    Even now, I'm more of a pocket fan. He's so squirmy and most diaper changes are done while we're running around the house so pockets are easiest.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I am thinking of doing CD but with a diaper service. Doesn't seem like there is much to it. Would I still "go here"?
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    BFP for my Rainbow!! 11/6/14
    EDD: 7/20/15


  • I would love this so I can lurk a bit and learn something. I'm a FTM and am completely overwhelmed with all of the types and brands and everything! Any of the STM+ have any advice on how/where to get started and figure out what the heck to use?? Also, has anyone made their own?? I have a little sewing experience and was thinking I'd give it a try....
  • Jumping on this one! We are planning to CD but every time I go read articles I get confused cause there's so many choices! And of course everyone uses acronyms so it's a complete brain fry every time! Glad to have a group here to bounce ideas off of!

    BabyFetus Ticker 
    Little dude will be here before we know it!

  • I guess it's safe to say there is enough interest in a CD check in!
  • SewSewBlessed !

    I'm a FTM but we are hyper-interested in CD already.  We've done a lot of research (online, a class, and lurking around friends who CD).  We picked up some Grovia Hybrid shells and innerds during the BOGO Black Friday sale, and are planning on adding more Grovia shells, innards, Flip shells, and innards to our registry.  We were also gifted some Grovia and Kanga Care Lil Joey newborn AIO diapers recently.  We are lucky all of the daycares we have been looking at/on the wait list for are amenable to continuing CD.
    BabyFruit Tickerimage
  • guentnelguentnel member
    edited January 2015
    Love it!! This check in makes me so happy!! I just ordered OS Hybrid Fuzzibunz from the sale on zulily and bought a newborn stash of 18 Fuzzibunz on eBay!
  • FTM here and I am very interested in CD. How did you all get others on board with you? My husband and I will both be working, and being an RN I will be gone all day 3 days of the week. Were those helping with child care easily persuaded to continue using these diapers or did you find that they used disposable while you were gone? My mom basically told me it won't happen while the baby is with her.
  • slamar3 my MIL will be helping with childcare and we got her on board by showing her the hybrid-type of diapers as opposed to all-in-one (AIO) or pocket-style.  Hybrid (where a cloth or disposable insert snap into a waterproof liner) most resemble traditional disposable diapers.  She was not so into the thought of stuffing pocket diapers, or potentially un-stuffing dirty pocket diapers.  To be honest, DH and I didn't find it so appealing either.

    I'd be interested in the veteran CD mama opinions though.
    BabyFruit Tickerimage
  • I learned how to CD years ago as a nanny, so my mom became familiar then. She's up for it if I am! I told my SO this is what I wanted and he said ok - sweet man, he'd do anything that was important to me. I feel like pockets or aios are closest to disposables - as long as you stuff them before you send them with the baby. Especially the Velcro kind - just put it on like a regular diaper, then take it off and close it up and throw it in the wetbag. Ill deal with them when I get home. NBD.
  • slamar3 said:

    FTM here and I am very interested in CD. How did you all get others on board with you? My husband and I will both be working, and being an RN I will be gone all day 3 days of the week. Were those helping with child care easily persuaded to continue using these diapers or did you find that they used disposable while you were gone? My mom basically told me it won't happen while the baby is with her.

    When we have a babysitter for DS, we have all diapers pre stuffed and ready to go. All the sitter has to do is put it on like any other diaper. When he gets changed, we tell them to just throw it in a grocery bag and I take care of Unstuffing and spraying if necessary. It's really no extra work, just throw it in a bag just like you would with the trash. A lot of older family members were shocked when they saw how far cloth diapers had come, I think everyone was on board whn they saw snaps/Velcro and no pins or anything that could make it difficult.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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  • What are the veteran's thoughts on Flips/Hybrids? I would be using washable inserts 99% of the time but like the idea of disposable inserts for traveling. So far I've joined a few sites, but what are your favorites? I read that Blueberry was made in USA, but when I received my order, the tag says china :(

    Do they still sell disposable Flip inserts? When we traveled I tried them. (Those and the GroVia ones.) Hated both. They just... didn't work. We had leaks off of them and they didn't absorb. I was frustrated because I didn't bring any reusable inserts. Thankfully it was only a 3-day weekend. From then on we traveled with our reusable inserts.

    As for Blueberries, I know there are a few companies that have products MIC but they have their own factories with fair wages, etc. I don't know if Blueberry is one of them but you could look into it.
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • jewely24 said:
     Any of the STM+ have any advice on how/where to get started and figure out what the heck to use?? Also, has anyone made their own?? I have a little sewing experience and was thinking I'd give it a try....
    Some people choose just one type and hope it works. I looked into diaper rental services with DS (some places like Jillian's Drawers, Nicki's Diapers and Sweetbottoms Baby used to have rental programs where you could rent NB diapers for a few weeks), but in the end I realized that I could buy a variety of CDs (we had maybe 2 newborn AIOs, prefolds, covers, and fitteds) used via Diaperswappers, local boards, etc. for good prices and because NB diapers are used for very little time and barely get "ruined", when I resold them I was able to recoup like 75% of what I paid for them. So, very similar to a rental program but I got to choose specifically what to get. I liked having a variety because it taught me what I preferred. After the NB stage we moved to fitteds and pockets. I didn't really like prefolds because I hated folding them on a wiggly baby, so at home we used fitteds and covers and at daycare we used pockets. Later on when DS was older and chunkier I really started to enjoy prefolds, and learned how versatile they can be. Which is why this go-around I think they're going to make up most of our stash.

    It really is a learning experience. Some people can buy 24 Bumgenius 4.0s and diaper their baby from the time they fit in them until PT with just those. But others find different options that work at different ages/stages (as was the case for us).
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • We did CDs for about a year starting at 18 months (when we took him out of daycare). Mostly Kawaii pockets with microfiber inserts. Then they stopped holding his pee for more than an hour and I went back to disposables. I'm wondering if I'd be happier with CDs if I invested in better inserts this time like bamboo? But im afraid to drop $$$ on new inserts only to find I'm still not digging CDs...

    Unsure about this one.


    DS born Oct. '11

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    Dx: Low Progesterone (3.3) on 8/12/14

    Waiting for RE appointment on 10/28/14

    Surprise BFP on cycle 12 -- 10/19/14!

    EDD July 1, 2015

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @slamar we used pockets with daycare. We sent them stuffed and ready to go, and they had aplix, so they looked just like a disposable. We just told our DCP that all they had to do was take the diaper off of him, roll it up, and throw it in the wetbag poop and all (as he got older they could drop his poop into the toilet, obviously) and we'd take care of it when we got home. They wound up loving them and when one family was struggling with their kiddo having constant rashes from disposables, they even mentioned cloth to them!
    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • Has anyone tried using disposable or flushable liners with their diapers?  I'm super excited to try CD, but the thought of having poopy diapers sit in a wet bag all day while baby is in daycare, then having to deal with them in evening post-work chaos sounds less-than pleasant.  It looks like you just lay the liner on, pull off the liner with poo on it, toss or flush, and then have a mostly wet/pee filled diaper or insert going into your wet bag?

    BabyFruit Tickerimage
  • @sharebear05‌ I've used the flushable liners. Imo, they are great when your baby is in that...mushed playdoh poop stage. Where theyre eating solids but it comes out in a kind of paste that sticks to the diaper. Im ok with the falls right off kind of poop without them, but I really hate scraping poop off a diaper.

    @lavendergrrl‌ I may be the only one (UO) but I love aplix diapers. However, especially if you have a small stash, the aplix tends to wear out after a while. They get curly at the ends after so many washes and I know several naughty toddlers that figured out how to open them. Snaps seem to last longer and are harder for kids to figure out, however, I feel like I get a better fit with aplix - there is more room for adjustment. Its really personal preference. I have both kinds in my stash.
  • @justinslevo said: "The OCD in me really wanted to buy 24 of all of the same beautiful matching brand diapers, but DON"T DO IT!  Some diapers won't work at all for your LO and then some will work better for different situations, ie overnight / when someone else is watching them. "

     I literally read this while I had 24 adorable AIOs in my Amazon shopping cart.  Good timing, lady.  I pared it down to one, and I'll get another in a different brand.

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • lauralou2210lauralou2210 member
    edited January 2015
    I'm super excited to try to CD with my first. All of my CD friends have encouraged me to use disposables at first since you will undoubtedly receive them at showers and you will be so exhausted that you will appreciate the ease of a disposable. Anyone use Alva baby? Many of my friends have recommended this brand due to the cost. Of course I'll have to try a variety though.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @sharebear05 - we only used disposable liners when DD has a yeast rash and I had to use lotrimin on her butt (not CD-safe).  It was almost MORE of a mess when she pooped, because you had to try to grab a clean area to pull it off the diaper and she was still in messy poop phase.  As gross as it may sound, poop diapers actually are a bit easier to deal with when they've been sitting for a few hours - the wetness soaks into the diaper and it's easier to plop most of it out!

    @lauralou2210 - we had a few alvas but I didn't like them.  They were much longer in the crotch than i liked, regardless of how I snapped them, and we had more leaks in them than all the other diapers combined.  That said, a lot of people get away with using them, so maybe buy a few and see what you think!
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