So, I know we have a while before it's July, but this is a 2 part question:
1. What are you packing in your bag to take to the hospital?
2. Anyone making a playlist for your L&D? So far I have Katy Perry's "Baby You're a Firework" for July baby & "Push It" by Salt 'n Pepper.
Re: Prep for the big day!!
For baby: a few onesies, swaddle blankets, my favorite brand of diapers, wipes and baby soap (hospital usues low basic brand of both) burp cloths
That's all I can remember right now but I used every one of those things! I will totally make a play list again last time I made two: a hype pump up one and a calming meditative one (both came in handy but I enjoyed the calming one most)
1.) I will pack as minimal as possible. My hospital is great about providing basics like diapers, wipes and blankets for baby. Also, this will be my third time going through labor. My first two were quick, so I am hoping this time around it will be quick too. Also when I get home, with a brand new baby, I will want to unpack as little as possible.
So off the top of my head:
contact stuff and glasses
toothbrush and paste
hair brush and pony tail
clothes for going home for myself
cell phone charger
going home outfit for baby
car seat for baby (will be installed in car)
snacks and change for snack machine
That's about it. But again, mine is a pretty minimalist list.
2.) I have a playlist still set up from my last labor, so I will just reuse it. But I prefer calming, soothing music. I have music by Sarah Evans, Lady Antabellum, Kutless, Darius Rutker, Nora Jones to list some of it.
BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15
BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014
BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)
BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011
BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
"Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."
Travel sized hair and body care for me and hubby
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Comfy yoga pants and a top to come home in
This time I might go for a nightgown, the nurses have to check your stitches and see if you're healing properly and the tugging down of my pants bothered me
With previous kids I wore yoga pants and nursing tanks
Outift for baby to come home in
Baby's brag book to document the experience and their stats
Snacks and hard candy
Hair band and elastics
2. Music was never my focus but I did play a lot of Florence + the Machine in labor with DD
2. I'm not into music. We watch TV & movies and play on our phones.
For me, they supplied all pads, sprays, creams, ointments & wipes. All the fun post-partum necessities.
Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015
Last time, we brought-
PJs for me and MH, yoga pants and a loose tank for me to go home in, slippers, several pairs of socks (for me, because I can't stand bare feet) flip flops for the shower, basic toiletries and makeup, a comb and brush, hair ties, and I think that's it.
For DS we brought his diaper bag, mostly to stock up on stuff they give you at the hospital, and two outfits, in case he got one all gross I guess.
We also took playing cards and an ipod and various things to entertain us, but my labor progressed very quickly so we didn't get to do any of that, and DH had to go home to take care of the dogs periodically so he'd bring back whatever we wanted.
Me- robe, slippers, flip flops, toiletries, loose comfy clothes for during recovery (best thing ever was showering and putting on your own clothes fyi!) my nursing pillow, my normal pillow from home because I'm picky, oh and my snuggie :-)
DH- sleeping bag and pillow, several changes of clothes, snacks.
Baby- I put several cute outfits in her diaper bag for during our time at the hospital as well as for the trip home.
As for music we didn't make a playlist. Instead I planned on watching movies but was way too tired so once I got my epidural we all just went to sleep till it was show time.
I'll panic about this later lol.
I'll put music on my iPod but I probably won't use it