July 2015 Moms

Opinion Needed- Gender Test

Eknapp87Eknapp87 member
edited January 2015 in July 2015 Moms
My doctor had me take a gender blood test about 2 weeks ago. Today I found out the sex of my baby. I am wary if this test is accurate or not. I don't want to tell anyone before I know for sure, we are planning on telling everyone in 2 weeks. I am debating getting an ultrasound done at 16 weeks (2 weeks from now) to confirm the test. Is this crazy? This is my first child and I was not aware of these blood tests and have never met anyone who had this done or knew about it. Any advice would be great. Thank you in advance!

Re: Opinion Needed- Gender Test

  • Thanks. My worry is they look for a Y chromosome in my blood. But I worry that in that sample taken, there might not be a Y chromosome but could still be floating around my blood stream...
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  • Cell-free DNA testing is really accurate.  Likely more accurate than early anatomy scans.  There's always a chance that the lab screwed up with anything, but I'd go ahead and trust it! It'll make for a fun story if you have to tell everybody that baby Jill became baby Bill later on ;)

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • That's the info I received from the nurse. How does it work?
  • If it's the kind of test like I had (Panorama-but they have different kinds), then they not only do the genetic screening but you find out the sex.  Those results are like 99% accurate.  When I had my u/s a few weeks later, the tech confirmed what the blood test already said.

    I was new to it too-I'm a FTM and I'm over 35, so I got it because of that.  I would go ahead and find out the results, it's legit :) 

  • Thanks. I guess I'm just worried because it's so early on. Im only 14 weeks.

  • Eknapp87 said:

    Thanks. My worry is they look for a Y chromosome in my blood. But I worry that in that sample taken, there might not be a Y chromosome but could still be floating around my blood stream...

    That's not how that works...

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    MMC EDD: 1/5/2015  D&C: 5/31/14
    MC    EDD: 4/21/15 Lost: 8/24/14
    BFP for my Rainbow!! 11/6/14
    EDD: 7/20/15


  • As everyone else has said, those tests are very accurate, so it's safe to say congrats on your baby girl!
    July 2015 Jan Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Funnies


    BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15

    BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014

    BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)

    BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011

    BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

  • KellyinHBKellyinHB member
    edited January 2015
    I was told by my genetic counselor that they are extremely reliable, like 99%. One example of a possible error she gave is if I had had IVF and there were still remnants of an embryo that didn't implant.  That embryo's DNA might show up and give a false result.  I might not be explainning that perfectly, but you get the idea.

    Married - April 2014  |  Miscarriage - June 2014
    BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby!  EDD July 8

    image  image
  • Thank you for the article. I wish my doctor would have provided me with more information like this. Thank you all for calming my nerves! I appreciate your help.

  • Eknapp87 said:

    Thanks. My worry is they look for a Y chromosome in my blood. But I worry that in that sample taken, there might not be a Y chromosome but could still be floating around my blood stream...

    That's not how that works...
    This is exactly what I was thinking of! Lol... so funny!
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