July 2015 Moms

Feeling kicks anyone?

im 14weeks tomorrow and I'm just curious when you ladies started to feel distinct kicks?!

Re: Feeling kicks anyone?

  • cmaliki221cmaliki221 member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 14w 4d with #3 and I have been feeling consisant flutters for the past 2 days :-)
  • ah I can't wait!!

    (and to answer your question... no. only 11w though!)
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  • I did the other night while laying on my side.  Felt as though baby was rolling over and brushed up against me.  And yesterday while getting my u/s i felt a couple pops bc the tech was jamming the machine into baby and it wasn't appreciating it. :)  But this is #2 for me so I know what it feels like first time around I think I would have missed it.
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  • I'm only 13 weeks 6 days not feeling anything yet. Just asked my mother when she felt me or my sister she said "ooooh around 5 month" so I asked if she thought it would be longer for me because I'm fat? She said "oh I don't know" wasn't the answer I was looking for I ain't that fat!
  • Looked back in my belly book from DS and felt first flutters at 14 weeks 3 days. This time j felt something just the other day at 13 weeks 5 days. Nothing more since. So maybe I mistook it for regular belly rumbles. Not totally sold that it was baby yet. 14 weeks today.
    Married DH 6.6.09
    BFP#1 6.12.10 EDD 2.20.11 MMC 8.10.10 D&C 8.11.10
    BFP#2 7.17.11 EDD 3.11.12 DS Born 3.17.12
    BFP#3 10.30.14 EDD 7.10.14 

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