I didn’t see a Wednesday ticker change started, so here goes!
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you?
2) rants/raves for the week?
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014 BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
Rave that I am so excited about how comfortable maternity
jeans are. Wish I could wear them daily.
Rant that my work/dress slacks are too tight to button and I
now need to by work clothes badly!
appointments or milestones this week?
Yes! Monday was my NT scan – all looked normal.Also received NIPT results – healthy baby girl.
GTKY: what
is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Well, I would say Mean Girls, but I think most here agree
that this is a legit good movie!So
instead, I’ll go with Bring it On (the original, not the sequels).I watch it every time I see it on tv.
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014 BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 14 (yay I am a second Trimester!) Lemon 2) rants/raves for the week? Raves: I have finally started to feel better and I can sleep again. Rant: the only comfortable position to sleep in is on my back. 3) any appointments or milestones this week? my next apt in January 13th 4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
2) rants/raves for the week?: After I got over the stomach bug I had a little over a week ago, I've actually been feeling pretty good! Still a little tired and waking up to pee during the night, but thankfully I've been able to stomach more foods and not feel nauseous at all. I know I'm not "showing" yet, but in the last couple of days I feel like my tummy is starting to round out a little bit if you know what I mean. I'm sure it will still be a while until other people can notice though!
3) any appointments or milestones this week?: 12 week appt with my doctor next Tuesday
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?: Hmm.. I don't actually watch a lot of movies, but my guilty pleasure TV show is the bachelor/bachelorette shows! So bad but so good
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 12 weeks/plum
2) rants/raves for the week? Rant: It's partly bloat, but my pants are starting to get uncomfortably tight in the waist. I have all my maternity clothes in the attic, but I'm dreading starting on them so early because I get soooo sick of my limited wardrobe by the end. But I also want to be comfortable! :S Rave: DH has been doing just about everything around the house and has been all-around awesome since I got pregnant.
3) any appointments or milestones this week? Was at the doctor on Monday for an ultrasound with NT scan. Got all chromosomal testing results and everything looks good! We are not finding out the sex (we didn't with DS, either), but it took monumental self-control to resist the urge to find out knowing they had it right there in front of them on paper!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? I'm not much of a romantic comedy person, but there are a few from the 90's that I have a soft spot for, including French Kiss and The Truth About Cats and Dogs.
Rave: just got my new iPhone and happy to be back on TB! Was having trouble with my old 4S! Also...2nd trimester is here! Rant: not so much a rant but bummed my DS is sick and I can't take his pain for him!
any appointments or milestones this week? 14 weeks is an awesome milestone! No appointments this week, but looking forward to my elective early detection 4D ultrasound on the 24th! We are keeping it a secret tho and using it to compare with what the anatomy scan says for the sex. With DS, we were told girl. Then TEN weeks later, through an elective 4D we found out we were actually expecting a BOY.
GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Clueless. Hands down. I will watch it every time it's on TV regardless if I catch it in the beginning, middle or end! Ugh As If!
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 14, Lemon!
2) rants/raves for the week?
Rant: My pants selection is getting very limited, but the maternity jeans I bought last week fall down and get alll saggy when I walk. Also, the hairbinder trick is crap! Anyone have good experiences with those belly bands?
Rave: I'm loving the return of my energy! If only I could make myself channel it into daily workouts...
3) any appointments or milestones this week? Nothing until Jan 23rd. They couldn't find the heartbeat at my 12-week appointment so I'm very impatient!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? I'm going to go with "Never Been Kissed". Why do I find Michael Vartan was so damn dreamy?
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014 BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
2) rants/raves for the week? I'm feeling a lot better which is awesome, I'm incredibly hungry all the time though, which is annoying at best.
3) any appointments or milestones this week? I have my 12 week appt on Monday which I'm looking forward to, and then the week after I have my first MFM appointment which I'm really nervous about!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? I don't know if this is a guilty pleasure, exactly- but my favourite movie to curl up in bed with is Amadeus. I watch it about 4 times a year.
2) rants/raves for the week? I've been having terrible neck/shoulder pain and headaches! Plus, now that I'm not as nauseated anymore, I am INSATIABLE! Can't stop eating! But I guess less nausea is also a rave. Definitely feeling better in that regard!
3) any appointments or milestones this week? No appointment until the 28th!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? Not sure if this is "guilty," per se, but whenever Coming to America is on Comedy Central, I have to watch!
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 12 weeks/ plum
2) rants/raves for the week? I'm feeling a bit better and actually able to get out of the house to do stuff, so that's good. DH is back to traveling next week, though, so that sucks.
3) any appointments or milestones this week? Appointment this Saturday! Hoping to hear a heart beat and will be paying off the baby
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? All I can think of now is Pitch Perfect. I listen to the music all the time.
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 11 weeks... a lime! 2) rants/raves for the week? ugh I just want to feel better! so tired and have no energy to do much of anything. DH is starting to get annoyed I think... 3) any appointments or milestones this week? next appt is friday the 16th for my NT scan. DH can go finally and I'm excited for him to see baby live on the US! 4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 11 weeks... a lime! 2) rants/raves for the week? ugh I just want to feel better! so tired and have no energy to do much of anything. DH is starting to get annoyed I think... 3) any appointments or milestones this week? next appt is friday the 16th for my NT scan. DH can go finally and I'm excited for him to see baby live on the US! 4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
hmm.. Tommy Boy.
Good luck on your NT scan! My DH loves Tommy Boy. In that vein, I would have to add Dumb and Dumber to my guilty pleasures list.
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014 BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
15 weeks/an orange!! DH keeps asking what size baby is, and he got so excited this morning when I told him an orange.
2) rants/raves for the week?
Rant: Ugh, this weather!! We got 5 inches of snow on top of a layer of ice, my workplace doesn't close or have delays, and INDOT is being pretty useless... I live on a state highway and it's still a road of packed snow in front of our house, when the interstate 5 miles away is completely clear as if it had never snowed in the first place. I appreciate the highway workers, but I'd appreciate them even more if they could come over this way instead of just hanging out on the interstate.
Raves: Not sure if I'd classify it as a rave, but I'm pretty happy because I've actually been able to get some good quality sleep this week.
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
I have an appointment on Friday! It's just a standard appt, but I'm kind of hoping they'll bring out the V-scan and let me take a peek at baby.
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
I'm not too picky about movies and I honestly love the silly romantic ones. I guess the most embarrassing would probably be the Princess Diaries movies because they're a bit teenager-ey for me.
1) how many weeks / what fruit are you? 11 - lime or Brussels sprout
2) rants/raves for the week? DH ate at Shophouse and I can smell it coming out of his skin. bleh. He's still the sweetest guy on the planet though.
3) any appointments or milestones this week? I think my blump is turn into a bump! I can't really suck it in anymore and (in the morning) it's definitely not bloat. I think it's everything that used to be where my uterus is now, plus a little bit of baby. Definitely not noticeable to anyone but DH and me.
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? When I'm sick I watch old Doris Day movies. I love her and think they are hilarious. Too bad they are all SO sexist. My sister and I could also watch Hello, Dolly! with Babara Streisand on repeat, fast forwarding to our favorite parts.
Week 11, Lime Baby!!!! I'm so glad to not be a prune anymore!
2) rants/raves for the week?
I was in an earthquake on Tuesday. It was tiny (3.5) but was the 1st one I've ever been in. This weekend was fun too, I saw Into the Woods and out for dinner with an old friend and out with DH on a date on Saturday. Work is insane, I live for the weekends.
Oh and my bump firmed up practically overnight!
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
12 week appointment and my First Trimester Screening isn't until the 20th. The wait is killing me! I'll be 1 day shy of 13 weeks by then. DH can't come either, boo on that.
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Re: ~~*Wednesday Ticker Change*~~
Made it to another week!
how many weeks / what fruit are you?
14 weeks/lemon
rants/raves for the week?
Rave that I am so excited about how comfortable maternity jeans are. Wish I could wear them daily.
Rant that my work/dress slacks are too tight to button and I now need to by work clothes badly!

any appointments or milestones this week?
Yes! Monday was my NT scan – all looked normal. Also received NIPT results – healthy baby girl.
GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Well, I would say Mean Girls, but I think most here agree that this is a legit good movie! So instead, I’ll go with Bring it On (the original, not the sequels). I watch it every time I see it on tv.
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014
BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
14 (yay I am a second Trimester!) Lemon
2) rants/raves for the week?
Raves: I have finally started to feel better and I can sleep again. Rant: the only comfortable position to sleep in is on my back.
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
my next apt in January 13th
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
2) rants/raves for the week?: After I got over the stomach bug I had a little over a week ago, I've actually been feeling pretty good! Still a little tired and waking up to pee during the night, but thankfully I've been able to stomach more foods and not feel nauseous at all. I know I'm not "showing" yet, but in the last couple of days I feel like my tummy is starting to round out a little bit if you know what I mean. I'm sure it will still be a while until other people can notice though!
3) any appointments or milestones this week?: 12 week appt with my doctor next Tuesday
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?: Hmm.. I don't actually watch a lot of movies, but my guilty pleasure TV show is the bachelor/bachelorette shows! So bad but so good
14 weeks...little lemon!
rants/raves for the week?
Rave: just got my new iPhone and happy to be back on TB! Was having trouble with my old 4S! Also...2nd trimester is here!
Rant: not so much a rant but bummed my DS is sick and I can't take his pain for him!
any appointments or milestones this week?
14 weeks is an awesome milestone! No appointments this week, but looking forward to my elective early detection 4D ultrasound on the 24th! We are keeping it a secret tho and using it to compare with what the anatomy scan says for the sex. With DS, we were told girl. Then TEN weeks later, through an elective 4D we found out we were actually expecting a BOY.
GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Clueless. Hands down. I will watch it every time it's on TV regardless if I catch it in the beginning, middle or end! Ugh As If!
BFP#1 6.12.10 EDD 2.20.11 MMC 8.10.10 D&C 8.11.10
BFP#2 7.17.11 EDD 3.11.12 DS Born 3.17.12
BFP#3 10.30.14 EDD 7.10.14
2) rants/raves for the week?
Rave: I'm loving the return of my energy! If only I could make myself channel it into daily workouts...
3) any appointments or milestones this week? Nothing until Jan 23rd. They couldn't find the heartbeat at my 12-week appointment so I'm very impatient!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? I'm going to go with "Never Been Kissed". Why do I find Michael Vartan was so damn dreamy?
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014
BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
2) rants/raves for the week?
I'm feeling a lot better which is awesome, I'm incredibly hungry all the time though, which is annoying at best.
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
I have my 12 week appt on Monday which I'm looking forward to, and then the week after I have my first MFM appointment which I'm really nervous about!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
I don't know if this is a guilty pleasure, exactly- but my favourite movie to curl up in bed with is Amadeus. I watch it about 4 times a year.
2) rants/raves for the week? I've been having terrible neck/shoulder pain and headaches! Plus, now that I'm not as nauseated anymore, I am INSATIABLE! Can't stop eating! But I guess less nausea is also a rave. Definitely feeling better in that regard!
3) any appointments or milestones this week? No appointment until the 28th!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? Not sure if this is "guilty," per se, but whenever Coming to America is on Comedy Central, I have to watch!
2) rants/ still can't sleep & when I wake up my neck and back are in soo much pain!
rave/ ZOFRAN!
3) No appointments till feb.2nd. milestones. . well I can eat food now!!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? seriously any old Disney Channel movie, like cheetah girls or cadet kelly lol
2) rants/raves for the week? I'm feeling a bit better and actually able to get out of the house to do stuff, so that's good. DH is back to traveling next week, though, so that sucks.
3) any appointments or milestones this week? Appointment this Saturday! Hoping to hear a heart beat and will be paying off the baby
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie? All I can think of now is Pitch Perfect. I listen to the music all the time.
11 weeks... a lime!
2) rants/raves for the week?
ugh I just want to feel better! so tired and have no energy to do much of anything. DH is starting to get annoyed I think...
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
next appt is friday the 16th for my NT scan. DH can go finally and I'm excited for him to see baby live on the US!
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Married - April 2014 | Miscarriage - June 2014
BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby! EDD July 8
2) rants/raves for the week?
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
11 - lime or Brussels sprout
2) rants/raves for the week?
DH ate at Shophouse and I can smell it coming out of his skin. bleh. He's still the sweetest guy on the planet though.
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
I think my blump is turn into a bump! I can't really suck it in anymore and (in the morning) it's definitely not bloat. I think it's everything that used to be where my uterus is now, plus a little bit of baby. Definitely not noticeable to anyone but DH and me.
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?
When I'm sick I watch old Doris Day movies. I love her and think they are hilarious. Too bad they are all SO sexist. My sister and I could also watch Hello, Dolly! with Babara Streisand on repeat, fast forwarding to our favorite parts.
2) rants/raves for the week?
3) any appointments or milestones this week?
4) GTKY: what is your favorite guilty pleasure movie?