September 2015 Moms


I know staying active during pregnancy is important and encouraged and I plan on working out. That said one of my main activities is hockey. I am 5weeks 1 day today, I got my BFP Sunday and stayed home from hockey on Monday because I was still absorbing the information. I'm worried about playing hockey and jeopardizing my pregnancy. I have already had some minor spotting and a big spotting incident last night but I tested again this morning and if anything the positive was stronger. I know logically that I should be able to still do everything I normally do at this point in the pregnancy but I'm nervous. 

I live in a really small town in northern Canada and we only have a health center, so my process is have my pregnancy confirmed here my a nurse or NP and then I will be sent to Yellowknife for any OBGYN appointments. My confirmation appointment is tomorrow so I haven't been able to ask the nurse about going to hockey and no one but my husband knows about my pregnancy. 

Do any of you play hockey? Or another sport with potential contact? How long did you play? Tonight is just a practice so I can avoid anything major but there is sometimes a little bumping or I could fall? I feel like I want to be one of those awesome bad ass moms who keeps doing her thing but I am also very nervous.

TTC 06/14
BFP 04/15
EDD Sept. 8


Re: Hockey?

  • You are supposed to avoid contact sports durning your entire pregnancy. By all means stay active but hockey would be too much.
  • sondosasondosa member
    edited January 2015

    I know staying active during pregnancy is important and encouraged and I plan on working out. That said one of my main activities is hockey. I am 5weeks 1 day today, I got my BFP Sunday and stayed home from hockey on Monday because I was still absorbing the information. I'm worried about playing hockey and jeopardizing my pregnancy. I have already had some minor spotting and a big spotting incident last night but I tested again this morning and if anything the positive was stronger. I know logically that I should be able to still do everything I normally do at this point in the pregnancy but I'm nervous. 

    I live in a really small town in northern Canada and we only have a health center, so my process is have my pregnancy confirmed here my a nurse or NP and then I will be sent to Yellowknife for any OBGYN appointments. My confirmation appointment is tomorrow so I haven't been able to ask the nurse about going to hockey and no one but my husband knows about my pregnancy. 

    Do any of you play hockey? Or another sport with potential contact? How long did you play? Tonight is just a practice so I can avoid anything major but there is sometimes a little bumping or I could fall? I feel like I want to be one of those awesome bad ass moms who keeps doing her thing but I am also very nervous.

    No noo honey please don't do hockey it's very dangerous & might cause you to god forbid have a miscarriage !! Stay active by maybe long walks for now, until you see your doctor! Then maybe you can ask his/her opinion of how or what other more intensive workouts you can do! Take care of yourself Hun & good luck! <3

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  • I would guess that hockey is going to be a big no. I'd skip practice (especially because you've had some bleeding) and wait to decide until you talk to the nurse.
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  • Do you play contact or is it just there is a potential for accidental contact? Definitely I wouldn't if its contact. Maybe you could play with your friends in a shimmy game or something and just tell them you are pregnant so please don't run into me lol
  • Women's hockey is SUPPOSED to be non-contact but I never know. I'm not ready to tell my team (super small town + super early pregnancy) but I think I'll stay home sick until I can see the NP. Thanks for your responses, it goes a long way to easing my mind having this forum while keeping the secret.
    TTC 06/14
    BFP 04/15
    EDD Sept. 8

  • I'm currently 16 weeks and still playing hockey. No problems my OB looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if I needed to stop playing.. Women's hockey is non contact but there is the odd time you get bumped around. Just be careful,and don't block any shots. Just make sure your OB is good with you playing. I will continue to play until I am no longer able. My final tournament will,be when I am 22 weeks and would love to still play in it!
  • As much as it stinks to stop playing for awhile, if it were me I would refrain from playing until after the baby is born. There's just too many things that could happen, no matter how careful you or your teammates are ... one puck to the stomach, a face-forward fall, or getting pushed into the boards could cause some harm, and I wouldn't want to risk it. That being said, you could always go watch their games to support your teammates once you're ready to tell them the news :)
  • The baby is technically behind your pelvic bone until week 12 or so, which made me feel a little bit better about its safety. I had asked my doc about skiing (I'm a novice), and since I was about 6 weeks at the time she said it was fine, as long as I was comfortable. I decided I wasn't! I also play volleyball and got hit in the stomach, and was terrified! I'm telling the vball team this week (week 13!) but will continue to play. Not as rough as hockey though!
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