I know staying active during pregnancy is important and encouraged and I plan on working out. That said one of my main activities is hockey. I am 5weeks 1 day today, I got my BFP Sunday and stayed home from hockey on Monday because I was still absorbing the information. I'm worried about playing hockey and jeopardizing my pregnancy. I have already had some minor spotting and a big spotting incident last night but I tested again this morning and if anything the positive was stronger. I know logically that I should be able to still do everything I normally do at this point in the pregnancy but I'm nervous.
I live in a really small town in northern Canada and we only have a health center, so my process is have my pregnancy confirmed here my a nurse or NP and then I will be sent to Yellowknife for any OBGYN appointments. My confirmation appointment is tomorrow so I haven't been able to ask the nurse about going to hockey and no one but my husband knows about my pregnancy.
Do any of you play hockey? Or another sport with potential contact? How long did you play? Tonight is just a practice so I can avoid anything major but there is sometimes a little bumping or I could fall? I feel like I want to be one of those awesome bad ass moms who keeps doing her thing but I am also very nervous.
Re: Hockey?