I have a 2 year old and 3 year old. Sometimes they do frustrating things, but I would never call them names to their face or behind their backs. They are babies. I love them. I am cringing now to think other people call their babies names too. My 3 yo is currently sleeping on me after crawling in my lap interrupting me while I was trying to do some charting for work. I am happy to have the cling. Work can wait.
OP, I feel you. I didn't think about the whole sensing the baby, kind of thing. Now, I wonder if my 4 year old stepdaughter has been acting like the spawn of satan the past few weeks. She's excited about the baby, but I really wonder if it's got something to do with that.
Just the other day, I was mentally begging to my husband to take her to his parents or outside or anything other than my kitchen. I asked her twice, "Els, pick up your shoes and put them in your room please. I'm trying to cook and I keep tripping over your shoes." She blankly stared at me like I was speaking to her in chinese. My husband asked her the same thing. She responds with, "I don't have to, my Mommy doesn't make me." So then for the 685435452135th time we have the whole, "This is Daddy and Shel Shel's house.....yadayada." She then finally picked up her shoes, turns around, walks TWO STEPS and drops them in the floor then runs to her room and slams the door screaming, "NO!" So frustrating.
Lately, everything from eating dinner, peeing in the potty, and going to bed is exactly like the above in some variation or another. She is constantly battling me and it makes my heart hurt. Christmas Eve she informed me that she "doesn't love me because I do nothing for her." I give her my world. Step parenting is hard. Pregnant step parenting is harder.
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
I assure you that I love my daughter more than anything else in the whole world and I am merely venting. I would never say something like that to her and it makes me cringe in sadness that you intimate that I don't cherish her with every fiber of my being.
It's awesome that you don't ever feel that way about your kiddos, sometimes I do. No one is perfect...
Oh sorry. I forgot. Calling innocent babies names is totally cool. What was I thinking. I will change my answer:
My little bastards are always asking for hugs when I am trying to watch tv. Don't they know that I need my time to be me and be free? Little jacka**es. I should just dump them at the firehouse. Who needs unconditional love anyway. Argh!! You with me??
Oh sorry. I forgot. Calling innocent babies names is totally cool. What was I thinking. I will change my answer:
My little bastards are always asking for hugs when I am trying to watch tv. Don't they know that I need my time to be me and be free? Little jacka**es. I should just dump them at the firehouse. Who needs unconditional love anyway. Argh!! You with me??
Seriously? Your post is in no way relevant to the way that she was even describing her child being a pain. Everyone gets aggravated. My husband is a pain in my ass daily; but I love him dearly. My dog was a pain in my ass when she'd chew up my shoes. You're a pain if you can't even remotely see what she was saying....my gracious. Step down from your Stepford Throne.
ETA: If you expect any of us to believe for a second that you've never had a wits end moment with your child, you've got to be kidding me.
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
I guess I missed the rest of the context. I don't see anything other than baby bashingx
If you're not here to support please leave. This was a mother simply. Venting about be frustrated. I highly doubt your kids never get on your nerves. She didn't call her kid names she used a descriptive word that you got your panties in a bunch over. God I don't have patience for people who are holier than thou today.
Thanks for the support ladies! I'm not sure where I said I was going to dump her off to watch tv or have "me" time. But I think sometimes, people look for reasons to go all ape shit...
Would you have been just as upset had she said one of the following:
My toddler is trying my nerves
She's driving me insane
Or called her a:
They all mean the same thing, just different wording. I don't understand why you're so upset about this; she's just venting.
Exactly wording matters. Like the difference between calling a woman a "unpleasant lady" vs "bitch" vs "cunt". Some words are inflammatory and uncalled for.
Would you have been just as upset had she said one of the following:
My toddler is trying my nerves
She's driving me insane
Or called her a:
They all mean the same thing, just different wording. I don't understand why you're so upset about this; she's just venting.
Exactly wording matters. Like the difference between calling a woman a "unpleasant lady" vs "bitch" vs "cunt". Some words are inflammatory and uncalled for.
Oh sorry. I forgot. Calling innocent babies names is totally cool. What was I thinking. I will change my answer:
My little bastards are always asking for hugs when I am trying to watch tv. Don't they know that I need my time to be me and be free? Little jacka**es. I should just dump them at the firehouse. Who needs unconditional love anyway. Argh!! You with me??
Seriously? Your post is in no way relevant to the way that she was even describing her child being a pain. Everyone gets aggravated. My husband is a pain in my ass daily; but I love him dearly. My dog was a pain in my ass when she'd chew up my shoes. You're a pain if you can't even remotely see what she was saying....my gracious. Step down from your Stepford Throne.
ETA: If you expect any of us to believe for a second that you've never had a wits end moment with your child, you've got to be kidding me.
All of this. There's a difference in saying my daughter is an a** to being a pain which could mean pushing her buttons. I love my daughter more then words and there is days she can push my buttons and I want to pull my hair out...dh can make me feel the same. Even people on pedestals make me feel that way. You took her post way out of context...you don't do that cool. But she was venting and as far as I'm concerned it's better then telling the child that and actually calling the child a name rather then just saying she's a pain. @Flashy your eye rolling gif is exactly how I felt.
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
I'm still fine being here. As I've said before, it is nice to come here and see how people outside of my circle think. It is not the same as how I think. Please spare me the "go to babycenter" speech. If you are all fine with calling babys such mean things, g'on with your bad selves. It won't make me cringe any less.
I'm still fine being here. As I've said before, it is nice to come here and see how people outside of my circle think. It is not the same as how I think. Please spare me the "go to babycenter" speech. If you are all fine with calling babys such mean things, g'on with your bad selves. It won't make me cringe any less.
OP I agree, DS has been totally clingy, it can definitely be exhausting having a starfish stuck to you. He's in a stage where he can't walk on his own yet so I have to hold is hand everywhere he wants to go or else he throws massive fits, this goes down all day long. I'm running out of things to do with him, he's never been the type to entertain himself.
@Flashy DF and I say the same thing, except this next one will hopefully be our "easy" child!
I agree with other pp, being a parent is hard and definitely tests your limits sometimes, venting to your SO or even other parents is healthy IMO, and it doesn't mean you love your child any less! No one said anything about calling their LO bad names to their faces. We're all adults and sometimes use adult words or phrases to express ourselves.
@chelseaamb11 I nearly fell out of my chair when I read, "I'd bet my left boob..." I'm not sure why I found that to be so comical. I guess because my left boob is bigger than my right boob ATM and its the 'chosen one'. Bahaha. Thanks for the laugh. I needed that this afternoon!
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
@looneyru I don't see any reason in why you even need to explain how much you love your kid. That goes without saying. Ya couldn't convince me you'd really want to sell your kid, and I'm not sure how @Ivegotafetus would even remotely begin to think you were serious. Don't sweat it. I'm sure you're a great mom and you shouldn't have to 'prove' it because one person in a forum can't take a joke.
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
@ivegotafetus ungrateful? oh my goodness. go back where you came from! So I suppose that ANYTIME you feel frustrated, upset, aggravated, or anything like that then you're being ungrateful for your life, job, spouse, or whatever is making you feel that way? People have emotions. It's normal. Please step away from your perfect delusion for a moment and realize this is life.
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
Ya know, it really takes a bit for an internet post to strike a nerve with me, so kudos to you woman. You've managed to get me a lil riled up this afternoon.
Me: 24; DH: 28 - Married 09.20.2012
Blended Family since 2012.
Surprise of a Lifetime - Baby Butler EDD 07.07.2015
SD is 4. Super excited and wants a Baby Sister!
Daddy is excited but hoping and wishing for a Baby Boy!
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
Guess what? I myself suffered from infertility. For two years. Got pregnant, had a loss. Did I find it offensive or ungrateful? No, not at all. I find stranger that you can't admit your children ever overwhelm you.
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
It must be really uncomfortable to be cringing so much. Maybe you should spare yourself the discomfort and stop reading this post.
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
So do you think women who are having terrible pregnancy symptoms and complain about them in the symptoms thread are extremely ungrateful as well? It's not fair to expect women who haven't experienced infertility or already have children to hold up to a certain standard of "gratefulness" and not talk about how difficult pregnancy and parenting are because they didn't struggle to have children. No one here is not thankful for their children or their pregnancy, infertility or not.
Lots of people most certainly are entitled and ungrateful. Just because you use a baby board doesn't mean you are grateful. I will not ever be persuaded that it is okay to call your child a pain in the a**.
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
It must be really uncomfortable to be cringing so much. Maybe you should spare yourself the discomfort and stop reading this post.
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
I vote that you sell her so she doesn't have a mother who calls her a "pain in the a**". That made me cringe in sadness.
Wow judgy much? Must be nice to have such perfect children or such a perfect temperament that your kids don't get to you to the point that you vent to other mothers. It's not like OP was yelling at her kid or saying any of that to the kid.
I didn't see a joke. I saw a person who genuinely thinks her child is a "pain in her ass". Do I think she wants to sell her baby? Most likely not. Do I think she sounds extremely ungrateful (especially if you are someone who has suffered from infertility)? Yes. Therefore, I am cringing again.
It must be really uncomfortable to be cringing so much. Maybe you should spare yourself the discomfort and stop reading this post.
You are right. It is making me feel like I need to poop with all the faces I am making. But no poop comes out! Really frustrating. Kind of a pain in my a**. Like babies.
Wait, so a person who has a child after infertility/loss can't have regular human emotions? That's the kind of thing that keeps women with PPD and depression from getting help.
This. I had a loss before dd and I love her very much but like I said she can push my buttons. Just because someone has infertility or anything like that doesn't mean they can't vent about everyday frustrations. It's better then taking it out on the child.
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
Re: Pain in the ass toddler...
My little bastards are always asking for hugs when I am trying to watch tv. Don't they know that I need my time to be me and be free? Little jacka**es. I should just dump them at the firehouse. Who needs unconditional love anyway. Argh!! You with me??
All of this. There's a difference in saying my daughter is an a** to being a pain which could mean pushing her buttons. I love my daughter more then words and there is days she can push my buttons and I want to pull my hair out...dh can make me feel the same. Even people on pedestals make me feel that way. You took her post way out of context...you don't do that cool. But she was venting and as far as I'm concerned it's better then telling the child that and actually calling the child a name rather then just saying she's a pain. @Flashy your eye rolling gif is exactly how I felt.
@Flashy DF and I say the same thing, except this next one will hopefully be our "easy" child!
I agree with other pp, being a parent is hard and definitely tests your limits sometimes, venting to your SO or even other parents is healthy IMO, and it doesn't mean you love your child any less! No one said anything about calling their LO bad names to their faces. We're all adults and sometimes use adult words or phrases to express ourselves.
Ooh good one. Except that I was not assuming anything. I read that she thinks her toddler is a pain in the a**. That's not nice.
I believe you are 100 percent a hypocrite in denial
I like it. Can you make me a song about it? It would be very catchy. Make sure to credit me for the idea.
Lots of people most certainly are entitled and ungrateful. Just because you use a baby board doesn't mean you are grateful. I will not ever be persuaded that it is okay to call your child a pain in the a**.