July 2015 Moms

Health and Fitness check in

I haven't seen one of these in a while. I don't remmeber the questions so I'm just making some up. 1. How have things been going the past week or two for workouts and eating? 2.Did you struggle during the holidays to keep up with what you've been doing? 3. Any fun Christmas gifts to keep you motivated? 4. Any goals for 2015 or things you want to accomplish this pregnancy?

Re: Health and Fitness check in

  • 1. I've been able to keep up with going to the gym at least 4 times a week which I've been really happy with. 2. We didn't travel home at all for the holidays and just had another couple over for Christmas day, so I did really well with both eating and working out. The gym holiday hours affected things a bit, and now the New Years resolution people have made it really busy, but I've still been going. 3. I just ordered new running sneakers with some Christmas money that should be here tomorrow, so I'm excited for those! 4. I signed up for a shamrock run 8k in March the other day so that's something to keep me going. Also H and I have gotten into a good routine of going to spin class at night together so we keep each other motivated to go. I've worked really hard the past year to tone up and get in better shape, so I want to keep that up as much as possible this pregnancy. I have no problem at all with my body changing and weight gain, but if I can keep up what I've got going on I'll be really happy.
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  • 1. Things have been going well. I've been working out 4-5x per week, instead of my usual 5-6x but my body needs it.
    2. So many cookies! I was a Cookie Monster!!!! Now that they are out of the house and patients have stopped bringing in goodies, I'm back on track!
    3. No cool gadgets, but a new bed has helped me keep up with my sleeping goals haha
    4. Big 2015 goal is to compete in a Crossfit competition post baby. But for now I'm keeping my self on track by signing up for 5 and 10ks in the spring.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm not sticking with anything. I'm having issues with food - nothing looks or tastes good. I'm lucky if I eat one real meal a day. The plus side is that I'm making more healthy choices when I do eat.

    The holidays were hard but that's because it's DH's & my birthday a little over a week apart and there's been a lot of cake and dinners out to celebrate.

    My goal for this pregnancy is to be healthy. I haven't gained any weight yet and I've been advised to not gain at all during the first 20 weeks. My doctor said my target is 20lbs and I'm trying to keep that in mind.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 1. How have things been going the past week or two for workouts and eating? It's been going better, I went grocery shopping yesterday and didn't buy any junk food which I was happy with.
    2.Did you struggle during the holidays to keep up with what you've been doing? Yes, I ate like crap and didn't work out at all. 3. Any fun Christmas gifts to keep you motivated? No. 4. Any goals for 2015 or things you want to accomplish this pregnancy?

    Try to stay at a min weight gain.
    Workout out at least 4 days
    Eat better then I have been
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                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • 1. How have things been going the past week or two for workouts and eating? 
    I have not been eating great- food is still so hit and miss, but I'm hoping my food aversions will get a little better in the coming weeks.

    Gradually getting back on the workout wagon!  I feel soooo much better when I do.

    2.Did you struggle during the holidays to keep up with what you've been doing? 
    I haven't been doing much and was hoping to get on track working out over my Christmas break, but didn't as much as I would have liked because of some issues (non-baby related) that came up over that time and the fact that DS will ONLY nap in the car which limited my productivity and didn't allow me to do video workouts while he slept.

    3. Any fun Christmas gifts to keep you motivated? 
    Yes!  I asked for "A Running for Two" tank-top (https://for-two-fitness-maternity-activewear.myshopify.com/) the last Christmas I was pregnant and no one got it for me, so I got it for myself this Christmas.  : )  

    Also, my mom gave me $150 for maternity clothes, but I spent it on new running shoes (first ones in 2.5 years!), a stretchy pair of running shorts, and two race registrations!  

    4. Any goals for 2015 or things you want to accomplish this pregnancy?
    I really just kind of slacked off and completely stopped running/working out during my first pregnancy (mostly due to unnecessary worrying about over-doing it) so I want to stay strong, confident, and moving!  I've got a couple 5Ks and a 10K on the calendar now and am scoping out a half marathon for November or December.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. How have things been going the past week or two for workouts and eating? I've been eating SO SO terribly these past few weeks. I've been trying to make up for it by getting lots of steps in and keeping "active" (moving around) but I really dont think that will cancel out anything :( 
    2.Did you struggle during the holidays to keep up with what you've been doing? Yes. See above
    3. Any fun Christmas gifts to keep you motivated? (conservative) Bathing suits so I can use the pool at our gym now!
    4. Any goals for 2015 or things you want to accomplish this pregnancy? Continue with aqua fit classes, maybe freestyle swim, just to stay active and eat less sugar!
  • I'm a little late to the game today!

    1. How have things been going the past week or two for workouts and eating? Last week I believe I worked out 3x maybe. I'm pushing for 4 these days. I'm feeling a tad more flabby bc I haven't been going my 5-6x a week and running. I want to try and get back on track with running twice a week this week, hopefully. Last week my eating habits weren't all that good with the holidays. But I'm getting back into my routine this week, slowly..

    2.Did you struggle during the holidays to keep up with what you've been doing? I did. I was out the country the week of Christmas and did a little better the week of New Years, but not much. The week I was out of town I didn't get any exercise in, but last week i did and today as well to start off a good week!

    3. Any fun Christmas gifts to keep you motivated? Not at all! And I need new running shoes!

    4. Any goals for 2015 or things you want to accomplish this pregnancy? I want to continue to workout and run and try to gain the minimum amount of weight.
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