July 2015 Moms

So I was browsing pregnant belly photos online and I realized....

smcomersmcomer member
edited January 2015 in July 2015 Moms
That I haven't come across any photos of women who have lost a good amount of weight and then got pregnant while they still have a good amount of loose skin on their stomachs.

I lost 175 pounds a few years ago when I was 21 and my stomach at the bottom has this pouch of loose skin that sags. I've gained about 30 back of that 175 but still have a saggy pouch. And I wanted to know how my belly will look when my bump becomes more prounced. Will it look like a B with the top 1/2 all baby and my lower 1/2 loose skin or will it round out? Sorry. Weird question xD

Re: So I was browsing pregnant belly photos online and I realized....

  • Not sure, no experience here - Yey for all that lost weight!! You will look adorable! No matter what! :-)
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  • Yes, it may look like a B. I've lost a lot of weight, too, and have lots of excess skin on my lower abdomen; this is my third pregnancy. It will be a more pronounced round shape in the third trimester but you may not feel comfortable in the more fitted maternity clothes because they won't fold neatly under your bump where a flat pelvis ought to be. But obviously, wear what you love and what's comfortable, not what's "best for the bump" Congratulations on the weight loss and pregnancy!
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  • Amazing job on the weight loss!
  • Piggybacking on this question (unless this is the same question, and I'm just not awake today): if you've had a baby in the past two years and still have this flubby mommy belly doughy business at the bottom, is it the same thing, where you'll have a weird looking belly and not a nice taught bump? 
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  • Congrats on all the weight loss, that is amazing!! & like other PPs have said I'm sure you'll be super cute pregnant no matter what!!
  • Congrats on the weight lost, not sure how things will look, but just wanted to say great job
  • Amazing weight loss, wow! Congratulations!!
  • Congrats to you!  Just think of how much healthier your pregnancy will be because of your accomplishment!

    Married - April 2014  |  Miscarriage - June 2014
    BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby!  EDD July 8

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  • I am in the same boat having lost 145 lbs! I plan on using a band to help shape me if need be!

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