July 2015 Moms

To my teacher and school friends...

Anyone else returning tomorrow following winter break? I'm so depressed about it. It's been great to lay around the house, take naps, and get sick at home and not at school.

When do you go back?

Please share any funny returning to school pics or gifs below!
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Re: To my teacher and school friends...

  • I still have one more week off, which is a total yay/boo. Yay because, well, another week off, obvs. But boo because it seriously makes it harder to go back having 3 weeks off. It will be extra-miserable when I do go back.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I go back tomorrow. No fun! I have enjoyed being exhausted at home! Already had my back to school nightmare. Not fun when combined with pregnancy dreams.
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  • I go back tomorrow too. I am super sad about it. I'm super cranky and feeling huge, even though I'm only 10W3D and have actually lost 8lbs so far. I have thoroughly loved having this time off to sleep.
    Sorry you have to go back too!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm in grad school and go back next week. I'm excited but a little nervous with how school will go with a baby on the way. I was hoping to graduate in Dec, but I might push it to May so I have the summer off for the LO.
  • I go back tomorrow. I'm so not ready, although I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and I've been noticing an increase in energy and decrease in nausea; so it might not be so bad. I'm just hoping my work clothes still fit... I've been wearing jeans with a rubber band through the loop at home. My teacher clothes don't work that way.
  • I feel everyone's pain. I go back tomorrow as well. It's been so nice to do everything at my leisure and actually go to the bathroom when I need to. I'm so depressed. Hoping that the first day back is easy for everyone!
  • DH goes back tomorrow. I am super bummed. It has been nice watching DD together. I go back on Wednesday.
  • Totally dreading it. Me wanting to be a sahm has increased 10 fold.
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  • Ugh don't remind me. How am I going to go on without my afternoon naps lol
  • Back at it tomorrow. Except we have professional development all day. I did absolutely NO work over break, and I'm concerned I won't remember any of their names! I am semi excited to see some of my coworkers, because most know my news from fb.
  • I'm back tomorrow as well. We have mini sessions all am, and thankfully work time in the pm. Tomorrow is all day prof development off campus and kids return on Wednesday. I can count on all 17 showing up and also hope I remember their names. I never took naps in my life before pregnancy, and now its not unusual for me to be knocked out for 2 hours. I hope my patience is intact.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I go back tomorrow also. I planned for tomorrow. That's it. I still have my pile of grading and a recommendation to write. Blah! Inn going to bed anyway though.

    I could use another week. Usually I miss my students a little bit. I'm not there yet this time.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Luckily I have another week off but I'll be busy with prep this week. Good luck everyone!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I also go back Tom, but kids on Tuesday. Glad I get a day to collect myself ha! These 2 weeks have been awesome... I'm ready to go back bc I feel like a lazy bum but sad to go back bc well... I was able to be a lazy bum! Next break- t minus 2 weeks- MLK Day!
  • I go back tomorrow! :( I sooooo don't want to go
  • I'm staff at a school and am back at it tomorrow.  The students don't descend for about another week, but they always seem to come out of the woodwork this week.

    Last night I had a dream/nightmare that everyone showed up at my office and expected me to get everything done at exactly the same time.  Here's to hoping that if that does happen, I can play the role of human traffic cop with grace.

    I commute by train one hour each way so I'm REALLY praying for no crazies and a place to sit.


    EDD: July 13, 2015 • Team Blue
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I don't go back to school until the 20th. So glad I have more time off but I feel for you ladies because I'm already starting to dread it.
  • law&orderlaw&order member
    edited January 2015
    I'm going back tomorrow. I will definitely miss my afternoon naps and relaxed(ish) evenings.

    I'm not ready to go back to work, but I'm ready for my threenager to go back to preschool!!!

    Only my secretary knows I'm pregnant and my boss is at a conference until Wednesday. Should be interesting since I'm pretty obviously pregnant at this point- at least to people who know me (even if it's just bloat/fat). Surprise! I didn't just eat too many Christmas cookies...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Tomorrow is going to suck I was struggling to focus in church not sure if I can make it through an entire day of PD luckily I finished grades before I left. And I have somewhat of a plan for Tuesday. Not ready for the fat or pregnant questions from my students. They can be smidgen on the rude side. 14 weeks and counting!
  • I go back tomorrow as well. It's been soooo wonderful to catch up on sleep, relax, and just listen to what my body and growing baby need each day instead of 20 6 year olds. BUT I do love my 1st grade kiddos and will be happy to see them in the morning and get back into the routine of things. Also, now that I'm in my second trimester (14w4d) I'm finally sharing the news with my class tomorrow - I can't wait to see how excited I suspect they will be!
  • Ugh ladies I just wanna say I am so sorry! When I worked in schools, going back after break was miserable enough not pregnant (I did work with behaviorally challenged/ emotionally disabled kids but still.) I hope you all have great days back tomorrow. And remember its okay to take it easy sometimes. The kids won't end up flunking out of high school just because you let them watch a movie one day lol. Work within your limits to keep those little babies you're growing happy and healthy!

    My classes start back up on the 17th but I'm only doing 2 classes this semester and they're both online. So don't pity me at all.
    Married 3.10.13
    Finally pregnant after 20 months of trying, and 3 doses of Clomid!
    10 year old step son who is excited to be a big brother!

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  • I'm planning a nap during my lunch...I'm betting we will have many absent kids because it is -8 out this morning, not sad about that!

    Stop counting crayons, just draw

  • I'm not a teacher but I have to say, I wish you guys had more time off. There was barely any traffic on my way to work these last two weeks, it made my car nausea easier to bare. I never realized how many people on the road in the morning were a part of the education system. Only 4 more early mornings until Saturday!!!
  • I'm back today with the students. I'm so jealous of y'all who get a PD day today. I do not want to go back and emotional me cried last night a little. It doesn't help that this year has been terrible so far.


    TTC #1 since 3/2011
    DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
    DH is a testicular cancer survivor
    IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
    ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
    Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
    Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
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    TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal

    IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.

    FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216  Beta #2: 823

    Baby Boy born 7/10/2015

  • I was supposed to be back today, but I'm getting over the flu, and with morning sickness, that combination is not so great, so I'm going back tomorrow.
    TTC #1 06/13
    Diagnosed PCOS 09/14
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm a substitute this year but worked as a paraprofessional the previous two years. I always dreaded going back after break because our kids would be grumpy/off-schedule and things would be hectic for a while. School started today and I spent the day floating from one classroom to the next, watching tired teachers try to teach tired/cranky/cold kids.

    Here is something that I hope makes you smile:
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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    July '15 January Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Fun

  • I am a secretary in a high school office and am back at work today. I just wanna be a baby and start crying because I don't want to be here!! Not to mention I feel so nauseous!
  • Told my 3rd period I was pregnant one darling student yells out "I was like she is getting so fat!" and then asked to rub my belly!
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