Woke up with a headache, snuffy nose, and blocked right ear. My boobs are less sore this morning and I'm wicked thirsty. Some soreness around my hips as well.
Feeling pretty good! Second trimester today, & I slept through the night without having to get up & pee! Yay! Boobs are less sore too. I have some house work to do so lets hope I get some energy here today.
If it wasn't for my intense sense of smell, I would question if I was still prego, My boobs don't hurt, no morning sickness, and I'm no longer waking up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. What gives? It's kind of freaking me out.
I am 12 weeks and 4 days. Boobs a little sore. Other than that feel pretty normal. I think I'm starting to get an appetite again. Hooray for soon to come 2nd trimester!
I am finally feeling a little better. For the past 6 weeks I have been suffering from extreme all day sickness! Today I woke up craving Whataburger! And I had my first BM in like a week. Today is a good day.
I still have other symptoms like sore boobs and slight nausea...but I am starving!
Round ligament pain is in full swing this morning, in my groin/hip area... Bleeding from my SCH continues, been going on for 5 weeks now... Sore boobs and serious nursing aversion, but I can't tell my 14 month old that...
MMC 01/26/12
MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13
BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!
Madeline Lorraine H. Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz
DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia MC @ 13wks 01/15/15
DX Septate Uterus - surgery recommended
BFP 3/18/16, EDD 11/13/16 It's a boy! Clint Kiszonas H. Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz
12w 4d and I still have the bad after taste thing. Hubby saved me with some after coffee mints from Starbucks. Headaches, sore boobs, mood swings. But...I've been poking baby and I swear I feel her move. So I'm happy!
(Previously posted in the randoms thread because I'm feeling extra special today.. Sorry for the double post)
I was doing so much better.. But the last few days I am incredibly nauseous again. I have not thrown up, but the dry heaving is back. I thought I was beyond this.. apparently I'm not. I'm really hoping I am one of the lucky ones that the nausea ends after the first trimester, but with the second being only a week away I have a fear that that may not be so. (Wahhh)
@ohkay I'm experiencing the same as you. My symptoms seem to have disappeared within the past few days. My boobs have been swollen and sore everyday but when I woke up yesterday and today they didn't bother me. I was panicking all day yesterday and trying to tell myself that it has to be b/c I'll be 11 wks tomorrow and things are starting to subside. Hope it helps to know you aren't alone.
12+4. I'm still nauseous and in love with my zolfan (minus the constipation) and I think I have GERD which sucks really hard. I'm very exhausted all the time and, yeah. I see no end in sight.
My steroids are working wonders for my HG, finally able to eat and drink so I've been completely pigging out. Every morning at 2:30 am I wake up and can't go back to sleep until 5:30am, DS usually is up at 7am, so I'm exhausted. Other than the frequent headaches I feel pretty good!
I'm feeling pretty awesome only thing that is still hanging around is that nasty taste in my mouth but even that isn't so bad. 13w2d and I can finally see the light. Well wishes to all you ladies hang in there.
Nausea is less annoying this morning, although I've still thrown up multiple times - I think my brain is just accepting this as our new "normal". So I've just been lounging in bed between running to the bathroom. Too scared to take zofran yet because of the constipation. Something from last night didn't sit right, and let's just say I want it to come OUT by whatever means necessary
I think baby has fell out with me, had sickness past 3 days, haven't realy suffered since now thought I was in the clear. Mega bloated today too so wearing a work shirt that's 2 sizes to big, look like I'm wearing a tent.
14w and 1d. I can eat, like really eat. Not only can I handle looking at and preparing food, my appetite is wonderful and prunes have gotten rid of my constipation. Now I'm just praying for energy! And a new bra. And less back pain... and hip pain.
Im 13+3 today.. No symtoms at all really just bigger boobs and still trying to catch my appetite back and heard babys heartbeat last week.. So far so good fx!
14+3 today...feeling so run down! I came down with an awful cold around Christmas and I think I'm still trying to beat it. I have been sleeping soooo much which is out of the norm for me. My lower back has been hurting and this morning nothing is settling with my stomach. I feel like a big whiner. I'm thankful my husband had to work for a bit this afternoon because I feel like all I am is a Debbie downer lately Lol! Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
13 weeks and 3 days today! I can eat no nausea but I have to eat lightly small little meals all day :-) so my biggest complaint is I think I'm getting a sinus infection yuck! Which is not good since school starts on Monday and I teach first grade :-) hopefully the kids will be extra nice. Still trying to figure out how to tell them and their parents
13 and 3 and my nausea is still as miserable as ever. H wouldn't clean up the dogs poop last night so I did, and then proceeded to puke so hard I peed my pants. Then cried about it. My life is a joke at the moment.
H felt super horrible and went to get me ice cream.
Married July 19, 2014.
Inherited one stepson, so excited to continue our family!
BFP#1: June 15, 2014. MC June 20, 2014.
BFP#2: July 11, 2014. MMC July 27, 2014. Naturally passed tissue August 5, 2014.
I am having pain in my lower left abdomen, just above the pubic bone. I am guessing its growing pains, its a more constant ache than anything else. I am not too concerned yet and it doesnt feel like cramps so I am just going to relax tonight. Part of me is glad to feel something, some semblence of a symptom this pregnancy.
Constipation is back because I started taking my Zofran I was prescribed because I just could stand the throwing up anymore. I just want to poop- is that too much to ask?
12 weeks today! My appetite seems to be back so that's great. Had some hip pain today and I really hope that's not starting already. I don't really remember but I feel like it was much later when I was pregnant with DD.
Other than that I just get rrally nauseous if I wait to long to eat. I sent DH to the supermarket with a list of lots of snacks. And I'm doing a terrible job about drinking water. How are you all doing with that?
I had a nice poop today thank the lord because my constipation has been horrible. I feel sooo bad for my fiance because I have the worst gas ever and he takes it like a champ.
Constipation is back because I started taking my Zofran I was prescribed because I just could stand the throwing up anymore. I just want to poop- is that too much to ask?
Try colace. It works well for me
I just took Metamucil capsules we had on hand. If that doesn't work I will try Colace. Thanks for the suggestion
I just started having pain in my groin area...mostly feels like stretching I just don't remember feeling like this with my first and I worry about everything way more than I should! 13 weeks today...could it be round ligament pain??
I feel terrible. Nausea exhaustion and holy crap the headaches! Spent most of the day on the couch, which was the plan just not like this. Hoping tomorrow is better.
I started on B6 today after my OB gave me prenatals that have the extra. I was feeling bad this afternoon but when I took it again I felt better. still tired, boobs sore. still a bit more to go in 1st tri, but I think my energy is coming back.
Re: Saturday Symptoms/ Lack of Symptoms
July '15 January Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Fun
So. Tired. And since I'm so tired, that's also making me nauseous. Can't win for losing around here.
I still have other symptoms like sore boobs and slight nausea...but I am starving!
Bleeding from my SCH continues, been going on for 5 weeks now...
Sore boobs and serious nursing aversion, but I can't tell my 14 month old that...
MMC 01/26/12
MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13
BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!
DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
MC @ 13wks 01/15/15
BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18
Headaches, sore boobs, mood swings.
But...I've been poking baby and I swear I feel her move. So I'm happy!
I was doing so much better.. But the last few days I am incredibly nauseous again. I have not thrown up, but the dry heaving is back. I thought I was beyond this.. apparently I'm not. I'm really hoping I am one of the lucky ones that the nausea ends after the first trimester, but with the second being only a week away I have a fear that that may not be so. (Wahhh)
Born in June, three weeks early
H felt super horrible and went to get me ice cream.
Other than that I just get rrally nauseous if I wait to long to eat. I sent DH to the supermarket with a list of lots of snacks. And I'm doing a terrible job about drinking water. How are you all doing with that?
My little goofball born 1/2012