July 2015 Moms

Trouble swallowing...

Okay so a little random but ever since I found I was pregnant I haven't been able to swallow my prenatal vitamin very well. It seriously takes me forever and I gag everytime. I had been taking it for 3+ months beforehand without issue and now its like my gag reflex has suddenly decided to kick in or something. I have trouble with other pills too, anything on the larger side. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just some completely random thing? I didn't have any issues with my first pregnancy but so far everything has been different with this one. I don't know what to do. I have started to worry that I might actually choke because of how difficult its become to swallow the darn thing! Sigh... such a bizarre symptom...
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Re: Trouble swallowing...

  • Are you having trouble swallowing any foods also? I have noticed my gag reflex is more sensitive now (plus some Morning sickness) and have gagged on pills recently. I find if I get over it mentally and tilt my head back and get the pill farther back before swallowing it helps.
    Now, if you are having trouble swallowing other foods as well, then it may be something to mention to your doctor and potentially be referred for a swallow study.
  • No trouble with foods, just the pill. I wish they came in a smaller more manageable size :/ would make a world of difference!
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  • This happened to me too with my PNV. I take rainbow light and switched to the "mini" version, so now I take 3 smaller vitamins a day instead of one giant one. It's much better.

    Maybe you could try a smaller sized vitamin or a gummy instead? 
    Married 2006
    Surprise BFP Feb 2008 MC at 6w2d

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    BFP! 10/28/14       EDD 7/5/15

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  • I'll have to look into smaller sizes!! A nurse at my clinic said the gummy versions don't have the iron in them so not sure if thats an option for me. I easily become anemic so definitely need the iron! But love the idea of a mini version!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Ya frustrating. Hopefully the feeling will pass soon! Try getting it farther back, or different temperatures of liquids. Hot water or ice water may take your mind off of what you are doing and the feeling of it in your mouth. Different temperatures of liquids, as well as head tilts (down or up), using a straw, etc., are often used for swallowing therapy.
    (Disclaimer: I am not a swallowing/dysphasia expert, however I am a speech language pathologist who's has had some previous experience with swallowing therapies).
  • I also have this problem. I now take a gummy, a folate pill and an iron pill as per my drs suggestion (as I also have very low iron as it is). Hope you find something that works for you
  • I don't have a problem swallowing anything but I do have a problem where when I'm drinking or even swallowing my saliva throughout the day and my throat relaxes before I'm done and it goes down the wrong pipe. I've never felt any sensation like this before, but it has happened 3 or so times since I've gotten pregnant. (Yes I've swallowed wrong before but never where it feels like my throat relaxes in the middle of a swallow). Once it happened while I was driving. It was quite scary
  • slamar3 said:

    I don't have a problem swallowing anything but I do have a problem where when I'm drinking or even swallowing my saliva throughout the day and my throat relaxes before I'm done and it goes down the wrong pipe. I've never felt any sensation like this before, but it has happened 3 or so times since I've gotten pregnant. (Yes I've swallowed wrong before but never where it feels like my throat relaxes in the middle of a swallow). Once it happened while I was driving. It was quite scary

    This is something that may need an evaluation. Ask your doctor the next time you are in. Make note of what it is you are swallowing and when/how often it is occurring. It is not normal for this to occur. There is a part of your throat that covers your airway when you swallow (the epiglottis) and if it isn't functioning correctly you would want to know. Again not the expert so I can't say exactly why this is happening so ask your doctor if you need a referral.
    Here is a link explaining how the epiglottis works. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiglottis
  • My first symptom with both pregnancies has been gagging on pills. It hasn't subsided yet. It's awful!
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  • No help, just me too! I'm having a hell of a time trying to get any pill down without it coming right back up. :(
  • I have to say it makes me feel a little better knowing its not just me! My hubby hasn't been very sympathetic, telling me its all in my head. But I've never had this problem before so I was pretty sure there had to be more to it! I'm going to look for a smaller version today and see if that helps. Thanks ladies!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • You can try taking the pill in applesauce or pudding as well.. I'm a nurse and this helps a lot of people who have some difficulty swallowing pills. Mine make me gag too and never used to, I feel your pain!
  • Try chewable prenatals that may help.
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