July 2015 Moms

Belly grew over night...

I am thirteen weeks (with my second pregnancy) and holy Hannah I swear it's like my peach just popped out today. My first pregnancy I started showing about fourteen weeks but I swear it wasn't this much so fast! I know they say you will show about a month early with second pregnancies but wow I guess I just wasn't prepared lol. Any other ladies experience this?

Re: Belly grew over night...

  • The bloat is faaaar more pronounced this time for me. And I only have one baby in there this time!! It's a good thing I'm spilling the beans at work next week -- I'm not even 11 weeks, and this is ridiculous. Baggy tops aren't even doing the trick. DH thinks it's hilarious. ;)
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  • I understand! I didn't show until 18 weeks the first time. I know I know it's only the size of a prune right now so it's bloat BUT damn. I'm not convinced I'm not having twins haha. 
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  • I'm with you! I show/bloat early but this time (last time) with my fourth it's a little too much to hide... I'm still waiting to announce to friends and it's getting a little difficult.
  • This is my first, but my little pooch/gut is impossible to suck in like it used to.  And after I eat anything I swear I'm so bloated its unreal.  We went to pizza for lunch and i came home looking like I was about 5 months along.
    Married July 19, 2014.
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    BFP#2: July 11, 2014. MMC July 27, 2014. Naturally passed tissue August 5, 2014.
    BFP#3: October 29, 2014.
    EDD: July 8, 2015 *Stick baby stick!*
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  • I'll be 13w tomorrow and I haven't been able to button my pants in 3wks! This is my first so I had no idea what to expect so now I just get to hear everyone tell me that I'm so big for this being my first...
  • I started showing with my first around 15-16 weeks. I'm 14 weeks now, and fairly positive I've got a little bump going. Still a lot of bloat, but definitely some bump. :-)


  • I'm only 11+5 but this morning when lying down I had a hard bump that was in the middle of my stomach ending a few inches below by belly button. It was pretty much just me needing to pee but it was still exciting to see as it looked exactly like my son was on me up until 18 weeks, so it sort of made us click that we're actually having another baby!! Yayyy for the ladies getting real bumps now. I think I've actually started to get excited about the bump thing now. Only a month or two away for me now!
  • I'm 12 weeks 3 days and bloated like a mother heifer... :\"> it's not so bad in the morning but by nighttime, it's crazy bloated.
  • This is my third and tomorrow I'm 12 weeks. I woke up today and my stomach is a completely different shape. A round little ball at the bottom. I showed at 16 weeks with my first and 14 weeks with my second.
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