Seriously, this is the biggest pg symptom I have. My stomach is a little weird and I burp ALL THE TIME. It's horrible! I tried drinking 7up and it just made it worse (and super loud).?
So, is this a normal pg symptom or am I just becoming really gross? ?
Re: I am burping like a college frat boy
I'm 7 weeks-ish. I didn't have a period after going off BC, so I really have no idea how far I am. I guessed 7 weeks by counting backwards from when I tested!?
My H makes fun of me, I seriously never burped (much less loudly) before the BFP. Now I am LOUD and often!?
THANK YOU for posting this. I copied the link and sent it to my husband to prove that I was the only "gross" prego out there. I swear he doesn't believe that it's a symptom of pregnancy and keeps tell me how gross I am OVER AND OVER! Talk about supportive - not. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for tri 2. Sounds heavenly compared to tri 1. Here's hoping!