1st Trimester

I am burping like a college frat boy

Seriously, this is the biggest pg symptom I have. My stomach is a little weird and I burp ALL THE TIME. It's horrible! I tried drinking 7up and it just made it worse (and super loud).?

So, is this a normal pg symptom or am I just becoming really gross? ?

Re: I am burping like a college frat boy

  • Yes, I've noticed myself burping a lot more frequently (and getting louder). 
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  • OMG yeah I'm not the only frat boy!!! I dont know how far along you are but my recent frat boy symptoms make me think its a boy b/c silly logic makes me believe little girls dont do these gross things lol...So I totally feel your pain and I sure do hope it gets better. All DH can do is laugh at me lol.
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  • LOL!!!! The same thing is happening to me. Everything I read says it's more than normal. My husband just laughs at me becasue I just can't control it.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • My DH justs laughs and tells me how gross I am. I feel bad because when he burps I yell at how disgusting he is and now I too sound like I'm competing in a beltchfest!  I have the worst indigestion!!
  • I'm 7 weeks-ish. I didn't have a period after going off BC, so I really have no idea how far I am. I guessed 7 weeks by counting backwards from when I tested!?

    My H makes fun of me, I seriously never burped (much less loudly) before the BFP. Now I am LOUD and often!?

  • Hahaha - I had to laugh at the title of this post!  I, too, am becoming a champion burper - and this was never a problem for me before. 
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one!  I think my neighbors can hear me belch (I live in a condo).  I must admit I was quite a belcher before pregnancy, though - but I could control it then!
  • haha, completely. The worst part is lately DH has been super lovey, so I feel aweful when he goes in for a kiss I can't control the burp coming out. Kills the mood quickly to say the least, so my DH is not finding it as amusing :-(
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  • Yup, gas comes with the territory.  My burping has gotten much better but I still fart like an old dog.  :)  Fun stuff!
  • LOL seriously the non stop burping was what made me POAS at 11 dpo. I knew something was up & I am still burping non stop.
    Mommy to Catherine 5/19/2005 & Ryan 8/22/2009 My Blog
  • I have been burping too!!!!
  • THANK YOU for posting this. I copied the link and sent it to my husband to prove that I was the only "gross" prego out there. I swear he doesn't believe that it's a symptom of pregnancy and keeps tell me how gross I am OVER AND OVER! Talk about supportive - not. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for tri 2. Sounds heavenly compared to tri 1. Here's hoping!

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