July 2015 Moms

Feelings of a first time mom to be

This is me, just wanting to share my thoughts, as well as ask all you moms about your experience as well.

Im currently at 11 weeks, Ive had my first ultrasound, seen my baby's heartbeat, taken my first blood tests, and am awaiting knowledge of the sex of my baby (verify by progenity blood test).With each passing  day I grow more proud of my little one, seeing him or her moving around every time I giggled  during the 8.5 week ultrasound has been the highlight of my year, and my growing bump makes me all the more excited for the days to come. I cant wait to see what the future holds, even with each new symptom, not sleeping through the night, peeing all the time, hip cramps, and nausea, I start each day just thankful I've made it this far. How can all this craziness make life soo amazing? How can something so small cause me to feel like time is simultaneously rushing past and crawling  at the same time? I feel a part of some special community whenever I see another pregnant women, like we are somehow bonded in a sisterhood. This post is largely  due to my anxiousness at wanting to know if I'm carrying a boy or girl, I will be happy no matter what, I just want to know soo badly! My body has changed  soo much already, everyone says I look like Im at three months or more, and I worry about having less time than I thought to prepare. Anyone else have these crazy thoughts and feelings? Thanks for the rant space, and I wish you all luck and health!
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