July 2015 Moms

mucus like discharge

So I had some light yellow mucus like discharge as of yesterday. I tried searching it before asking but it couldn't find anything except for brown or pink discharge or mucus plug. Im just wondering if its something normal i dont feel pain or anything and is only when I wipe. I'm a first time mommy.

Re: mucus like discharge

  • @lynlopez‌ Your body produces discharge to keep bacteria from forming. It's basically flushing you. If it gets in your undies just put on a panty liner. As long as it doesn't have an odor it's normal.
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  • Thanks guys for the quick responses!
  • @lynlopez‌ Your body produces discharge to keep bacteria from forming. It's basically flushing you. If it gets in your undies just put on a panty liner. As long as it doesn't have an odor it's normal.

    What she said! No worries!
  • I really need to start to remember to wear a pantyliner. Some days that shit is out of hand.
  • I had some yellowish/greenish discharge last night and spent the next hour googleing. Apparently I lost my mucus plug ;) 
    *Formerly peainthepod?* TTC since 1/1/2006. All cycles BFN! IUI's & IVF with no luck. Emergency surgery 11/07 due to hemmoraging cyst on left ovary. 3rd HSG showed complete blockage of right tube (the good side), endo/cysts/adhesion removal 11/11. New start for 2012! Surprise BFP 6/17/12, due 2/12/13. It's a boy!!! Baby Boy born on January 26, 2013. 
  •  Clear and whitish discharge is normal. Yellow can be a sign of infection but isn't always.
    Since you aren't itchy or in pain I'd say your fine but if you start getting the dreaded itch call the OB.  The cream they prescribe is way better then OTC.
    I get infections unfortunately more then I care to count. It sucks. 
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