July 2015 Moms

Overweight and pregnant

I weigh 220 pounds with an already large stomach and I'm 12 weeks pregnant with my first. I can feel a knot like bump between my belly button and my vagina. It is sometimes hard in different places and the feelings change when I change my positions (sitting, standing, laying down, etc). Is this the baby bump I'm feeling?

Re: Overweight and pregnant

  • I weighed 230 when I found out I was preg this time. Very different from when I weighed 150 with my first. I feel the same tightness or hard places and my dr told me it's the baby. I don't look prego yet (with my first I was very round from 10wks on) and I'm 12 weeks now but I've noticed I can't suck my gut in anymore and I'm starting to round out. This is my second, but I would say it's still prolly baby for you. My doc said overweight woman tend to show faster technically but to the outside world it takes a little longer, if that makes sense. Congrats!!
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I finally am starting to feel better (sick and tired for the first 11weeks) and am hoping to find some motivation to start walking and trying to keep the weight gain to a min. Dr said no more than 15 lbs. I worry.
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  • I'm 235 lbs. and have a hard area above my pubic bone too. Had my 11 week appointment today and doctor confirmed that it is the beginning of a bump. I was 200 lbs. at this point in my last pregnancy so I'm curious as to how my body will look and change this time. :) nice to know there are other gals with similar questions and feelings about the topic of weight and pregnancy.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I was 230 when I got pregnant but now I'm 224. I too can feel something hard under my belly fat about an inch about pelvis
  • Thanks ladies!!! That's so exciting that I can feel my baby!!! Now that I know it's the bump, I can have Jeff feel it lol
  • I am 240, and I can feel a hardness right under my belly button and above my vagina, in that area. When I went for my ultrasound they said that is my uterus! Yay! Congrats!!!
  • i'm about 230 now at almost 10 weeks. when im laying flat on my back i can feel a hard bump right above my pelvis, nothing sticking out yet just nice to feel it hardening. im a first time mom so i've wondered a lot whether or not i'll "show" like normal or at all. 
    Me: 24 years old
    2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
    2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
    Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
    April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
    May 2014: blood work, all good
    June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p 
    July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
    Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
    Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
    Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
    Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
    Feb 2015: It's a boy!
    EDD: July 30, 2015

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Have any of you lost weight? My dr said I could expect to lose 10-15 lbs and I'm down 7
  • Yes, I'm down 6 lbs.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • i haven't lost but i haven't gained yet either. 
    Me: 24 years old
    2011 dx: adeno carcinoma of the cervix, cone biopsy to remove tumor
    2011-2014: follow ups with gyn/onc every four months
    Feb 2014: told to consider pregnancy "sooner than later"
    April 2014: start process for IUI with Ottawa Fertility Clinic, HSG all clear
    May 2014: blood work, all good
    June 2014: IUI #1, BFP, c/p 
    July 2014: IUI #2, reaction to hormone in donor sperm, essentially body rejects IUI, bfn
    Nov 2014: Surprise BFP with new b/f
    Dec 2014: ultrasound at 6w5d, got to see my little one's heartbeat at 120bpm
    Jan 2015: 12w ultrasound, measuring well, perfect heartbeat
    Feb 2015: emergency lap coly
    Feb 2015: It's a boy!
    EDD: July 30, 2015

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Down about 5. My doc said I should gain between 11 and 25lbs throughout the pregnancy and none in te Fort tri. I'm 220. I think I feel a bit of a hard spot too and sucking in the gut if no longer possible.
  • I started out at 235 at my first appointment and I've lost 3 pounds since then. I also can't "suck it in" like I used to.
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  • I'm almost 13 weeks! Started at 277 and I'm about 268 now. My doc said I might not gain at all and she's on with that as long as I'm making healthy choices

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Excitedly Expecting our first!      EDD July 10

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  • I'm 224 and I was 236 when I first found out! Agreed with the rounding of the stomach, mine is looking very round. Sadly it seems only I notice! 13 weeks today!
  • I was 198 when I got pregnant. Weighed in at 202 yesterday. Only gained 15 lbs with DS. But yeah, I'm rounding out fast. I'll have to feel what y'all are talking about when my bladder isn't so full. LOL.
  • jlbaker08jlbaker08 member
    edited January 2015
    I was 197 in mid October, at my pap right before my LMP and now I'm down to 178. My BMI is still technically obese because I'm a shorty, I can't feel a bump yet but I look thicker around the middle and certainly don't appear to be down almost 20lbs. The doctor hasn't said anything about the weight loss so I figure it's not a big deal if I'm eating decent stuff and getting my vitamins. I gained 60lbs with DD and that hasn't gone away so I'm on the fat and pregnant boat!
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  • I'm down 6lbs so far with my first too I lost between 40-60lbs
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
    Married 03/18/10
    DS #2 Born 05/19/11
    DS #3 Due 07/26/15

  • Anyone finding it hard to motivate yourself to work out? I keep thinking about it but still don't. Then I feel guilty and worry about how much weight I'll gain and how I'll lose the weight after the baby comes. Anyone else have similar fears?
  • acpm4683 said:

    Anyone finding it hard to motivate yourself to work out? I keep thinking about it but still don't. Then I feel guilty and worry about how much weight I'll gain and how I'll lose the weight after the baby comes. Anyone else have similar fears?

    For the first trimester I haven't been beating myself up about it. I've been exhausted. Now that I'm starting to feel better I'm looking into yoga and trying to figure out how to get back into swimming

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Excitedly Expecting our first!      EDD July 10

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  • I too have lost about 8lbs. My clothes all still fit except in my stomach. I just got into my second trimester today. Thinking about getting some yoga dvds. I hear it will help with labor.
  • I have also lost weight. I've lost 11 pounds since I found out o was pregnant. As for exercising, I was exhausted and had bad MS for the fist month after I found out. I was finally feeling better and I had been going to the gym to walk. Then I caught a cold. Still trying to recover and then I'll start walking again. I've also been thinking of trying yoga.
  • I was so glad when I saw this post. Only when my doc found out I was pregnant did I get the honor of OBESE slapped on my health record. This is my first baby and I am just praying not to gain an insane amount of weight
  • I'm glad I'm not alone here. I've lost 10 pounds. Down to 268 and I'm pretty tall. My doctor haven't talked to me about how much I should gain, but she was concerned with my loss since it happened in a three week span.
  • I'm 13+ weeks and obese/tall. I've lost about 6 since I found out I was pregnant. Dr said between 0-10 pound gain, most during 3rd trimester. I've been eating better/less because of food aversions and eating small meals and drinking lots of water. Hopping to get back to walking and light lifting (Dr has already okayed) once I shake this cold.
  • Was anyone else told they need growth ultrasounds in late second and third trimesters due to being overweight?
  • I checked my online health chart after my first OB appointment and on my list of conditions popped up morbid obesity which wasn't there before. I've been working out all summer/fall and unfortunately gained weight (muscle) even though I lost inches. It felt like a kick in the gut because well some weight gain it's inevitable in pregnancy so my BMI isn't going to change.

    A nurse from my insurance called to do an assessment and made sure I was aware I am in their high risk category because of my weight.

    I hate labels.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @chrissy21825‌ if you find any you like please post! I highly doubt I'll go to a yoga class, but will give DVDs a shot...again.
  • I found a 10min pregnancy yoga series on YouTube. It's my much but I actually feel better after doing it.
  • @runa00‌ I had a 36 week US with my last son due to being over weight. Everything was normal and it was exciting seeing him again.
  • I thought it was normal to have us every month then weekly ad you get further along? Maybe I just assumed that bc you have to go for appointments?
  • Even being obese, unless there is an issue, mine only does dating and anatomy u/s. Of course more if there's issues, but I don't think it's the norm to do it at every appointment.
    BFP 11-20-14 EDD 7-27-15 Late Miscarriage at 14w5d

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