July 2015 Moms

*Sunday Ticker Change (due date: July 5, July 12, July 19, & July 26)*

What week/ fruit are you?

Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided?

Upcoming or recent Dr appointments?

Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days:

Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why?
Married 3.10.13
Finally pregnant after 20 months of trying, and 3 doses of Clomid!
10 year old step son who is excited to be a big brother!

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Re: *Sunday Ticker Change (due date: July 5, July 12, July 19, & July 26)*

  • Week 12, plum

    My nausea has pretty much packed its bags. I find that I only get nauseous now in the morning if I don't eat immediately when I wake up.

    No Dr apt until Jan 15th, but we should find out the sex hopefully!

    In the last 7 days, we celebrated Christmas with our entire family from both sides. My stepson was spoiled with love and presents, and now we're spending a lazy Sunday going through all his old toys and making space for the new ones.

    I think I would like to be anyone from Friends. I would love such a close group of friends that is always there for each other. Or Jess from new girl because I love her personality!
    Married 3.10.13
    Finally pregnant after 20 months of trying, and 3 doses of Clomid!
    10 year old step son who is excited to be a big brother!

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  • JRice310 said:

    What week/ fruit are you? 11 weeks

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided? Still nauseous. Last night and today have been a little rough.

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments?
    Next appt is on Jan 15 @ 13.5 weeks.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days:
    My husband moved to day shift so hopefully I'll handle that shift at home with our boys a little better.

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why? I don't really know.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Week 12 plum baby
    Started with headaches less tiredness but still morning sickness more dinner time this week
    Next dr apt is January 7
    I got engaged this week which is pretty awsome
    Show character: Meredith Grey
  • caymarks said:

    JRice310 said:

    What week/ fruit are you? 11 weeks

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided? Still nauseous. Last night and today have been a little rough.

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments?
    Next appt is on Jan 15 @ 13.5 weeks.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days:
    My husband moved to day shift so hopefully I'll handle that shift at home with our boys a little better.

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why? I don't really know.

    Anticipated qbf

    My dh was on night shift the first 3.5 years we were together. He switched to days this past august and it has been amazing! Enjoy it!!

    Married 3.10.13
    Finally pregnant after 20 months of trying, and 3 doses of Clomid!
    10 year old step son who is excited to be a big brother!

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  • khummer said:

    Week 12 plum baby
    Started with headaches less tiredness but still morning sickness more dinner time this week
    Next dr apt is January 7
    I got engaged this week which is pretty awsome
    Show character: Meredith Grey

    Congrats on the engagement! Let's hear the story!
    Married 3.10.13
    Finally pregnant after 20 months of trying, and 3 doses of Clomid!
    10 year old step son who is excited to be a big brother!

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  • pinktorridorapinktorridora member
    edited December 2014
    Week 10, Prune

    I think the worst of my nausea is behind me, though I will continue to take Zofran to get through my work day. I am now peeing very frequently, and waking up in the middle of the night to pee.

    Nuchal translucency screening on January 15. 

    DH is recovering very well from hernia surgery, his surgeon allowed him to progress to soft foods a couple days early so that he could enjoy most of our Christmas dinner. 

    Charlotte from Sex and the City
  • First time doing one of these!!

    What week/ fruit are you?
    12 weeks- plum

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided?
    I haven't had morning sickness yet and I'm hoping it doesn't come! I've had some upper abdomen cramping/ discomfort....trying not to worry too much and am telling myself it's just stuff shifting and moving for the uterus to grow.

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments?
    We heard the heartbeat on December 22- exciting!- and our next appointment is January 26.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days:
    My best friend announced at our Christmas party that she is 14 weeks pregnant. We announced 2 hours later that we are 12 weeks pregnant. She also asked me to be in her wedding in February!! Our other best friend announced her engagement 2 days later...a lot going on!

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why?
    Olivia Pope from Scandal....fashionable, powerful, and beautiful!
  • Week 12, Plum

    Still nauseous and my nipples are very tender which makes nursing my toddler very uncomfortable.

    We had our first u/s the 23rd. Baby was rolling, kicking and waving. I saw my husband tear up a little which made me happy. My midwife appt was the 24th and she was able to get a strong hb on the Doppler despite only being 11 weeks.

    My husband's cousin and his wife told us she's about 8 weeks pregnant. We're really close to them and I'm so excited that we get to go through this together!!!

    I would love to have been Izzy on Grey's Anatomy. The moment I knew she was my soulmate was when she only shaved one leg before her hot night with George!
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary Birthday
  • What week/ fruit are you? 13 - small peach

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided? Just still exhausted. Can't feel my ute yet :(

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments? next week, but my Dr should have our Verifi results back so I'm texting him tomorrow to find those out!!

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days: MH has been wonderful to me while I've been working nights and literally sleeping ALL day. I couldn't have made it through this week without him.

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why? -
    Married 2006
    Surprise BFP Feb 2008 MC at 6w2d

    TTC since May 2014       
    BFP! 10/28/14       EDD 7/5/15

    BabyFetus Ticker http://ugc.theknot.com/3452225-original.gif

  • cameronaj21cameronaj21 member
    edited December 2014
    Week 10, prune! The worst is no matter what or how much I eat I always feel sick to my stomach. And the peeing in the middle of the night, about 3 times is driving me bonkers.. other then that feeling great!
  • What week/ fruit are you?
    12 weeks...plum time!

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided?
    Felling less miserable, so that's good. Still tired and having nausea, but not as bad. Glad to be feeling marginally better. And I stayed up until after midnight last night with no nap! Amazing!

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments?
    Had a scary ER visit last week...luckily everything is A-OK. Have my NT scan next week.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days:
    MH upgraded the diamond in my ring for Christmas and my parents gifted us $$ we can use toward a new baby-friendly car. Both of these were complete surprises and I am still in shock.

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why?
    Carrie Bradshaw, mainly because I'd like to write for a living and make whatever money she makes to be able to afford her lifestyle in NYC.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • What week/ fruit are you? 13 weeks, peach

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided? I haven't had any symptoms since week 10 except the fatigue. I cramp a lot at night.

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments? I have to make my first ob appt. I've seen my PCP and have had an ultrasound done at 10 weeks.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days: I got to visit my fiances family in Kansas the last 5 days. I love them. Also, we drove through Lawrence, KS on the way back. My favorite show 's storyline starts there..

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why? Ruby from Supernatural because she got to be with Sam for awhile before she died.
  • What week/ fruit are you? 13/Peach

    Any new symptoms/ symptoms that have subsided? Boobs still sore, but otherwise feeling great. : )

    Upcoming or recent Dr appointments? Last Dr. visit, on the 23rd, we got to hear a HB! Can't wait until Jan. 22nd to hear it again.

    Tell me something amazing that happened in the last 7 days: We told our families we are expecting! 

    Gtky: if you could be any television show character, who would you be and why? Lilly from How I Met Your Mother. I just loved her and Marshal's relationship, they were my favorite TV couple. 
  • 13 weeks-peach

    Symptoms are better. I'm not nauseous ALL day anymore. Still tired, but better.

    I have an appt with my OB tomorrow, can't wait to hear the heartbeat!

    Something amazing??????..... Ummm....we announced on fb & that was fun.

    GTKY: huh...tough one...i think I'd like to be Penny on Big Bang Theory. I'd love to laugh at Sheldon all day!

    imagePregnancy Ticker

  • 10 weeks- prune!
    Symptoms have calmed waaaaaay down. Nausea is almost gone, exhaustion is minimal, cramping is tolerable and exciting, sex drive is back and better than ever. Good symptom: I've struggled with depression my entire life, but it's been gone since we conceived. Yay hormones!
    We had our first appt on Monday, so we got to see a healthy heartbeat and a cute gummy bear.
    We announced to our families this week, and I feel so much love and support for this new little one.

    I want to be a Muppet on the Muppet Show, maybe Gonzo or Kermit, but a lot of you chose ones I would have gone with, like Carrie, Penny, and Lily.

    My edd changed to the 26 BTW, so I'm new to this ticker change group. Fun fact: my dh, our bff, and I all share a birthday- July 25
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d7a7c" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • Peach.

    My nausea has lessened but can still hit me like a ton of bricks. Where that has lessened headaches have swooped in. My gag reflex has started to kick in when taking my prenatals. Lastly, I lost a pound this week.

    About 3 weeks ago we heard our baby's hb which was 160 and right on track. Our next appointment is in January.

    This past week my bump has started to make an appearance! Still very small but my boyfriend and I are the only ones who need to notice.

    If I had to be a tv show character I would be Haley James Scott from OTH, she's smart, brave, talented, strong and beautiful.
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