July 2015 Moms

New here first time mom

hello everyone. I had a miscarriage in February before I even knew I was pregnant. Now I am almost 10 weeks pregnant had my first appt two weeks ago and heard the babies heartbeat but the doc didn't do an ultra sound. Im constantly racking my brain About what could go wrong ! Anyone else have this issue

Re: New here first time mom

  • Hello and welcome to the board!
    This signature is all for YOU. I'm on mobile and can't see crap.
    MMC EDD: 1/5/2015  D&C: 5/31/14
    MC    EDD: 4/21/15 Lost: 8/24/14
    BFP for my Rainbow!! 11/6/14
    EDD: 7/20/15


  • Hi and welcome! Congrats on hearing a heart beat, that must have been an awesome moment! I'm 11.3 weeks and I haven't heard the hb or had an ultrasound so I know your struggle. Feel free to post in the randoms thread and get to know the rest of the gang! (:
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • Oh that makes me feel better lol I know I can't be the only one who goes from total excitement to total worry
  • Hey, I'm 11w6d with second. Lost first in may. Try your best to not think about it, I have drove myself mad and actually convinced myself something is wrong. I haven't even heard heartbeat yet so I'm in total limbo! Don't go for first scan until Jan 5th I can't cope tbh I'm a mess with worry. good luck xx
  • Hi Ladies- First time soon to be be Mommy here. I am 13 weeks and 3 days. Ive felt really good for the last week, so I hope the "yuckies" are behind me for now. I kind of miss it, I know that sounds odd, but it reminds me that my little peanut is in there doing it's thing. Does anyone ever not "feel" pregnant? Thats kind of how I feel right now. We did the US and heard the heartbeat at 11 weeks 2 days, so I know peanut is in there. I just worry.... any thoughts?
  • Welcome, and congrats on hearing the heartbeat! 

    As others have said, jump into the PgAL thread on Wednesdays.  Having had a loss, too, it has really helped me.

    It sounds like your previous loss was fairly early?  One thing to give you some comfort: once you hear the heartbeat (which you did!) your miscarriage rate drops to something like 5%. (at least according to my doctor)


    Married - April 2014  |  Miscarriage - June 2014
    BFP - Oct 2014 - was scheduled for IVF, but discovered we did it naturally instead! - first baby!  EDD July 8

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