Had my 12 week u/s today and they said everything looks great! The heartbeat was 167. The last u/s the baby measures 3 days behind but now it's measuring 3 days ahead at 13 weeks. But my Dr hasn't changed my due date. The baby was not cooperating to get good pics and it took her a while to get a good look at what she needed to see. The baby was kicking it's legs and flipping around like crazy. So excited to be part this milestone.

BFP: 04/03/2014 EDD: 12/15/2014 HB: 04/30/14 (75bpm) MC: 5/2/2014 (natural)

Re: 12 week ultrasound
Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
Elsie - 07/08/2015
Me- 28, DH- 32 ----> together six years, married June 2012
Initial diagnosis of PCOS, currently labeled as unexplained infertility
BFP 12/20/13, EDD 8/25/2014, baby got his wings at 11 weeks and 3 days.
BFP 11/9/14, EDD 7/24/2015