July 2015 Moms

Friday Ticker Change (those due July 3rd, July 10th or July 17th, July 24th or July 31st)

Hello Ladies! If your new to the Friday Ticker Change, or I have missed you and you will welcome your bundle(s) on Friday (July 3rd, July 10th or July 17th, July 24th or July 31st) please jump in! We would Love to have you!


The List:

DenaMaree Jul 3rd

MissOK Jul 3rd

bnk2012 Jul 3rd

amylev80 Jul 3rd

kay71086 Jul 3rd

chastity08 Jul 3rd

LisaB74 Jul 3rd

OhMamalo Jul 3rd

dimple2 Jul 3rd

slweaver0626 Jul 3rd

indiejavamama3 Jul 3rd

ewdean Jul 3rd

amhoover88 Jul 3rd

sutavim2 Jul 3rd

Elauren Jul 3rd

Daniellelea1985 Jul 3rd

Mnj05 Jul 3rd

czferguson7515 Jul 3rd

Mwainofer Jul 10th

mistabinkx Jul 10th

Mei&Mei Jul 10th

murph317 Jul 10th

hannahjune1433 Jul 10th

SHAYD12 Jul 10th

Iteachkids81 Jul 10th

KnW14 Jul 10th

schulme2 Jul 10th

bentzello Jul 10th

jgrace82 Jul 10th

AshleyHPollock Jul 10th

akbridge25 Jul 10th

GEM111413 Jul 10th

paradebegone Jul 10th

babymamabeth Jul 10th

desquinones Jul 10th

lily1606  Jul 17th

bluepie19 Jul 17th

cwhiteh1 Jul 17th

kyrenora Jul 17th

JerseyML Jul 17th

Tigerlynx31413 Jul 17th

AshenSky Jul 17th

Karinbohr Jul 17th

lauradwh Jul 17th

loveandlignin Jul 17th

toconnor1412 Jul 17th

peanutbutter0807 Jul 17th


wine&walter Jul 17th

Emiwalk Jul 17th

Cherylwhittaker2009 Jul 17th

snlinega Jul 17th

Babymcdonnell2015 Jul 17th

SepiaMoon Jul 24th

Pippacricket Jul 24th

Werehavingababy2233 Jul 24th

Kristhegirl Jul 24th

emilyinparis Jul 24th

lovlee1999 Jul 24th

winterbaby1210 Jul 24th

sewsewblessed Jul 24th

GHStarfish Jul 24th

wickedZ Jul 31st

jlbaker08 Jul 31st  

soccsm13 Jul 31st

ohkay Jul 31st

svhill Jul 31st

terlinna Jul 31st

Merides Jul 31st

Please note that I haven't had a chance to update the list so if you sent me an update on your EDD in the last week or two I have the notation but haven't had a chance to go through and make the corrections! In addition my plan sometime this weekend is to go through and take off anyone who hasn't been active in the last couple of weeks! Happy Holidays! 



Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment:

How are you feeling (rants/raves)? 


QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution? 

    BFP: 2/24/14 | EDD: 10/22/14 (triplets) 
US (with RE) 3/24/2014 (two healthy HB), US (with OB) 3/31/2014 (three healthy heartbeats)

US (with RE) 4/7/14 No Heartbeats :(  | D&C 4/8/14
BFP#2: 10/22/14 | (beta  #1 75, beta # 2 219) | EDD 7/3/15 ~*Please be our RAINBOW*~
DX: MTHFR hetero C677T

Re: Friday Ticker Change (those due July 3rd, July 10th or July 17th, July 24th or July 31st)

  • Sorry I missed last week!
    week/fruit: 11 weeks lime
    team going to find out
    I had my last appt this past Monday and got to hear the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler. It was 160!!!
    I am feeling ok. I think as this pregnancy moves along the stronger my nausea gets. I have yet to throw up, but the urge is getting stronger.

    I wouldn't call it a New Year's resolution but I start a new job in the new year and would really like to enjoy it!

    BFP #1 7/6/2012, EDD 3/13/2013, Delivered 3/14/2013

    BFP #2 1/7/2014: EDD:9/14 MC: 1/9/2014 (confirmed via blood work)

    BFP #3 7/5/2014: EDD 3/11/2015 MC: 7/15/2014

    BFP #4 11/7/2014: EDD 7/17/2015~~Please be my RAINBOW!

    My Chart

    image image image

    All are Welcome!

  • I had my due date changed this week from the 8th to the 3rd.

    Week 13/peach!

    Team Green!

    I had an appt Tuesday and heard the heartbeat on the Doppler and had my due date officially changed from my dating ultrasound.

    Feeling ok. Very tired and have indigestion but so far not heartburn.

    I'm going to pretend to start working out consistently and not intermittently.
  • Loading the player...
  • Week/fruit: 11 weeks/Lime

    Team: We can't wait to find out!

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment:
    How are you feeling (rants/raves)?
    I had a Dr appointment on Monday. Baby decided to scare me. The nurse looked for a good 5 minutes and could not find a heart beat. Dr sent me to have an ultrasound.
    The ultrasound tech found baby's HR. Baby's HR is at 167! :) I also did a harmony test so we get to find out the sex in a few weeks! My next appointment is on January 15th.

    I still have really bad nausea and pregnancy brain. I can't remember things lately to save my life! I do few like my hormones are starting to chill out. I feel less emotional and more like myself.

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Nope
  • Week/Fruit: 10 weeks / prune

    Team: Finding out

    Appt: Next one is in about two weeks.

    Rant/ Raves: DD slept until 7:05 today which is unheard of! So I am much less tired today. She usually only sleeps until 4:30 am. Still get waves of tiredness but it's much better. My cold is getting better too. Basically, today is a good day.

    NY Resolution: None yet. I'll have to think about it.
  • Week/fruit: 13 weeks, peach

    Team: Going to find out

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: Next appt isn't until January, but last appt went well, and additional blood draws came back wonderful!

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? Getting real sick of your shit, morning sickness.
    Also people who keep asking if I'm sick. Same answer as last time! Stfu!

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Eh, not so much a NY resolution, as just sent goals for the new year, or habits I'd like to form before the new baby gets here.
    Like, as soon as m/s gets tfo I'd like to get back in the gym. I'd like to get my walls and baseboards deep cleaned before I'm too pregnant to do it. Etc, etc



  • Week: 12 weeks/plum

    Team: Finding out around 20 weeks

    Appointments: I had an appointment on Tuesday. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! I was also severely dehydrated and almost sent to the hospital, so I was put on zofran. 

    How are you feeling: I'm doing much better now that I'm taking something. I was no longer able to keep anything down before that.

    New Year's Resolution: To get the house organized again. I've been so sick for the last couple of months, so my husband has been doing all of the cleaning. He has been wonderful, but he puts things wherever he can find a spot. I can't find anything anymore.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Week/fruit: 13 / Peach

    Team: Finding out in 5 weeks!!

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: N/A

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? I'm ok. Sick of this constant hunger.


    QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution? To get my tubes tied. ;)

    BabyName Ticker
  • Good morning :)

    Week 13- peach!

    Team- can't wait to find out! Now that we've told all the family, everyone thinks it's a boy :)

    Next appt is january 14. Can't come soon enough. :)

    I feel great. Have started getting some energy back, which is amazing. Hopefully I'll make it to midnight at New Years haha

    New Years resolution: to be more active, and get more done around the house before baby comes. We haven't really upgraded as much as I would like in the 2 years we've been in the house. So I'm ordering new fencing for the first weekend of the new year hopefully remodel one of the bathrooms before end of March (gut job with all new tile, vanity, shower, etc)
  • Week 12/plum

    Definitely finding out!

    I have an appt today, then I have my NT scan on the 30th.

    Still suffering with HG, today my OB is going to discuss putting me on steroids to hopefully help since none of my meds are working. Hoping to find some relief soon!

    No New Years resolution for me.
  • 11 weeks - lime!

    Finding out! Can't wait!

    I have my next appointment on January 2 for my 12 week/NT ultrasound. Can't wait to see the little one again and make sure all is going well in there.

    Besides being tired, most of my symptoms have subsided for now. Can't wait to hopefully get some of my energy back in the next few weeks!

    New Years resolution; not really a resolution, but I have been trying to focus more on my blessings. I find myself always wanting the next best thing, and want to try to be more content with what I have, if that makes sense.
  • Week/fruit: 12/ Plum

    Team: Finding out

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: Monday, I'm having an NT Scan done even though they've already drawn blood for the panorama.  Not sure why they're doing it but I'll take it.  :)

    Then next appointment with the midwife is on Jan 16th.  I'll be doing the 1 hour glucose test at that time.  Eeek!

    Then I see the MFM for the first time on the 22nd.  I was told they'll be doing an early anatomy scan at that appointment.  Woot!

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? Still pretty crappy at night.  I think the M/S is turning into more reflux than anything else.  But I still have to eat all day long to keep the gagging at bay.

     QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Not really.  I guess to stay positive and keep active?

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Week/fruit:  12 PLUM
    Team: Finding Out

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment:
    Last week. It was great we got to see the little one. Next appt jan 20

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? OK. Morning sickness has seemed to disappear. Just dealing with a little stress of planning my MILs funeral over Christmas but everyone has been boosted by the happy need of us expecting so it lessens the blow of the news of her passing a little. It's the circle of life.

    QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution? 
    Other than continuing to try to eat healthy for the baby, my plan is to just stay calm, exude peace, and now that I seem to be feeling better to go swimming and start prenatal yoga.

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Excitedly Expecting our first!      EDD July 10

    VOTE on my Name List
  • Week/Fruit - 13, peach

    Team: finding out

    Appointments - next one is January 14

    Rants/raves - heartburn is killing me but it's not everyday. My hips and back hurt all night but we just got a new mattress so I'm hoping once that is broken in, I will hurt less.

    QOTW: I don't do resolutions. I do have a goal of joining the new gym that went in down the road from my house and being active once baby is born. My husband's job will pay for the membership for him and me so we may join soon and I just do low impact things for now.


    TTC #1 since 3/2011
    DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
    DH is a testicular cancer survivor
    IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
    ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
    Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
    Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal

    IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.

    FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216  Beta #2: 823

    Baby Boy born 7/10/2015

  • EDD is July 17th

    week/ fruit : prune ; week 10

    team : finding out!

    appointment: next is January 2nd !

    how are you feeling : boobs are really starting to get sore :( every single smell bothers me & I've had more night time sickness than morning , I usually can't do anything without dry heaving multiple times , but overall feeling okay !

    QOTW: just to get back into the gym soon I wanted to make it through the first trimester without causing any kind of worries !
  • Week/fruit: 13, peach!
    Team: can't wait to find out!!
    Appointment: next one is January 5th
    How are you feeling: Mild nausea, I think it's slowly improving.
    QOTW: No New Years resolutions.. Yet. Maybe I'll get on that.
  • Week/fruit: week 9, green olive, finally a fetus!

    Team: team green

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: my ultrasound was Monday, only one healthy baby measuring a few days ahead! next isn't until the end of January

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? I'm feeling less like eating than normal and I'm hating it.  I can't imagine what real m/s must be like!  I'm a little frustrated that I'm still losing weight though, just not much of an appetite.


    QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution?  I honestly haven't thought about it... I probably should come up with something, maybe about saving money for the baby.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • @cwhiteh1  Jan 2 is right around the corner, will look forward to hearing how your Lo is doing! Woo Hoo for vanishing symptoms!! Hope you get your energy bursts soon!! I love your resolution!! I think most will agree it's so easy to look at what you want instead of looking at what you have an wholeheartedly appreciating that! It's definitely getting added to my resolution list!!

    @paradebegone I agree, I would have LOVED an added scan vs just the doppler!! Will so look forward to hearing how it goes! Hope your glucose testing goes well! Mine is coming up too and I'm more or so curious vs. nervous about how it will go. The early anatomy scan tends to be more common for those that choose to get the gender results with the panorama. I can't wait to start getting results from everyone on their gender's! I'm going to try and remember next week to have everyone give predictions if they have them on what they think they will be having so we can compare who had it correct ;)

    @iteachkids81 I am so incredibly sorry to hear about your MIL. I can not imagine how hard the Holidays have been for you all. Sending many Hugs! I'm glad your morning sickness took an early leave so it's one less thing you've had to deal with! 

    @mnj05 Ugh...it sucks your so uncomfortable. Have you gotten a body pillow yet. I was having lower back pain overnight but snuggling with the body pillow is helping! Have you ever tried acupuncture? Acupuncture has also been known to help with heartburn, although I don't think it's helped for me. Tums are my friend :)

    @haayitstayy We are so much a like! DH can't get near my boobs without them throbbing and if he touches them the pain will last for seconds. Smells have also been driving me nuts! No advice there. Hope the dry heaving gets better!!

    @amhoover88 Hope Jan 5th comes quick for you! Yey for improving nausea!! The second trimester is right around the corner (on some apps its already here and others say beginning of fourteen) Either way I hope you get the energy burst I've heard all about!! 
        BFP: 2/24/14 | EDD: 10/22/14 (triplets) 
    US (with RE) 3/24/2014 (two healthy HB), US (with OB) 3/31/2014 (three healthy heartbeats)

    US (with RE) 4/7/14 No Heartbeats :(  | D&C 4/8/14
    BFP#2: 10/22/14 | (beta  #1 75, beta # 2 219) | EDD 7/3/15 ~*Please be our RAINBOW*~
    DX: MTHFR hetero C677T

  • @DenaMaree‌ - I got a body pillow when I was pregnant with my son and it did nothing but make me hot and got in my way. I'm thinking about getting an actual pregnancy pillow and seeing how that works. I'm really just hoping the new mattress gets broken in soon and helps. I didn't feel this bad until late third tri with DS.

    Tums is like candy for me, I've got them everywhere!


    TTC #1 since 3/2011
    DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
    DH is a testicular cancer survivor
    IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
    ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
    Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
    Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal

    IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.

    FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216  Beta #2: 823

    Baby Boy born 7/10/2015

  • Hi everybody. I'm due July 3rd

    Week 13 peach
    Team finding out

    Recent appointment was Thursday Dec 18th and it was awesome! Saw the little baby doing summersalts! Next appointment in for weeks then I have my next us on February 13th.

    I'm feeling pretty good. Still a bit tired here and there but that slowly seems to be going away. No real rants right now.

    No real new year's resolution - just to keep trying to get to yoga twice a week and stay as active and as healthy as I can.
  • Due date 7/24

    Week 10- prune

    Looking forward to finding out!

    Next apt. Is Jan. 5 and can't wait!

    New Years resolution is to find a good pregnancy work out plan! Too cold to run outside and really enjoyed hot yoga before pregnancy. I'll need to join a gym or find a new yoga studio as an alternative to both but I've been lazy about it!
  • edited December 2014
    Edd: July 3 !!
    Week: 13/peach
    Team: finding out
    Recent app: on Tuesday! Just a routine, 2nd tri check up.
    How are you feeling: started getting migraines a week ago. Also today started getting sharp pains down the middle of my utuerus. Ow. And still have morning sickness.Other than that my belly has started to pop! So cute and hard.. Lol
    New years resolution?!: none.
  • I don't know how I even missed this before !! I'm due July 3rd :)

    Week/fruit: peach
    Team: green
    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: last appointment was when I threw up blood and was spotting. Turned into a ultrasound where I got to see the little bean.
    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? I feel chubby but really good. I feel for anyone who's feeling really yucky. I'm so happy to be past that. I now just want all the food.

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Well it was to loose 50lbs lol so now it's just to be as healthy as possible. Not just physically. Mentally. I will also read more :)
  • I'm new to the group! Due July 10! 12 weeks/plum size! So far so good, next appointment is January 12 and 11 weeks was definitely my turning point for the better! Nausea mostly gone, sex drive back (even better), and I have energy during the day! I'm just really looking forward to feeling the baby move, I think that's gonna make it all real for me, my birthday is at the end of January so I'm hoping for a feel baby movement birthday present :)
  • Week/fruit: 10/ prune
    Team: gonna find out
    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: my appt is Tuesday. First real ob appointment
    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? Tired, hungry and sensitive to smells

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? We want to get back on track financially we have to buy a bigger vehicle before July :)
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Week/fruit: 13- peach

    Team: Impatiently waiting to find out--hopefully at my next appt or @‌ the one in Feb

    Doc appt: Still waiting for the 12 week scan bloodwork to come back but I'm not sweating it tooo much sincr the dic said the measurements were perfect for both babies. Next appt is around 16 weeks on 1/20 & the tech said we'd know the sexes then but the doc said not til 20, so I guess we'll see!

    Rants/raves: Still feeling nauseous but yesterday it didn't hit til almost 2pm so maybe it is starting to leave me (please God). Still have a belly and am wearing maternity clothes (sheepishly) but everyone tries to make me feel better "you have TWO in there" lol yea, two peaches but I look like a watermelon! Haha! RAVE: We told everyone on Christmas & they were all so happy it was totally awesome. It feels more real & I'm relaxing a little bit & not worrying so much b/c our families are so psyched & 13 weeks is like a milestone in my head.

    QOTW: For New Years I want to try to go with the flow more & ease out of my type A personality a little--I'm still going to be super organized but I am going to try to eliminate the stress & pressure I tend to put on myself. Also, I want to start working out & eating better once I don't feel like puking 90% of the time ;)
  • My EDD is July 3

    Week/fruit: week 13, Peach
    Team: we will find out
    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: my next appointment is Tuesday January 6
    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? I feel great! I have nothing to complain about!

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? I would love to go on a vacation before the baby is born.
  • Whoops, missed yesterday!

    Week/fruit: 9/olive

    Team: can't wait to find out!

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: I had a history appt on Tuesday but it was uneventful other than feeling terrible and having blood drawn. Ultrasound and physical aren't until 1/19! Ack!

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? Well now I'm not only feeling terrible but I'm also throwing up every couple days. Fun! I only threw up one day with my son, but I think it was something I ate. So this is new. Unisom/b6 has helped to take the edge off, which is good.

    QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Not really, but I'd like to get back to running more in the new year! I've gotten pretty lazy, but it's tough when I feel like crap all the time. The couch wins more often.
  • Week 11/lime
    Team finding out
    Next appt is Monday
    Rant/rave had an amazing Christmas with family and friends the only low point was a friend who is apparently not speaking to me or my husband because we are pregnant

    New years resolution: never been big on resolutions but I think to stop procrastinating
  • Week/fruit: 11 weeks / Lime

    Team: Finding out

    Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: I haven't had any since my last check in when we saw the heartbeat again. I have another appointment in early January for my Harmony test.

    How are you feeling (rants/raves)? I'm feeling better than usual so that's nice. I've wanted pancakes for like 3 days and still haven't gotten them, I may have to make myself some damn pancakes! 


    QOTW:  Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Just to get to term with this baby!

    | DH 29 - Me 26 - Married 2007 | 2 Kids - 2 Fur Babies | Baby #3 Due July 2015 |

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hi im due july 24 I havent joined the group yet!
  • lizzypoo96lizzypoo96 member
    edited December 2014
    Hi new to the group! Due 7/24! (/br) Week/fruit: 10/prune Team: finding out! Have you had a recent appointment (how did it go)/When is your next appointment: not for a few weeks :( looking forward to hearing a heartbeat on 1/6!!! How are you feeling (rants/raves)? Seems like every day is followed by a real crappy day. I bought prego pants today and they're totally a game changer. I was so uncomfortable! Fatigue is better just waiting on queasiness to go away... QOTW: Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Never been good with resolutions but we have a lot of decluttering to do before baby comes so I'll say that!

    BabyFetus Ticker 
    Little dude will be here before we know it!

  • Chelsey Murphy July 3rd
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