July 2015 Moms

Prayers please UPDATE

Mterr11Mterr11 member
edited December 2014 in July 2015 Moms
I ended up going to the ER last night around 11 because I kept soaking pads and had mild cramping. I got an ultrasound and cried tears of joy when I saw the heartbeat and the little bean wiggling around. They weren't sure why I was bleeding but I can't get to the OB office until Monday. I'm still bleeding so I'm super paranoid but just thankful I got to see my baby with a strong heartbeat. Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers. You ladies rock!

I never expected this on Christmas Eve but as I was rocking my DS tonight I felt a gush and went to check and it was bright red blood. I haven't soaked a pad in an hour yet but I am still freaking out. Called the Dr and he said the only thing we can do is wait and see. This is my third pregnancy and I've never had bleeding before. If you could send me some good vibes or prayers I would be very grateful. I haven't had an official Dr. Appnt yet so no ultrasound or even heartbeat check. My appnt isn't until the 31st. Hoping I don't have to go to the ER by myself tonight. Okay I'm done rambling. Thank you ladies.

Re: Prayers please UPDATE

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