July 2015 Moms

1st appt not what I expected.

My DH and I found out we were expecting our second child right before thanksgiving. I was excited for the 1st dr appt on 12/9 since we had been trying for almost a year to get pregnant. While the appt was very educational, I was a little disappointed that there was no labs or anything. I guess I was expecting some confirmation fron a medical perspective that I was pregnant but none. Here's hoping my 12 week appt in January is more exciting.

Re: 1st appt not what I expected.

  • Did your doctor feel your uterus ? My midwife didn't do a whole lot my first visit but she was able to tell me that my uterus felt right on track for how far along I am
  • Nothing. They gave me a book and told whatfoods to avoid.
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  • knscheff said:

    Nothing. They gave me a book and told whatfoods to avoid.

    Did you even see the doctor? Sounds more like an educational visit with the nurse
  • It was a nurse practioner but when I made the appt they told they would be drawing blood for labs which never happened.
  • My first pregnancy my MW didn't do much, but talk to me.  This time around I had a ton of labs done and also had an ultrasound.  Same practice, but different MW this time around.  I think it just depends on your health care provider.

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  • I would just be more vocal at your next visit. You can also just bag it and find a new doc? I specifically asked for an US (small, portable version) at my 8-week and they did it. They also did a ton of bloodwork and took a urine sample. My big thing was that I - like you - wanted some medical confirmation that I (still) was pregnant.
  • I just had an appointment today and it was a little disappointing to me as well. It was very quick..All they did was pull out the doppler to listen for about 30 seconds and then the doctor talked to me about symptoms/to see if i had any questions. Then she felt my uterus which was kind of cool cause she showed me where it was and said it was starting to "pop". I'm 11 weeks
  • I don't think what you described is abnormal. The first appt is family history and need to knows. You don't see a doctor till 12 weeks. You can do bloodwork at any point. This is what I have done with all 3. They do dating ultrasounds if necessary only.

    I didnt feel magically more pregnant from blood work so I'm not really sure why that matters. And I wouldn't request an ultrasound if my doctor didn't suggest I needed one.
  • I only had blood work done and the informational stuff at my 8 week appointment. At 9 weeks they had me return and we did the ultrasound.
  • I just had my 8 week appt and I know from my last pregnancy that this will be my most exciting appt for awhile. Internal ultrasound to check due date, breast exam, feel the uterus, tons of blood work and pee in a cup. Same as my last pregnancy. I'd be disappointed by your educational appt too. I don't even have to schedule the educational appt with the nurse this time around.
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  • @ashiscute‌ Some doctors are different, ive had two ultrasounds, one at 5w6d and one at 8w. I had blood work, urine tested, and a pap smear on my first appointment. We even heard the heartbeat through the transvaginal u/s both times.
  • @ashiscute‌ Some doctors are different, ive had two ultrasounds, one at 5w6d and one at 8w. I had blood work, urine tested, and a pap smear on my first appointment. We even heard the heartbeat through the transvaginal u/s both times.

    Obviously I understand that. I was just pointing out to OP that her appt sounded normal. Some of the other posters were suggesting demanding ultrasounds or changing doctors even and I just don't think that's necessary. Unless you are high risk 1st Tri ultrasounds are not a guarantee.
  • I think it would just depend on what your doctor prefers to do. My first appointment was at 9 weeks and went as so : pee in cup, ultrasound to confirm heartbeat, vitals checked, meeting with Nurse Practitioner to go over any questions medical history, etc. And then i got blood work done before leaving. They wont see you at our office until you are more than 8 weeks.

    Second appt was: pee in cup, vitals, doppler for heartbeat, pelvic exam and swabs, talk to dr. My annual wasnt long ago so he skipped the breast exam and such for now.

    It just depends on where you live and what he/she prefers to do. Most seem to be pretty much average though from what ive seen.
  • tiamiaxxtiamiaxx member
    edited December 2014
    At 4 and 5 weeks I had bloods and urine done, 6+4 u/s, nothing else until mid Jan. I asked for the u/s as I was very nervous after a previous mc and had alot of very strong pains. There is no harm in asking for one. Having those initial tests done do give a lot of people more peace of mind especially because you can't really see or control anything in the first trimester! Hope your next visit comes around quickly
  • I was expecting more from my first appointment as well. Although they did take urine and blood (lotssss of blood) all I got was an EDD based on my last period, which I had already figured out, and I got a book. I finally have my first appointment on the 29th at 10 weeks, which is normal. This one they should do a pap and u/s.
    image image 

  • I know this may be a silly question and I'm guessing those who have said it are not in England but why do you get breast examination? We don't get that in England, how do they examine your breasts? It's just personally I think I'd find that a bit weird
  • My first appointment I had my details took, a list of foods to avoid and vitamin vouchers. I wasn't seen again for weeks for blood and my pregnancy folder.
  • Hmmm......I had mw ask if breasts were ok after I had my son because I was breast feeding but never been asked before(apart from then) and this is my 6th pregnancy!
  • My first appointment at 7 weeks we recieved an US and was shown the heart beat. At 10 weeks we had the same but was able to hear the heart beat. Between appointments I did have to go and give blood and urine samples and also had a nurse call to go over family history and other information. At both appintments it was my actual OB who did the ultrasounds. I think every office is different, obviously. Good luck OP, when you do get your first US and hear the heart beat it is a very precious moment!
  • I didn't demand an ultrasound at my 8-week - I jusk asked if there was any way we could see the heartbeat. The doc was really nice and rolled in a little ultrasound machine and said "i've learned by now that no one listens to anything I say until I do this." They didn't charge me extra and it was much less detail than what you'd see on the more "official" ultrasounds. My point is - you never know what you might get if you ask nicely. Also, you're your best advocate when it comes to your healthcare. You have a window to shop around for docs. If you are at all dissatisfied with the level of care you are getting, don't rule out seeing what else is out there. You certainly don't have to do this and it doesn't sound like your appt raises any red flags, but just keep it in mind if you have any other concerns!
  • I had an ultrasound at my first appointment, but no bloodwork or urine test or anything. Every doctor is different. If they don't do anything at your next appointment I would just ask about it- Doesn't hurt!
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  • I think in Canada things are done very differently. Dr's here don't do ultrasounds so with my first two kids I had one at 20wks.

    First appointments are really funny. You tell the dr what you know they say sounds like your pregnant come back when you make it past first trimester. I don't see my dr again till 12 weeks. The less I go there the better, I don't have any risks so I'll go the least amount. Sime people commented seem over tested and over procedured to me, unless there's risk factors. There's no need for Doppler, blood work, ultrasound really before 10-12 wks.
  • I had my first appointment at 7 weeks 2 days & they did all kinds of tests like Pap smear, blood work, urine, ect. They also gave me an ultrasound & I got to hear baby's heartbeat! I was surprised they did all of that at only 7 weeks! But I'm sure they will do everything the second appointment for you then, they did with my sister!
  • Wow! Very surprised my doc did blood work at 5weeks ultrasound at 8! But I know others 12 weeks is common:)
  • Ksmyth03Ksmyth03 member
    edited December 2014
    Wow, that's kind of how ours was but they had me pee in a cup in the very beginning. During the middle of the registration process my CNM was like, "Oh yeah, your pregnancy test came back positive by the way, I forgot to tell you." With my son they did a urine and blood test before they would even let me start registration.
  • I'm more stunned that women aren't getting breast exams than what OP is saying about her first appointment, 
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  • I also had an informative (group) session with a nurse as my first appointment (Dec 1) and won't get to see a Dr until 12wks (Jan 5) I wasn't completely impressed since this is my second and my first was preemie and I didn't even have time to ask any questions, but they did send me to the lab afterwards. I'm very impatiently waiting for Jan 5th so I can be reassured everything is going well!
  • Thanks for the reassurance. With my first preganancy I was high risk and had pre-eclampsia so I think I'm just being a little cautious and want to know everythings going smooth. I go back in January and am hopeful thing will be just fine.
  • I just had my first appointment on 12/24 (10w).  They told me it was more for confirmation, but I asked them to try the doppler since they were able to find it with DD at 11w and DS at 10w.  The nurse's aid said my MW might not be willing to try since it was just a confirmation appointment, but my MW did and they found the HB.  Mostly just talking during the confirmation, weight and blood pressure, pee in a cup.  They also put in an order for blood work, urine analysis and dating u/s since I am BFing.  I was able to do the first two that day, but had to schedule my u/s.
  • The system in the UK is very different because here most of our care is through the NHS. Everything doctors do here costs the NHS money, whereas in USA doing more makes money for doctors, so it really shouldn't be such a surprise! There is really no medical indication for 'routine' breast exams in pregnancy as it is normal for breasts to change shape/size at this time. If women have concerns then of course they can request an exam by their doctor at any time (pregnant or not).
  • Just had my first appointment last week. They did consultation, family history, urine test, blood work, pelvic exam, Doppler, glucose test, etc. I think maybe it just depends on your doctor. Mine is an OBGYN and I know some just use their normal physician. My dr is very thorough in everything she does. Think maybe it's just the dr...?
  • Things seem to be different here in South Africa (within the private healthcare, which is a must) . I've had a 6week and 8 week scan already and I could have gone in for a 10week scan if I wanted. At 6 weeks it was just a scan but I had had a blood test confirming how many weeks I was at 4 weeks. From 8 weeks they test urine and at 12 weeks they will run a battery of bloods. Doctors practice differently but in general here in SA, you would have a blood to confirm the pregancy and one scan before 12 weeks.
  • My first apt at 9w was purely educational but they did have me go do blood work along with a glucose test due to family history and thyroid issues but normally bloodwork is not until 12w and glucose test is a lot later.
    DS #1 Born 01/23/09
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