July 2015 Moms

Intro / auto immune disease

Hi everyone, I'm a FTM and grateful to have found this board. I'm already learning a lot from you ladies! My DD is 7/20/15. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

I have an auto immune disease, and *so far* things seem to be going ok with that. Anyone else here have an AI disease to manage?

Re: Intro / auto immune disease

  • Hi and welcome! I was diagnosed with lupus anticoagulant, but when retested during this pregnancy it was normal! So either my baby aspirin is working, or I don't really have it? Anyway there are several on this board with some form of autoimmune! Congrats again!
    Married DH 1/5/13
    BFP #1 4/29/13 Chemical Pregnancy 5/6/13
    BFP #2 7/30/13 EDD 4/12/14
    MMC@9w (found out at 10w) 9/15/13
    D&C 9/16/13
    Started trying again 2/17/14
    BFP #3 4/19/14 Chemical Pregnancy 4/21/14
    BFP #4 8/18/14 EDD 4/25/15
    Began Lovenox 8/18/14
    Heterotopic Pregnancy- Interuterine MMC@6w 8/28/14 
    Found Ectopic 9/16/14 Lost Right Tube
    BFP#5 11/8/14 EDD 7/21/15 Ovulated from Right Ovary!

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • Thanks @squeakyfrog15‌ ! That's awesome that you tested normal, hopefully it stays that way!
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  • Welcome! I have Graves Disease that has been in remission for about 3 years now, but still monitored.
    TTC since October 22, 2012
    BFP January 11, 2013
    Kellan James Patrick was born September 28, 2013
  • Welcome and congrats!
  • Congratulations and welcome :) x
  • Thanks everyone! @katdesear‌ that's great yours is in remission!

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is arthritis of the spine. I also have problems with my hands and feet.
  • I have Hashimotos where my body attacks my thyroid and thinks wheat is the enemy. So far everything is good.
  • Thanks everyone! @katdesear‌ that's great yours is in remission!

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is arthritis of the spine. I also have problems with my hands and feet.

    Omg. I have AS too!
  • ELlZABETH said:

    Welcome, glad to have you! 

    No experience here with that, I hope all goes well for the duration of your pregnancy.

    I do have a very severe allergy to wheat (it may be Celiac Disease, but it is still not confirmed yet). Any small amount of wheat at all, makes me very sick for days.
    I'm allergic to wheat too! Though not as severly! I still eat it, I just get a little sick and very bloated. I'm actually more allergic to Soy! It closes my throat!
    Married DH 1/5/13
    BFP #1 4/29/13 Chemical Pregnancy 5/6/13
    BFP #2 7/30/13 EDD 4/12/14
    MMC@9w (found out at 10w) 9/15/13
    D&C 9/16/13
    Started trying again 2/17/14
    BFP #3 4/19/14 Chemical Pregnancy 4/21/14
    BFP #4 8/18/14 EDD 4/25/15
    Began Lovenox 8/18/14
    Heterotopic Pregnancy- Interuterine MMC@6w 8/28/14 
    Found Ectopic 9/16/14 Lost Right Tube
    BFP#5 11/8/14 EDD 7/21/15 Ovulated from Right Ovary!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • julzy said:

    Thanks everyone! @katdesear‌ that's great yours is in remission!

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is arthritis of the spine. I also have problems with my hands and feet.

    Omg. I have AS too!
    Seriously?? Are you getting along ok so far?

    I try to manage it with diet and lifestyle. Severe nausea and food aversion don't exactly mix well with how I was eating prior to BFP. It's been a struggle.
  • CoachTsWifeCoachTsWife member
    edited December 2014
    @officedronette‌ , I'm so sorry for your losses. I'll be praying for you and your little one.

    I've had thyroid issues for over a decade but never tested positive for antibodies. I also have a little bit of psoriasis.

    I'm also gluten free. I try to eat as clean as I can.
  • Welcome to the board! Every time I see your user name I am picturing you as Connie Britton from Friday Night Lights.

    July 2015 Siggy Challenge

    Snow Fails

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • CoachTsWifeCoachTsWife member
    edited December 2014

    Welcome to the board! Every time I see your user name I am picturing you as Connie Britton from Friday Night Lights.

    Haha, I hadn't thought of that. But yeah, my husband is a hs football coach. :)
  • I have Fibromyalgia. Which depending on the specialist is considered autoimmune or neurological but my rheumatologist and I believe it's autoimmune since I have tested positive on certain blood tests.
  • CoachTsWifeCoachTsWife member
    edited December 2014
    I'm hoping it calms down! My Dr said I have equal chances of it getting better, staying the same, or getting worse. I take a bit of medicine but use diet to control it as best I can, so I'm not heavily monitored. Though I assume that could change if the condition worsens.
  • julzy said:

    Thanks everyone! @katdesear‌ that's great yours is in remission!

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is arthritis of the spine. I also have problems with my hands and feet.

    Omg. I have AS too!
    Seriously?? Are you getting along ok so far?

    I try to manage it with diet and lifestyle. Severe nausea and food aversion don't exactly mix well with how I was eating prior to BFP. It's been a struggle.
    Yes! I was diagnosed 7 years ago. So wild. I know no one in real life with AS and can't believe there's someone on the board with it!

    I was doing okay but I'm on bed rest right now due to a SCH. Bed rest was ordered this past Monday and will continue another two more weeks. As I'm sure you can imagine, laying in bed all day is definitely causing a flare-up. Still, considering I'm off my meds I would have expected it to be even worse than it actually is. Trying to stretch a bit and move positions often.

    I used to be on Humira and Methotrexate but stopped both several months before trying to get pregnant. I'm along trying to manage through diet. I agree it's not easy at all with food aversions.

    Are you seeing a high risk doctor? My obgyb is sending me to one for evaluation because of the AS. I think more of a precaution than anything.
  • Hi everyone. I have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome as well as hypo thyroid. In taking daily injections of heparin, an aspirin and thyroid meds. Also been on progesterone but weaning off it now that I'm in my 10th week. Seems like a ton of meds but I'm willing to do anything after 5 losses.
    Hoping and praying that everyone with challenges is able to have a healthy pregnancy this time!
  • @rhodelladay‌ , I second your sentiment. I'm praying we all have healthy, uneventful pregnancies. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. :(

    @julzy‌ , I don't know anyone else with AS either! I'm in a couple Facebook groups, let me know if you'd like the names of them. Sorry you're on bed rest, that can't be helping things, AS-wise. I'm not seeing a high risk Dr yet, I have my first appt with my obgyn 1/13, so we'll see. I think stretching and gentle movement will be key, and I need to do better. I've just been trying to get through the days with all the fatigue and nausea....
  • Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease and was thankfully able to control it with medicine and an awesome GI doctor. We waited until I achieved remission and got the OK from the GI doc to TTC. Success! My OBGYN mentioned monitoring the baby for low birth weight and for me to keep an eye on my symtopms for any signs of a flare. Happy we are here to support one another.
  • Congrats and welcome!

    I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis. So far it's been controlled by diet, exercise, and medication. We will see how this pregnancy goes. My eating habits and energy level are terrible right now. Nothing healthy sounds good and I don't have the time/energy for the gym right now. Here's hoping the 2nd tri will help all of this!

    Congrats again!
  • Hashi here too. It took me 18 months with 1 loss to get here due to this crap. Over the moon happy to be doing well at 11 weeks. I've told folks when you are so used to feeling bad it makes pregnancy a breeze! Finally, something positive out of an AI disease! Lol.
  • ahsile10ahsile10 member
    edited January 2015

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  • My psoriasis had nearly disappeared until a few weeks ago. Now it's probably the worst it's ever been. Mine doesn't itch, so I'm not doing anything about it.
  • ahsile10ahsile10 member
    edited January 2015

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  • ahsile10ahsile10 member
    edited January 2015

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