instead of a SAHM.
Today is one of those days.
I want to get dressed and talk to grown ups and have a whole freaking 8-ish hours to do my work (finishing my dissertation) instead of cramming it into naps.
Anyone else (WOH or SAH) ever want to trade places for a few days???
Re: Some days, I'd really like to be a WOHM
Some days, I wish I WOHM, too. I could, but the cost of childcare for 3 kids, plus commuting, plus bumping us into another tax bracket....not worth it.
I WAH....and I have an office meeting Wednesday at 5pm, which I am holding my breath waiting for right now! Can't wait to go out and see people!
Today was rough. My friend texted me and asked how I was feeling and I told her I was in hell..hell was, in fact, in my living room.
I have an OB appt tomorrow, so they're going to the sitter's. I'm such a dork, I actually hope there is a wait! I have a book and time on my hands and sitting in that waiting room where nobody expects me to wipe their butt and nobody is screaming in my face sounds nice.