I just got my BFP this weekend. Can someone tell me what to expect at the first appt? I know they'll check my beta levels. Anything else? Just curious!
DD1: August 2009
- DD2: December 2010
- DS: August 2012
- M/C 9/2013, 12/2013
- DD3: October 2014 - April 2015 Miss you baby girl.
- Current Due date: April 14, 2016

Re: If you're bored...
They took a ton of blood at my first appointment, but did not check my Beta levels. ?I had to provide a lengthy medical history, she did an exam and a pap, and gave a ton of prenatal samples and some literature.?
Thanks so much ladies! I doubt we'll do an ultrasound, but I hope so!
Good luck to everyone here!!
I remember you from D&R - Congratulations!
At the first appt. they'll probably do a pap unless you had one recently, and they take all your vitals, history and give you a boat load of stuff to read.
I've found from reading this board that everyone's first appointment is different. Some people don't have one until they are 8 or 10 weeks along. Mine was the day after my BFP, when I was 4 weeks (which is usually when people get their BFP - I'm surprised yours came through so early. Maybe you are farther along than you think...keep in mind that gestation is calculated from the first day of your last period, not from when you conceived).
At my appt. they said it was too early to do an ultrasound b/c we wouldn't see anything. They just sent me for bloodwork and did a pelvic exam. My first u/s is tomorrow, which is also earlier than when others get theirs.
congrats! ?they will do some paperwork, take some blood and give you an opportunity to ask questions. ?you will schedule your 1st ultrasound and schedule your next 3 months appts. ?they will also discuss family history
thats all that happened at mine?