April 2015 Moms

Belly spasms?

I have been getting this weird feeling in my stomach from my baby, almost like a muscle spasm or as if the baby is having a seizure in my belly. Sometimes it goes on for hours. This is my third pregnancy, and I've never felt this before. Any clues at what this is?

Re: Belly spasms?

  • Call your doctor? I've never heard of that.
  • It's either your baby moving or contractions.  Also, this is a stupid question that should go in the stupid question thread.

    BabyFruit Ticker  


    Little West #1: Born May 23, 2013

    Little West #2: Due April 15, 2015

    2U2 Fossil Mommy

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  • I have been getting this weird feeling in my stomach from my baby, almost like a muscle spasm or as if the baby is having a seizure in my belly. Sometimes it goes on for hours. This is my third pregnancy, and I've never felt this before. Any clues at what this is?

    Great question for your doctor.
    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
    Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
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  • I agree - that would be a question to ask your doctor as they may want to evaluate you.

    @littlewest1 - I love your announcement! Your daughter is just adorable :)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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  • Aww, thanks @luckyclover0922!

    BabyFruit Ticker  


    Little West #1: Born May 23, 2013

    Little West #2: Due April 15, 2015

    2U2 Fossil Mommy

  • I remember what hiccups were like with my other babies, and it's def not that. Of course I plan to ask my dr at my next appointment, but I was just seeing if anyone here had similar experiences until then. :)
  • One day I had a vibrating type of sensation, almost feeling like I had a cell phone on my pocket. I did some googling and found other women describe that feeling with doctors telling them that sometime the baby can sit in a way that presses on nerves and makes them 'fire' or spasm. I only had this for one or two days, but figured it was one of those strange, but normal symptoms.

    Me (28) DH (27)
    Married June 2012
    Started TTC July 2013
         BFP #1          August 2013          EDD 4/29/14            natural MC at 6-7 week
    BFP #2         January 2014         EDD 9/24/14            MC at 8 weeks, D&C
    BFP #3         March 2014            EDD 12/4/14            MC at 8 weeks, D&C
    BFP #4         August 2014            EDD 4/20/15        Hoping for our rainbow
                                                It's a BOY!
  • I had that with both my other pregnancies but never for hours. Seizing is exactly the word I would use to describe the feeling as well. Everything was fine in both instances, not to say your situation couldn't be different though.
  • khan08khan08 member
    edited December 2014

    It's either your baby moving or contractions.  Also, this is a stupid question that should go in the stupid question thread.

    I don't believe it's a stupid question. Every question is a good question to ask. There are a ton of FTM on here and they know nothing about pregnancies. Just saying
  • I have this with my second pregnancy now. It always happens when I stretch my stomache with like yawning or breathing in very deep. Sort of feels like where your stomache muscles are seperating they spasm from a continued stretch. Not sure.
  • RHoPA1109 said:

    khan08 said:

    It's either your baby moving or contractions.  Also, this is a stupid question that should go in the stupid question thread.

    I don't believe it's a stupid question. Every question is a good question to ask. There are a ton of FTM on here and they know nothing about pregnancies. Just saying

    So, "are you getting hit on more?" "I shocked my finger, is my baby ok?" and "do other pregnant women hate you?" are good questions to ask? No. False. There are stupid questions. If you're a FTM (as I am), read a book, Google, or ask your doctor. Don't count on the knowledge of strangers as law.

    No actually I am a second time mom! Like I said before, I believe this is a very good question. I was experiencing the same thing. Maybe OP tried searching and couldn't find the topic in the search. Not sure what her reasoning was, but hey I had the same experience and that's why I clicked on the thread. Yes there are no brainer questions, the poor girl was searching to see if anybody else had this experience. She didn't ask for medical advice, like what to take, or see what sort of medical diagnosis she had.
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  • khan08 said:

    RHoPA1109 said:

    khan08 said:

    It's either your baby moving or contractions.  Also, this is a stupid question that should go in the stupid question thread.

    I don't believe it's a stupid question. Every question is a good question to ask. There are a ton of FTM on here and they know nothing about pregnancies. Just saying

    So, "are you getting hit on more?" "I shocked my finger, is my baby ok?" and "do other pregnant women hate you?" are good questions to ask? No. False. There are stupid questions. If you're a FTM (as I am), read a book, Google, or ask your doctor. Don't count on the knowledge of strangers as law.
    No actually I am a second time mom! Like I said before, I believe this is a very good question. I was experiencing the same thing. Maybe OP tried searching and couldn't find the topic in the search. Not sure what her reasoning was, but hey I had the same experience and that's why I clicked on the thread. Yes there are no brainer questions, the poor girl was searching to see if anybody else had this experience. She didn't ask for medical advice, like what to take, or see what sort of medical diagnosis she had.

    Thanks @khan08‌ Yes, I did check the mayo site, Google, read my baby books, and asked a nurse, but none of them seemed to have an answer besides muscle spasm. So I figured a BABY BOARD of all places would be an appropriate place to ask a question about BABIES. Imagine that! Anyway, thanks to those who have had similar experiences and answered. Obviously I will still check with my dr, but it's nice to have a support group to turn to when you have a question.
  • I agree with @RHoPA1109‌ - this question belongs in the "stupid questions" thread. You know, the one on the very same page as this post.

    Me: 34 DH: 36

    Married since 11/11/11
    BFP#1 10/5/13 MC 11/11/13 @9wks 3d
    BFP#2 7/20/14 EDD 4/4/15

  • Goldie000Goldie000 member
    edited December 2014
    I had this happen a few days ago, but only for a few seconds. It happened in the middle of the night while laying on my left side and was a rapid rhythmic spam. I did a lot of googling but a lot of people either said it was baby movement or hiccups, both of which I'm pretty certain it wasn't. I just chalked it up to my muscles being tired from stretching, or laying on a nerve like PP suggested. I would be a little concerned if it happened for hours though.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    TTC #1 since October 2013
    Married since September 2011
    Me and DH are both 29
    BFP 2/10/14 resulting in CP at 4w3d
    BFP 6/8/14 resulting in CP at 5w6d
    BFP 7/20/14 EDD: 4/2/15. It's a GIRL!
  • I get them early in pregnancy.  Mine is like a muscle spasm in my uterus like an eye spasm.  I'd still call the doctor.

    Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age


    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

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