December 2014 Moms

Doin' my time in L&D *UPDATE*

LinziLoo09LinziLoo09 member
edited November 2014 in December 2014 Moms
So last night at 12:30am my water broke while we were sleeping. Contractions that were 2-5 mon apart quickly followed. We kept in touch with our midwife, and by 3:30 the contractions were strong enough to head to the hospital. I had a lot of very bad back labor, combined with nausea and vomiting with each contraction. I always said I'd play this thing by uterus, so after 12 hours and just 7cm dialated, I got an epidural. Now I'm 8-9 cm and close to active labor --- having to fight the urge to push. I'll keep you ladies posted, but hopefully LO will make her appearance very soon! I hope all is going well with you!
Sooo the epidural was magical, but it wore off immediately before I started pushing...ugh. 22 hours of labor total and 3 hours of active pushing, and baby Zelle was born. Unfortunately the scar tissue from my partial placental abruption prevented my placenta from coming out. So the midwife had to remove it was like a scene from the Saw series of movies. Terribly painful! That said, baby Z is doing very well, and I'm sure one day my cooch will recover...

photo 86f6fbca-f6c4-49bb-9ae0-6392570d93c0.jpg
December '16 BMB

Baby #1                                                            

~BFP 03/22/14 EDD 12/05/14~                       
~Baby Z born 11/28/14~
Baby #2
~04/19/16 EDD 12/26/16~
BabyFetus Ticker


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