June 2015 Moms

brown spotting?

Im 10w3d and noticed brown spotting while wiping this morning should I be concerned or is this normal? I never experienced anything like this with my first pregnancy. HELP!!!

Re: brown spotting?

  • I had brown spotting at 7w and dr said its nothing to worry about.
    If it's bright red and period like them I would call the dr. But if it's light and brownish color you are fine.
  • Yes I would like to know as well if its normal cos I'm experiencing the same thing hopefully its nothing serious.....
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  • Normal. I actually had a terrible episode last Sunday morning that landed me in the ER. Bright red blood and lots of it. But it also stopped quickly. All in all, it was implantation and all docs said brown spotting is perfectly normal. (This ER visit also landed us our first ultrasound about 4 weeks ahead of schedule, it was amazing to see the lil guy in there with a strong heart beat all comfy and cozy)!!
  • It's not abnormal. Brown means old blood. If you've had sexual intercourse, a transvaginal u/s, etc recently, it could be from that. The cervix is extra sensitive right now. Red blood, heavy bleeding, accompanied by cramping is cause for concern.

    Married 10/9/2009

    The beautiful Royelle Marie born 2/7/2012

    Baby #2 coming June 11, 2015 (Scheduled CS)


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Also landed in the ER Monday morning for this (I wasn't planning on going, but when I called the OB, that's what they said to do). Had a few spots of dark red, and then it's just been brown since then, and went on for a few days. I had cramping with it, but the sort of cramping I've been having on and off since I got pregnant. 

    When I saw my doc yesterday, everything was fine, and she said it's likely just leftover implantation bleeding (since I hadn't done anything else that would have irritated my cervix). She said to call if it was bright red, or if there was a lot of it, but that otherwise it's pretty common.

    I'd still call the doctor, because I spent three days totally freaking out about it. But I'd recommend not spending three days freaking out about it. 
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  • I had brown spotting with small red blood clumps. The brown apotting lasted about three weeks. I went on to the ER and had an us. I had sub chorionic hemmoraging. It is suppose to go away on its own which it did. They said if I had severe cramps wit bright blood that o should come in. Mostly nothing to worry of its brown. They said its old blood. Hope it helps. Thinking of you
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  • I going through that right now. And I went to doctor yesterday for my 12 week visit and they couldn't find my baby they said it's possible my baby could be hiding behind my pelvic bone but I'm scared out of my mind i feel like something is wrong and I hope it's not they did sum blood work on me yesterday but I dnt knw what to think this is scary.. Has anyone experience this before??
  • kcencelewskikcencelewski member
    edited November 2014
    I was in the Er today with bright red bleeding, small clumps. It ended quickly, but on my transvaginal, they could not find a heartbeat. They said it could possibly be too early to hear it. I'm supposedly 9w2d but my first appt with my normal ob is dec 5th. Maybe I've miscalculated. Hoping and praying everything turns out alright. They couldn't tell me if it would turn out to be a normal pregnancy or if I would miscarry. We just have to monitor my hcg levels and keep an eye on things. This is all in Gods hands.
  • kdc5000kdc5000 member
    edited November 2014
    I'm 13 weeks and just had an issue with brown spotting and clots this past weekend, with no previous episodes of bleeding. I had an emergency ultrasound on Monday, and joyfully, everything is fine. They determined I have a low-lying placenta which caused the bleeding. Obviously something to monitor, but it should rectify by 20 weeks. Sharing the news just to keep the positive vibes going--hoping you ladies will also able to get some reassurance that everything is fine.
  • I still been bleeding but it's only when I go to the rest room or if I'm standing on feet for a long period of time.. And my doctor office never called me with any results on my blood work they had to do again so I'm guessing everything must have been good... I'm still praying!!!! I go bck to doctor dec 8 I pray they see my baby this time and that my baby is hiding behind my pelvic bone becuz that is a scary thing not being able to see ur baby
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